23 Mar 2 Seas Agency’s International Publishing Fellowships Listing
* Please note that the below overview of publishing fellowships was established during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many dates may not apply at the time of writing nor for the foreseeable future *
By Nikoleta Koukmisi & Chrysothemis Armefti — Article first published in May 2020, updated regularly
Are you an international publishing professional interested in participating in publishing fellowships while traveling the world? Check out 2 Seas Agency’s listing below!
Publishing fellowships are a great way to develop relationships within the international publishing community, facilitate rights sales and bring books to an international audience.
Participants of such publishing fellowships get the chance to develop a new perspective on different book markets, understand local trends, discover new authors for their program and/or sell rights to their books. These events constitute an incredible learning experience, are highly enriching both on a professional and a personal level, and help bring people together from around the world to build those important personal bonds that are essential for the publishing industry.
2 Seas Agency has created a list of some international publishing fellowships, offering an insight on each program that industry professionals can discover and may be interested in applying for.
You’ll notice that most fellowships are open only to editors and not agents — the goal of publishing fellowships in general is to promote their local literature abroad, rather than the other way around. This is a recurring topic, for instance during this recent presentation of international fellowships organized by the Facebook group Publishers Without Borders. Be that as it may, any initiative to bring international publishing professionals together is a good one if you ask us!
The information below is subject to change, and this current Publishing Fellowships listing is probably far from complete. Much like our Translation Grants Listing and International Book Fair Calendar, this is a work in progress. Please contact us if you know of a publishing fellowship that isn’t part of the list and/or if you have additional information!
Feria de Editores and the Ministry of Culture FED
Where: Buenos Aires, Argentina
For whom: The grant only addresses publishers from the following countries/regions: Germany, France, Spain, Latin America.If the publishers are not from the countries/regions mentioned, they encourage you to apply but the publishers have to cover the air ticket by themselves.
Dates/Duration: August (6 days)
What’s Covered: They cover the travel costs, accommodation for 5 nights, and most meals.
What: meetings with publishers, authors and right managers, including lectures and evening activities. Fluency in English is required; Spanish communication skills are preferable, but not compulsory.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Apply here
Visiting International Publishers (VIPs) programme
Where: Sydney, Australia
For whom: international publishers, editors, rights managers, literary agents and scouts, who are actively acquiring titles and authors; interested in Australian writing; Applications from all territories are welcome, although preference will be given to the Australia Council’s priority regions of North America (Canada and the US); Europe; South and South-East Asia (India, Indonesia and Singapore); and North Asia (mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and the Republic of Korea); children’s book are also strongly encouraged.
Dates/Duration: April-May (7 days)
What’s Covered: accommodation, some meals at official VIPs functions, and the following support for travel: $2,500 to support attendees from Europe and North America and $2,000 to support attendees from South and South East Asia, and North Asia. (Delegates will be responsible for all other costs associated with attendance)
What: Held in conjunction with the Sydney Writer’s Festival, the Australia Council for the Arts offers an intensive week-long schedule of business meetings, networking events, industry forums, bookstore visits, writers’ festival events, and panel discussions with Australian publishers and agents. It includes two full days of book-fair-style meetings in which Australian publishers and agents will pitch their titles to the visiting publishers.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: See the Australia Council for the Arts website or contact Karen Le Roy on 02 9215 9054 or k.leroy@australiacouncil.gov.au.
International Festival of Authors – The International Visitors (IV) Program
Where: Toronto, Canada
For whom: publishers, agents, authors
Dates/Duration: October
What’s covered: Accommodation and most meal expenses will be covered
What: Events include: a series of publisher- and agent-sponsored breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and cocktail receptions; a mini-rights fair with 15-minute quick-pitch meetings; an industry panel exploring some of the issues on the collective minds of the publishing community; a day-trip to Niagara Falls with authors from around the world who are in Toronto for the Festival; site visits to local bookstores; and the Festival readings, panel discussions, and onstage interviews.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Link to the application here: https://festivalofauthors.ca/festival/ivprogramme
Salon du livre de Montréal, Rendez-vous Fellowship Program
Where: Montréal (Québec, Canada)
For whom: 10-15 editors. Applicants must have at least three years of experience in the publishing field as a foreign literature editor, foreign rights manager, etc. Publishing houses whose catalog already includes French-language books in translation will be favored; Fluency in French or English is mandatory.
Dates/Duration: November (6 days)
What’s covered: plane tickets, accommodation (hotel chosen by Québec Édition), breakfasts, two dinners, the pass for the Montreal Book Fair.
What: presentation of the Quebec book market, presentation on children’s literature and contemporary literature; a tour of the city (+ bookstores, publishing houses, libraries); activities at the Montreal Book Fair; individual meetings with Quebec publishers; several networking opportunities.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: click here or contact Morgane Marvier: m.marvier@anel.qc.ca
The Beijing Publishing Fellowship (Currently suspended for funding reasons)
Where: Beijing, China
For whom: publishers
Dates/Duration: August
What’s Covered: International travel and accommodation are paid for; some meals and transportation are paid for.
What: Business visits and meetings with local publishing companies, including several major state-owned publishing groups and their frontline companies, great private companies, book & reading related social media / online retail companies, visits to bookstores, spaces promoting reading, etc. A training workshop for local Chinese editors (two days in total). One-on-one meetings (can be arranged according to your needs).
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Application (downloaded) here. Contact : fellowship@paper-republic.org
Shanghai Visiting International Publishers project (SHVIP) – China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair
Where: Shanghai, China
For whom: children’s book editors and a couple of spots open for agents and scouts, rights managers (10-12 people)
Dates/Duration: November (6 days)
What’s covered: Air ticket allowance to travel to Shanghai, 6 nights’ hotel accommodation
What: A tailor-made tour to local publishing houses, bookstores and other places of importance around Shanghai; Participation in many CCBF top events: SHVIP Book Pitch Party, professional conference programme etc.; Access to all CCBF match-making and networking opportunities to boost your business network.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Application form here. Contact Carolina Ballester, SHVIP programme manager carolina.ballester@bfchina.net
Where: Bogota, Colombia
For whom: 6-8 publishers, editors, agents, scouts and in some cases translators that are interested in the Spanish speaking market (most of the fellows know Spanish very well, but it is not a condition to be selected)
Dates/Duration: April (5 days)
What’s covered: It covers all expenses: airplane tickets and 5 nights at the Hilton Hotel.
What: The program seeks to connect Fellows to Colombian publishers and booksellers in order to exchange experiences and create business opportunities. Two days of this program are dedicated exclusively to the International Professional Business Center, a place where you can find, negotiate, sell and buy books, as well as Spanish rights. Fellows will have complete autonomy to create their agendas through a platform where they will find the list of all the national and international participants. The Fellowship Program also offers an experience within the new cultural life of the city of Bogotá.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Contact profesionales@camlibro.com.co
Cairo Calling (organized by Sherif Bakr of Al-Arabi Publishing House), Cairo International book fair
Where: Cairo, Egypt
For whom: publishers and agents
What’s Covered: accommodation and 75% of your ticket to Cairo, tickets to the Fair, transportation from and to the venue every day.
Dates/Duration : January (3 days)
What: Three days at the beginning of the fair to help with the matchmaking. They facilitate and organise the meetings. For those who don’t speak English, they can provide a personal translator. Group dinner and maybe some cultural activities.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: email the application to sherifbakr@yahoo.com stating why you want to come to the fair and if you have any projects you did before along with a small bio about you and if you have worked before with the Arab world.
Editors’ Week/ FILI / Finnish Literature Exchange
Where: Helsinki, Finland
For whom: international publishers, acquiring editors and some scouts
Dates/Duration: 4 days (exact dates are determined during the preceding year)- for non-fiction usually a day shorter
What’s covered: flights and accommodation.
What: Finnish Literature Exchange is an organization that promotes Finnish literature abroad. There is a three genre-wise fellowships per year
Applications for this publishing fellowship: On invitation only. FILI gets recommendations from Finnish agents and meet publishers at international book fairs. They welcome direct contacting, too: Päivi Haarala paivi.haarala@finlit.fi & Tel. +358 (0)40 5468 645
Fellowship in Paris (BIEF) – Livre Paris
Where: Paris, France
For whom: 14 publishers of literature and the humanities.
PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS: To be preferably under 40/ To be an editorial executive/manager in Literature or the Humanities with at least 4 years of experience in the field and an interest in French publishing/ To manage French sufficiently to be able to read a text in French/ To have good skills in English: sufficiently to be able to take part in the meetings and round table discussions, that will be mainly held in English.
Dates/Duration: March (7 days)
What’s covered: Participants’ hotel bills will be paid by the BIEF (Bureau international de l’édition française) that also pays a per diem (50 €/day). They don’t cover travel expenses.
What: “B to B” meetings with French publishers and visits to French publishing houses. Several round tables to discuss the main stakes of both the Humanities and Foreign Literature publishers in France and elsewhere.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Contact c.mauguiere@bief.org (Claire Mauguière) and a.lacorre@bief.org (Anne Lacorre)
Frankfurt Fellowship Programme – Frankfurt Book Fair
Where: Frankfurt, Germany
For whom: (from 16 countries) Publishers, editors, rights and licence directors and managers, and literary agents from all over the world, with several years of experience in publishing (at least three) and good English language skills. (focused more on North America, Europe, Asia)
Dates/Duration: October (2 weeks)
What’s Covered: Travel expenses in Germany, accommodation within Germany and a part of the cost of meals are covered.
What: Plan: visit 3 German cities and various publishing houses, agencies and bookstores, market presentations, matchmaking events (focus on rights selling and buying), the fellows have their own meetings
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Application here / Deadline is 30th April. Will need three letters of recommendation from international partners, a letter of recommendation from your own management, and the completed pdf-application form.
NB: there is another Frankfurt fellowship program on invitation for publishers from Africa, Asia, South America, and the Arab world.
What: training, seminars
Thessaloniki Book Fair Fellowship Program
Where: Thessaloniki, Greece
For whom: International publishing professionals, including publishers, editors, agents, etc.
Dates/Duration: May (dates for 2023: 4-7 May)
What’s covered: 4 nights hotel accommodation
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Contact: Sartika Dian +6281318989219 submit@islandsofimagination.id
Jakarta Fellowship Program
Where: Jakarta, Indonesia
For whom: International publishing professionals, including publishers, editors, agents, etc.
Dates/Duration: September (a week)
What’s covered: Support for one person’s airfare from one company (round trip, only for economy class, daily expenses and six-nights-accommodation. A booth at The Market of the Litbeat Literaction Festival. A professional tour to the Indonesia International Book Fair 2019.
What: A number of selected Indonesian publishers will host foreign publishers whom they have already acquainted as their international business relations. The objective is to offer mutual benefits and opportunities for Indonesian publishers as hosts and their international publishing partners in sharing experiences and working development plans for future ventures.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Application form
Reykjavík International Literary Festival
Where: Reykjavík, Iceland
For whom: 8-12 participants (publishers & editors) interested in Icelandic literature
Dates/Duration: every 2 years, takes place in April, up to 6 days
What’s covered: travel costs, accommodation,
What: attend festival activities, excursion, meeting with publishers and authors
Applications for this publishing fellowship: open in October, contact: stella@bokmenntahatid.is
Jerusalem International Book Fair – Zev Birger Fellows
Where: Jerusalem, Israel
For whom: Editors, literary agents and literary scouts
Dates/Duration: May (4 days). Occurs every two years
What’s covered: Accommodation, tours/travels, and some meals are covered. Generally the employer of the fellow pays for his/her flight.
What: week-long seminar which focuses on significant issues of interest to the international publishing community
Applications for this publishing fellowship: they ask for a letter of commitment from the employer regarding this. Contact Sharon Katz: ktsharon@jerusalem.muni.il.
Experience: Read Marleen’s experience as a 2017 Jerusalem fellow here
Where: Bologna, Italy
For whom: young professionals in the children’s publishing world
Dates/Duration: April-May (6-7 days)
What’s covered: To be confirmed
What: a rich program of visits and meetings
Applications for this publishing fellowship: by invitation only
Where: Rome, Italy
For whom: Publishers
Dates/Duration: December (4 days)
What’s covered: 3 nights accommodation, light lunch during meetings, shuttle bus, free customized table at the rights center for 2 days; light lunch during the b2b meetings; entrance pass; For a limited number of attendees coming from outside of the EU, the organization will also cover the flight ticket in economy class.
What: personal agenda (b2b meetings and seminars) arranged by the organizers.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Info & application form. Contact: rights@plpl.it
Salone internazionale del libro
Where: Turin, Italy
For whom: publishers and agents
Dates/Duration: May
What’s covered: To be confirmed
What: Two Fellowship Programs : Book to Screen (audio-visual development and adaptation and the corresponding rights) and Book to Book (international publishing and translation rights)
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Registration
Experience: Read all about Chrys’s experiences as a fellow at the 2017 Turin Book Fair and read Marleen’s thoughts about being a fellow one year prior, in 2016
FIL Rights Exchange – Feria del libro de Guadalajara
Where: Guadalajara, Mexico
For whom: 10 editors/publishers and editors from countries where Spanish is non official language
Dates/Duration: November (5 days)
What’s covered: 6 nights of hotel accommodation
What: Special activities/ events, all selected editors/publishers must book their own table at the Rights Center, with a rate of 8000 Mexican pesos, around 400 USD
Applications for this publishing fellowship: contact ruben.padilla@fil.com.mx; (52 33) 3810-0331, ext. 915
The Netherlands
Amsterdam Fellowship for International Publishers (AFIP)
Where: Amsterdam, Netherlands
For whom: publishers, rights managers (they can apply only once)
Dates/Duration: September (3 – 4 days)
What’s Covered: travel expenses, accommodation and all meals (cover all costs)
What: Includes a reception at the Foundation for Literature and three or four dinners or lunches for larger parties
Applications for this publishing fellowship: On invitation only. Contact: post@letterenfonds.nl
Fellowship program arranged by NORLA in collaboration with the Norwegian Publishers’ Association
Where: Norwegian Festival of Literature at Lillehammer
For whom: 16 Publishers/editors, sub-agents and scouts who are interested in publishing/working with Norwegian literature. Around half the places are reserved for English language publishers and the rest is open for participants from all language areas.
Dates/Duration: May (4 days)
What’s covered: They cover travel costs, accommodation and meals for 3 nights. You should count with some expenses for transfer to/from the airport, local transport, snacks, etc. NORLA takes care of the hotel reservation and hotel payment. Travel arrangements are done by NORLA or by agreement.
What: It starts in the afternoon in Oslo, and ends with lunch in Lillehammer. The participants visit publishing houses and agencies, and be introduced to Norwegian authors of current interest. Speed dating with Norwegian agents will be arranged and they will also attend parts of the official literary program of the festival.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Submit your application: oliver.moystad@norla.no
Doha Publishing Fellowship Program
Where: Doha, Qatar
For whom: publishers
Dates/Duration: January (2 days)
What’s covered: They cover everything (but they are planning to change it for 3 different “levels” of support)
What: The program provides publishers with a sophisticated electronic system that allows them to register their accounts, organize meeting times with publishers, exchange ideas, explore opportunities to acquire, and sell copyright. The program will also provide participants with the opportunity to attend seminars and partake in dialogues managed by leading specialists in the field of publishing.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Contact info@dohabookfair.qa
MIBFxBCBF publishers fellowship
Where: Moscow International Book Fair
For whom: 7 top-notch children’s book professionals from China, Italy, USA and the United Kingdom
Dates/Duration: September (6 days)
What’s covered: To be confirmed
What: The fellowship included an intensive agenda of visits and meetings that took seven fellows to meet key local children’s publishers, illustrators, art schools, bookstores, libraries and other relevant cultural institutions, including museums and art galleries.They take part in the other professional events taking place at the fair.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Contact and applications: welcome@mibf.info
International Fellowship Program – Edinburgh International Book Festival
Where: Edinburgh, Scotland
For whom: Publishers/Directors looking to discover Scottish books – fiction, non-fiction, and children’s – and to acquire rights.
Dates/Duration: August (3 days)
What’s Covered: Travel, accommodation, and some meals are covered.
What: Activities at the Edinburgh International Book Festival presentations on the Scottish book market; individual meetings with Scottish publishers; Visits to bookshops and publishing houses; Networking events
Applications for this publishing fellowship: See this 2020 Leaflet (for more information, read our interview with Marion Sinclair, director of Publishing Scotland here)
Slovenian Book Agency Fellowship
Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia
For whom: up to 10 international publishers and editors of fiction and non-fiction as well as journalists covering cultural topics and literary event managers/festival organizers.
Dates/Duration: August (4 days)
What’s covered: travel costs up to 500€ and the complete lodging and program costs
What: study-journeys for foreign publishers in order to enhance the translational potential of Slovenian literature.meet various translators, visit a networking event with Slovenian publishers, learn about financing opportunities for publishers of Slovenian literature abroad and enjoy day trips to relevant destinations and events in Slovenia, such as the international Days of Poetry and Wine Festival in Ptuj.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Info & Application form; submission to anja.kovac@jakrs.si
South Korea
Seoul International Book Fair (fellowship organized by LTI Korea)
Where: Seoul, Korea
For whom: publishers and agents
Dates/Duration: June (4 days)
What’s covered: All expenses paid
What: Meetings with Korean publishers
Applications for this publishing fellowship: contact Sooyun Yum, Program Officer, English Team, Division of Translation & Publication at LTI, and can be reached at ysooyun@klti.or.kr
South Korea
Seoul International Book Fair (fellowship organized by the Korean Publishers Association)
Where: Seoul, Korea
For whom: publishers and agents
Dates/Duration: June (4 days)
What’s covered: travel expenses up to a certain amount, depending where you are traveling from
What: a table at the SIBF for you to take meetings at
Applications for this publishing fellowship: contact Ms Hyojin KUH: hjkuh@kpa21.or.kr
Experience: Read Marleen’s article about participating in the SIBF KPA Fellowship in 2019
Where: Barcelona, Spain
For whom: publishers and agents (10 Fiction publishers and 8 children’s publishers)
Dates/Duration: September (6 days)
What’s Covered: Travel and accommodation and expenses during the fellowship will be covered by the IRL: 5 nights
What: talks, workshops, activities and meetings.
Criteria: country and catalogue of the publishing house, Catalan authors published and reasons for applying.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Contact Rosa Crespí, rcrespi@llull.cat
Göteborg Book Fair Fellowship Program, Göteborg Book Fair
Where: Göteborg, Sweden
For whom: publishers, agents and translators (approx. 15 publishers/15 translators)
Dates/Duration: End of September (3 nights)
What’s covered: travel grant 2500/7000 SEK (within/outside Europe), 3 nights in a hotel booked by them, entrance card to all seminars at the fair.
What: seminars and events at the fair, a partly booked program with lectures, meetings and dinners and a lot of time for individual programs.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Apply here between 6th February – 2nd April
Where: Umeå, Sweden
For whom: 5 international publishers
Dates/Duration: March (2 days- weekend)
What’s covered:
What: a small fellowship program with meetings, talks and seminars. The publishers are introduced to the Swedish book market, meet authors, colleagues and experience winter in northern Sweden.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Selection made by Littfest, most often the publishers who have authors attending the festival. Contact : susanne.bergstrom.larsson@artscouncil.se
Stockholm Publishing Fellowship
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
For whom: maximum 10 publishers, different themes each year
Dates/Duration: Beginning of December (4 days)
What’s covered: Travel and hotel for 3 nights covered. Partly booked program with lectures, meetings and dinners
What: a visiting programme for international publishers to learn about the Swedish book market, meet Swedish agents and publishing colleagues and find new authors and titles.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: No application. Contact: susanne.bergstrom.larsson@artscouncil.se and they send out invitations to apply
Where: Taipei, Taiwan
For whom: on invitation only, but potential candidates are welcomed to send the brief bio and company introduction for future consideration
Dates/Duration: November (one week duration)
What’s covered: They cover six nights of hotel plus an economy class round-trip ticket.
What: Combination of fellowship (sightseeing, visits to bookstores, meetings with local publishers) and workshop (in which the fellows give presentations according to their expertise and serve as mentors in group discussion sessions).
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Send inquiries to booksfromtaiwan.rights@gmail.com.
ITEF – ITEF Istanbul International Literature Festival
Where: Istanbul, Turkey
For whom: Professionals working in the field of literature and translation
Dates/Duration: May (5 days)
What’s covered: Accommodation is covered, travel expenses are not
What: international events for professionals, meetings
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Application here. For details contact: fellowship@itef.com.tr.
ISTANBUL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM – Turkish Press and Publishers Copyright & Licensing Society
Where: Istanbul, Turkey
For whom: publishers
Dates/Duration: March (3 days)
What’s covered: For Golden Support Package: (3 packages of support) travel expenses, 4 nights’ accommodation, breakfast + lunch + dinner provided throughout the program, Airport pick up and drop off service, Translation support during meetings, the transportation service is provided for three days to provide access to the meetings and the hotel. More info for Silver and Bronze Support Package
What: Seminars, bilateral meetings to take place at the end of the 3-day program
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Applications here
African Writers Trust Publishing Fellowship Programme
Where: Kampala, Uganda
For whom: Εarly career publishers and creative writers intending to self-publish their manuscripts. Applicants will be selected from Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
Dates/Duration: March (7 days)
What’s covered: Air travel expenses for the successful candidates. Accommodation and meal expenses provided for the duration of the workshop.
What: Residential Mentoring and Training Workshop. Following the workshop, all Fellows will be invited to make an application for a seed funding budget worth 4200 EUR.The winner will be expected to publish the book within a prescribed timeline.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: To apply, candidates must have an ongoing project in the form of a manuscript. Contact and submission: info@africanwriterstrust.org and kizzaatawt@gmail.com
United Arab Emirates
Publishers Conference – Sharjah International Book Fair
Where: Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
For whom: International publishing rights professionals who have a catalogue of translation rights to buy or sell, with an interest in doing business in the Arab market
Dates/Duration: October/November
What’s covered: flights, accommodation, food and local transportation
What: seminar programme, introductions to Arab and international publishing professionals, one-to-one matchmaking sessions and networking.A chance to benefit from the SIBF Translation Grant, a $300k fund for rights agreements made during the programme.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Application & info here
Experience: Read Chrys’s experience as a SIBF fellow in 2016 here, and Marleen’s experience about being a SIBF fellow in 2014 here.
United Kingdom — Georgia, Turkey or Ukraine
British Council International Publishing Fellowship
For whom: Six publishing professionals from the UK will be paired with counterparts in Georgia, Turkey or Ukraine. Have 2-6 years’ experience in the sector. Work in trade fiction or nonfiction, across any genre.
Dates/Duration: from September 2019 – September 2020
What’s covered: UK Fellows’ flights, visa costs, accommodation, transfers, and per diems on their overseas study trip. UK Fellows’ domestic travel, per diems (and accommodation where necessary) to take part in activities when the overseas Fellows visit the UK.
What: Online meetings. Fellows from Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine visit the UK for a study trip. British Fellows study trips. At the end of the Fellowship, Fellows will be invited to bid for a development fund of up to £3k each.
Applications for this publishing fellowship: Application & Info. Contact: literature@britishcouncil.org
MICSur/ Creative Industries Market of the South
Where: Montevideo, Uruguay (different city every year)
For whom: artistic and cultural markets from 10 South American countries
Dates/Duration: May (4 days)
What’s covered: To be confirmed
What: To be confirmed
Applications for this publishing fellowship: To be confirmed
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