31 Jul Foreign Rights Deals Negotiated in Previous Years
Take a look at 2 Seas Agency’s foreign rights deals negotiated in previous years:
- Barbery, Muriel, A Single Rose (Une rose seule): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Oevers)
- Dubois, Philippe J. and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Bulgaria (Znaci)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Lithuania (Obuolys)
- Groen, Hendrik, Cheerfully on to the Finish Line (Opgewekt naar de eindstreep): Estonia (Eesti Raamat Publishers)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): Brazil (Rosa dos Tempos/Record, at auction)
- Regnerus, Jannie, The Cloud Pavilion (Het wolkenpaviljoen): Finland (Aporia Kustannus Oy)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 5 (L’arabe du futur): Czech Republic (Baobab)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: Taiwan (Yuan-Liou, renewal)
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, The ABCs of Wisdom (Abécédaire de la sagesse): Taiwan (Athena Press/Eurasian Publishing Group), Portugal (Presença)
- Boon, Lex, Pineapple (Ananas): Italy (Add Editore)
- Castro, Catherine & Zuttion, Quentin, Call Me Nathan (Appelez-moi Nathan): World English (SelfMadeHero)
- Deneault, Alain, Mediocracy (La Médiocratie): Turkey (Yeni Insan)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): the Netherlands (Kosmos), Japan (AKI SHOBO), Portugal (Presença)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like James Bond (Agir et penser comme James Bond): Romania (Niculescu Editura)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Poland (Fijorr Publishing)
- Kopland, Rutger, Thanks to the Things (Dankzij de dingen): Germany (Hanser, renewal)
- Méra, Nicolas, Happy to See You! Overcoming social awkwardness and learning how to live with others (again) (Content de vous voir ! Surmonter la maladresse sociale et apprendre à (re)vivre avec les autres): Korea (Catholic Book Publishing House)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): Germany (Hanser, at auction), the Netherlands (Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep/Singel)
- Postma, Arjan, How One Crazy Ant Can Change the World. And Other Wonderful Stories From Nature (Hoe één gekke mier de wereld kan veranderen): Germany (Knesebeck)
- Peters, Tom, Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism: Brazil (Buzz Editora, in a pre-empt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 5 (L’arabe du futur): Finland (WSOY)
- Sheridan, Marcus & Lessard, Tyler, The Visual Sale : Taiwan (Business Weekly Publications)
- Spanke, Matthias, Retail Isn’t Dead. Innovative Strategies for Brick and Mortar Retail Success: China (China Science and Technology Press Co.)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Latvia (Ganden Buddhist Center)
- Traverso, Enzo, Singular Pasts (Passés singuliers. Le «je» dans l’écriture de l’histoire): World Spanish (Alianza, at auction), Catalan (Afers)
- Vuillard, Éric, The War of the Poor (La Guerre des Pauvres): Sweden (Lind & Co)
- Žižek, Slavoj, Pandemic! 2 Chronicles of a Time Lost: Norway (Solum)
- Aouine, Sofia, Rhapsody of the Overlooked (Rhapsodie des oubliés): Russia (Gorodets)
- Avallone, Silvia, A Friendship (Un’amicizia): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Berry, Wendell, Selection of 12 essays: France (Actes Sud)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Greece (Brainfood)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Perfume Knows Who You Are (Il profumo sa chi sei): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Greece (Livanis, at auction), Korea (Mirbook, at auction)
- Garnier, Stéphane, I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health! (J’ai décidé d’être heureux… c’est bon pour la santé !): Greece (Livanis, at auction)
- Kreier, Felix, Biezeveld, Maarten, The Hamster-Brain-Method: How to Lose Weight in a Sustainable Manner (De Hamster in Je Brein): Germany (Graefe & Unzer, at auction)
- May, Nicola, Christmas in Cockleberry Bay: the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Zomer & Keuning)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Nietzsche (Agir et penser comme Nietzsche): Korea (Planet B)
- Michielsen, Dido, Lighter than I (Lichter dan ik): Indonesia (Marjin Kiri)
- Nothias, Jean-Luc, Where Does the Light Go When We Switch It Off? (Où va la lumière quand on l’éteint ?): Korea (Book’s Hill)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): World Spanish (Lumen/PRH, in a pre-empt)
- Pepin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La Confiance en soi, une philosophie): Serbia (Vulkan, at auction)
- Peters, Tom, Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism: Korea (Korea Economic Daily & Business Publication, at auction)
- Prophète, Emmélie, The Testament of Solitudes (Le Testament des solitudes): World English (Amazon Crossing)
- Regnerus, Jannie, The Lamb (Het Lam): Germany (Weidle Verlag)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 4 (L’arabe du futur): Poland (Kultura Gniewu)
- Varrod, Pierre, Freud Among the Greeks (Freud chez les grecs): Greece (Livanis)
- Žižek, Slavoj, Pandemic! 2 Chronicles of a Time Lost: Denmark (Forlaget Politisk Revy)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Occupation Thesaurus. A Writer’s Guide to Jobs, Vocations, and Careers: China (Ginkgo Book Co., Ltd.)
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, The ABCs of Wisdom (Abécédaire de la sagesse): Brazil (Palas Athena), Romania (Editura Trei)
- Aquarian, Isis & Aquarian, Electricity, The Source. The Untold Story of Father Yod, YaHoWha 13, and The Source Family: France (Camion Blanc)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away (La femme qui fuit): Croatia (Leykam)
- Bonnefoy, Miguel, Legacy (Héritage): USA (Other Press, NA)
- Gendrot, Valentin, Cop. How I infiltrated the police: Finland (Docendo, in a pre-empt)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Slovenia (Založba Vida)
- Groen, Hendrik, A Little Surprise (Een kleine verrassing): Italy (Longanesi)
- Lafon, Lola, Keeling Over (Chavirer): World English (Europa Editions)
- Mak-Bouchard, Olivier, The Tale of the Mistral (Le Dit du Mistral): the Netherlands (Meulenhoff, at auction)
- Mullen, Brendan; Bolles, Don & Parfrey, Adam, Lexicon Devil. The Fast Times and Short Life of Darby Crash and The Germs: France (Camion Blanc)
- Notter, Jamie and Grant, Maddie, When Millennials Take Over: Germany (Franzius Verlag)
- Raimondi, Daniela, The House on the River Bank (La casa sull’argine): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Ray, Jean, Malpertuis & The City of the Unspeakable Fear (Malpertuis & La Cité de l’indicible peur): USA (Wakefield, NA)
- Vajre, Sangram & Spett, Eric, ABM is B2B.: Why B2B Marketing and Sales is Broken and How to Fix it: China (Beijing Jieteng Culture & Media Ltd)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Occupation Thesaurus. A Writer’s Guide to Jobs, Vocations, and Careers: Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Bergsman, Steve, I Put a Spell on You. The Bizarre Life of Screamin’ Jay Hawkins: France (Camion Blanc)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Japan (Chikumashobo)
- Flanagan, Harley, Hard-Core. Life of My Own: France (Camion Blanc)
- Johannesson, Ika & Jefferson Klingberg, Jon, Blood Fire Death. The Swedish Metal Story: France (Camion Blanc)
- Kollaard, Sander, A Day in the Life of a Dog (Uit het leven van een hond): Japan (Shincho-sha)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Poland (Purana), Japan (Diamond)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 5 (Les Cahiers d’Esther t. 5): Germany (Reprodukt)
- Scotto, Robert, Moondog. The Viking of 6th Ave: France (Camion Blanc)
- Voskuil, J.J, The Bureau: Mr Beerta Vol.1 & Dirty Hands Vol. 2 (Het Bureau, Meneer Beerta & Vuile Handen): Sweden (Nilsson Forlag)
JULY 2020
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Occupation Thesaurus. A Writer’s Guide to Jobs, Vocations, and Careers: Korea (WillBooks)
- Altucher, James, Reinvent Yourself: Korea (BP Publishers)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Victor Kessler Hasn’t Said It All (Victor Kessler n’a pas tout dit): Vietnam (Nha Nam)
- Bonnefoy, Miguel, Heritage (Héritage): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij, in a pre-empt)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Slovakia (Albatros)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless. How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: Germany (Franzius Verlag)
- Godefroy, Aurélie, How to Live Like Coco Chanel (Agir et penser comme Coco Chanel): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Kollaard, Sander, A Day in the Life of a Dog (Uit het leven van een hond): Korea (Next Wave Media)
- Kusters, Wouter, A Philosophy of Madness (Filosofie van de waanzin): China (Ginkgo Book Co., Ltd.)
- Masino, Paola, Birth and Death of the Housewife (Nascita e morte della massaia): Brazil (Instante)
- Simon, Isabelle, All about that Ass (Traité du trou du cul): Korea (Munhakdongne Publishing Corp.)
- Spanke, Matthias, Retail Isn’t Dead: Innovative Strategies for Brick and Mortar Retail Success: Korea (Geulhangari, at auction)
- Toussaint, Eric, The Debt System (Le système dette): Sweden (Bokförläggarna Röda Rummet)
- Van Hooijdonk, Richard, The World Of Tomorrow (De Wereld van morgen): Bulgaria audio (Storytel)
- Xenakis, Stefanos, The Gift (Το δώρο): The Netherlands (HarperCollins, at auction)
JUNE 2020
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Serbia (Dereta)
- Bhargava, Rohit, The Non-Obvious Guide To Virtual Meetings And Remote Work (When You Just Can’t Be There In Person): English Indian Subcontinent (Penguin Random House India), Vietnam (1980 Books), Korea (Gimm-Young)
- Biesheuvel, J.M.A., A selection of stories (Reis door mijn kamer, De Dienst, Brief aan Vader, Brommer op Zee): Germany (Faber & Faber Verlag)
- Delacampagne, Christian, History of Slavery (Histoire de l’esclavage): Arabic (National Center for Translation of the Ministry of Culture of Egypt)
- De Vos, Marjoleine, You Looked Too Far (Je keek te ver): Germany (Verlag Freies Geistesleben & Urachhaus)
- Dufumier, Marc, From Farm to Table (De la table à l’assiette): Korea (Book’s Hill)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Serbia (Blum Publishing)
- Goyette, Kerry, The Non-Obvious Guide to Emotional Intelligence (Non-Obvious Guides): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Griffin, Susan, Woman and Nature: France (Editions Le Pommier)
- Harsvik, Wegard & Skjerve, Ingvar, Homo Solidaricus – confronting the myth of human selfishness (Homo Solidaricus – et oppgjør med myten om det egoistiske mennesket): Germany (Links Verlag)
- Kader, Slimane, With a View Below the Sea (Avec vue sous la mer): China (Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House)
- Martin, Holly, Sunrise over Sapphire Bay, Autumn Skies Over Ruby Falls, Ice Creams at Emerald Cove: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning, three-book deal)
- May, Nicola, Love Me Tinder: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning/VBK Media)
- Musso, Guillaume, The Writers’ Secret Life (La Vie secrète des écrivains): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Catalan (Dipankara)
MAY 2020
- Altucher, James,The Rich Employee: Korea (Willbes)
- Barbery, Muriel, A Single Rose (Une rose seule): USA (Europa Editions, NA)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non Obvious Megatrends. How to See What Others Miss and Predict the Future: Germany (Franzius Verlag), Russia (Eksmo), China (China Worker), English Indian Subcontinent (Penguin Random House India)
- Camurri, Roberto, The Name of the Mother (Il nomme de la madre): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Emma, A Different Take On the Climate (Un autre regard sur le climat): Germany (UNRAST Verlag)
- Garnier, Stéphane, I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health! (J’ai décidé d’être heureux… c’est bon pour la santé!): Bulgaria (Locus)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless. How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: Arabic (Jarir Bookstore)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Universal History of Stupidity (Histoire universelle de la connerie) & Psychology of Beautiful and Ugly Ones (Psychologie des beaux et des moches): Korea (WillBooks)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Albania (PEMA)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor (De Dirigent): Bulgaria (UNISCORP)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk : Italy (Mondadori)
- Schermer, Marijke, Love, if You Say So (Liefde, als dat het is): World English (World Editions)
- Žižek, Slavoj, Pandemic! Covid-19 Shakes the World: Norway (Solum, in a pre-empt)
APRIL 2020
- Bonidan, Cathy, Victor Kessler Hasn’t Said It All (Victor Kessler n’a pas tout dit): Spain (Grijalbo/PRH Spain)
- Bonidan, Cathy, The Perfume of the Hellebore Rose (Le parfum de l’hellébore): Netherlands (Mozaiek)
- de Beauvoir, Simone, The Inseparables (Les inséparables): North America (Ecco/HarperCollins, in a pre-empt)
- Caboni, Cristina, The House of Mirrors (La casa degli specchi): France (Presses de la Cité)
- Faggiani, Franco, The Boy Who Played With the Clouds (Il bambino che giocava con le nuvole): the Netherlands (Signatuur)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Romania (Niculescu)
- Giordano, Paolo, How Contagion Works (Nel Contagio): North America (Bloomsbury for e-book and print rights; PRH Audio for audio rights)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken) & As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Vietnam (Tre Publishing)
- Le Fébure Du Bus, Emmanuel-Marie, Desir & Unity (Désir et unité): USA (Ignatius Press, WEL) – World English
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Psychology of Beautiful and Ugly Ones (Psychologie des beaux et des moches): Japan (Pan Rolling)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Taiwan (Athena Press/Eurasian Publishing Group)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 1 (L’arabe du futur): Poland (Kultura Gniewu, renewal)
- Žižek, Slavoj, Pandemic! Covid-19 Shakes the World: France (Actes Sud, at auction), the Netherlands (Uitgeverij JEA, at auction), Denmark (Forlaget Politisk Revy)
MARCH 2020
- Ardone, Viola, The Children’s Train (Il Treno dei Bambini): Iceland (Forlagid), Finland (Aula & Co, in a pre-empt)
- Bergeron, Ben, Chasing Excellence: A Story About Building the World’s Fittest Athletes: Germany (Münchner Verlagsgruppe)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non Obvious Megatrends. How to See What Others Miss and Predict the Future: Taiwan (Yuan-Liou)
- Cannell, Sean, Travis, Benji, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer: Ukraine (BookChef)
- Dubois-Collet, Sophie, History Takes the Train (L’Histoire prend le train): Italy (Add Editore)
- Duportail, Judith, The Tinder Affair (L’Amour sous algorithme): Denmark (Forlaget Edito)
- Emma, A Different Take On the Climate (Un autre regard sur le climat): Italy (Laterza)
- Enard, Mathias, The Annual Banquet of the Brotherhood of Gravediggers (Le Banquet annuel de la confrérie des fossoyeurs): USA (New Directions, NA)
- Garnier, Stéphane, I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health! (J’ai décidé d’être heureux… c’est bon pour la santé!): Poland (Kobiece)
- Garnier, Stephane, How to Live Like James Bond (Agir & Penser comme James Bond): Czech (Jota)
- Giordano, Paolo, How Contagion Works (Nel Contagio): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Nietzsche (Agir et penser comme Nietzsche): China (United Sky)
- Li, Charlene, The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail: Turkey (Notabene)
- Lichtenstein, Jonathan, The Berlin Shadow: Living with the Ghosts of the Kindertransport: Denmark (Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag, in a pre-empt)
- Martin, Holly, The Little Village of Happiness & The Gift of Happiness: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning, two book deal)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 3): Japan (Kaden-Sha)
- Sedira, Samira, People Like Them (Des Gens comme eux): World English (Penguin US)
- Sun, Michelle, First Time Coders. A Definitive Guide to Coding for Children: Korea (T-IME Education)
- Susi, Steve, Brand Currency. A Former Amazon Exec on Money, Information, Loyalty, and Time: Korea (UX Review)
- Varrod, Pierre, Freud Among the Greeks (Freud chez les grecs): China (United Sky)
- Vuillard, Eric, 14 July (14 juillet): Finland (Siltala)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non Obvious Megatrends. How to See What Others Miss and Predict the Future: Arabic (Jarir Bookstore), Korea (BP, at auction), Brazil (Buzz), Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Enter, Stephan, Pastoral (Pastorale): World Spanish (De Conatus)
- Fasiki, Zainab, Hshuma. Women’s Bodies and Sexuality in Morocco (Hshouma. Corps et sexualité au Maroc): Galicia (Rinoceronte)
- Fortier, Dominique, Cities of Paper (Villes de Papier): Sweden (Ramus)
- Garnier, Stéphane, I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health! (J’ai décidé d’être heureux… c’est bon pour la santé!): the Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: World Spanish (Ubook Publishing)
- Lichtenstein, Jonathan, The Berlin Shadow: Living with the Ghosts of the Kindertransport: Germany (Suhrkamp in a pre-empt), the Netherlands (Atlas-Contact, in a pre-empt)
- Max, Tucker & Obront, Zach, The Scribe Method: The Best Way to Write and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book: Arabic (Dar Shafaq)
- Rimmer, Kelly, Me Without You: Denmark (L&R, renewal)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the future (L’Arabe du futur) vol. 4: Sweden (Cobolt Forlag), Denmark (Forlaget Cobolt)
- Selosse, Marc-André, Never Alone. The bugs that build plants, creatures and civilizations (Jamais Seul): Netherlands (Uitgeverij Jan van Arkel)
- Strukul, Matteo, The Seven Dynasties (Le sette dinastie): the Netherlands (Boekerij)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away (La femme qui fuit): Italy (Lit Edizioni)
- Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel, Freud’s Patients (Les patients de Freud): UK (Reaktion Books, WEL)
- Cannell, Sean, Travis, Benji, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer: Portugal (Vida Self)
- Driessen, Martin Michael, The Pelican (De Pelikaan): Italy (Del Vecchio)
- Djaïz, David, Slow Democracy (Slow Démocratie): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Pluim, in a pre-empt)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: World Portuguese (Ubook Publishing)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor (De Dirigent): Finland (Minerva)
- Schermer, Marijke, Love, if You Say So (Liefde, als dat het is): Germany (Kampa)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks Fruit): Macedonia (Feniks)
- Berry, Wendell, The Unsettling of America: France (RN Editions)
- De Stefano, Cristina, The Child is the Master. A Life of Maria Montessori: USA (Other Press, NA)
- Duarte, Nancy, Datastory: Poland (Helion), Brazil (Alta Editora), China (PHEI, at auction)
- Ellis, Joy, The Murderer’s Son & Their Lost Daughters (The DI Jackman and DS Evans series): Sweden (Lind & Co.)
- Fasiki, Zainab, Hshuma. Women’s Bodies and Sexuality in Morocco (Hshouma. Corps et sexualité au Maroc): Italy (Prospero e Ariel/001 Edizioni)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): Serbia (Kreativni Centar)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Finland (Tammi)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Russia (Popuri)
- Haralambon, Olivier, My Imaginary racers (Mes coureurs imaginaires): Denmark (Forlaget Bobo – Den Franske Bogcafés)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Universal History of Stupidity (Histoire universelle de la connerie): Italy (Nuova Ipsa)
- Sarr, Felwine, Afrotopia: Sweden (TankeKraft förlag)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 2): Romania (Art)
- Testot, Laurent, The New World History (La Nouvelle Histoire du Monde): Germany (Reclam Verlag)
- Vasalis, M., Collected Works: Italy (Edizioni Ensemble)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus (Expanded Edition): Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away (La femme qui fuit): Iceland (Dimma)
- Batalha, Martha, The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao (A Invisível Vida de Euridice Gusmão): Denmark (DreamLitt)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Czech Republic (CPress/Albatros Media)
- Caboni, Cristina, The House of Mirrors (La casa degli specchi): Netherlands (Xander)
- Deibel, Walter, Buy then Build. How Acquisition Entrepreneurs Outsmart the Startup Game: Japan (Jitsugyo-No Nihon)
- Destombes, Sandrine, The Priory in Crest (Le Prieuré de Crest): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement), Vols. 1-2: Germany (UNRAST Verlag)
- Fernandez, Marc, Guerrilla Social Club (Guérilla Social Club): Turkey (Dipnot Kitap)
- Fossois, Gwendal, How to Live like Darth Vader (Agir & Penser comme Dark Vador): Czech Republic (Jota)
- Galiano, Enrico, Stronger than any Goodbye (Più forte di ogni addio): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Luitingh-Sijthoff)
- Garnier, Stephane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir & Penser comme un chat): Finland (Tammi)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Vietnam (Tre)
- Graft, Lyn, Start with Story: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business: Korea (Forest Books)
- Li, Charlene, The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail: Korea ((The Korea Economic Daily & Business Publications, Inc., at auction)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Japan (Aki Shobo, at auction)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Universal History of Stupidity (Histoire universelle de la connerie): Romania (Litera)
- M. K., Kyle, The Economics of Emotion: How to Build a Business Everyone Will Love: Taiwan (Business Today Publisher)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You (Votre cerveau vous joue des tours): Hungary (Europa Könyvkiadó), Slovakia (Ikar), Poland (Vis-a-Vis Etiuda)
- Moreau, Christiana, Red Cashmere (Cachemire rouge): Poland (Czarna Owca)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor: France (Leduc.s, at auction), Italy (Longanesi, at auction), Brazil (Planeta, in a pre-empt), World Spanish (Duomo)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 2): Japan (Kaden-Sha)
- Scott, Jason, The Irreverent Guide to Project Management: An Agile Approach to Enterprise Project Management, Version 5.0: China (China Youth Press)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Portugal (Editora 20|20)
- Shikari Bajowala, Sakina, The Food Allergy Fix: An Integrative and Evidence-Based Approach to Food Allergen Desensitization: Poland (Wydawnictwo Studio Astropsychologii)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Romania (Prestige), Korea (Tamgudang)
- Corona, Mauro, The Flight of the Marten (Il Volo della Martora), Like a Stone in the Stream (Come Sasso nella Corrente), 3rd title to be confirmed: the Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
- Cournut, Bérengère, Of Stone and Bone (De pierre et d’os) & Born Happy in Oraibi (Née Contente à Oraibi): the Netherlands (Prometheus Bert Bakker, in a pre-empt, two-book deal)
- De Stefano, Cristina, The Child is the Master. A Life of Maria Montessori: the Netherlands (Xander)
- Duarte, Nancy, Datastory: Korea (Hanbit, at auction), Taiwan (Business Weekly, at auction)
- Fossois, Gwendal, How to Live like Darth Vader (Agir & Penser comme Dark Vador): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): the Netherlands (Kosmos), Korea (Mirae Times)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: Turkey (Buyukada)
- Groen, Hendrik, A Little Surprise (Een kleine verrassing): Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Germany (Piper Verlag), USA (Grand Central, NA)
- Malø, Mo, Qaanaaq: Korea (DoDo Publishing), Italy (Piemme, in a pre-empt)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Nietzsche (Agir et penser comme Nietzsche): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Max, Tucker & Obront, Zach, The Scribe Method: The Best Way to Write and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book: Korea (Greenbook)
- Perrignon, Judith, Toussaint, Marie, How We’re Going to Save the World. Manifesto for Climate Justice (Comment Nous Allons Sauver le Monde. Notre Affaire à Tous): Korea (Manongji Books, at auction)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor (De Dirigent): Germany (Hoffmann & Campe, in a pre-empt)
- Raimondi, Daniela, The House on the River Bank (La casa sull’argine): France (Editions Slatkine, in a pre-empt)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 4 (Les Cahiers d’Esther t. 4): Germany (Reprodukt)
- Vallaeys, Frederick, Digital Marketing in an AI World. Futureproofing Your PPC Agency: Russia (Eksmo)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: Russia (Alpina)
- Aouine, Sofia, Rhapsody of the Overlooked (Rhapsodie des oubliés): Italy (Hope Edizioni)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): Czech Republic (Grada)
- Fossois, Gwendal, Be a Jedi & Survive at Work (Soyez un Jedi ! Survivre au bureau mode d’emploi): Slovakia (Citadella)
- Fossois, Gwendal, How to Live like Darth Vader (Agir & Penser comme Dark Vador): Slovakia (Citadella)
- Fossois, Gwendal, Mythology according to Game of Thrones (La mythologie selon Game of Thrones): Spain (Planeta/Minotauro)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): Czech Republic (Jota)
- Graft, Lyn, Start with Story: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business: Vietnam (RIO Book)
- Groen, Hendrik, A Little Surprise (Een kleine verrassing): Poland (Albatros)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Romania (Editura Art)
- Léveillé-Trudel, Juliana, Nirliit: Denmark (Jensen & Dalgaard)
- Li, Charlene, The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail: China (Beijing Mediatime)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Serbia (Dereta)
- May, Nicola, The Cornershop in Cockleberry Bay, Meet me in Cockleberry Bay, Back to Cockleberry Bay and Christmas Evie: the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Zomer & Keuning)
- M. K., Kyle, The Economics of Emotion: How to Build a Business Everyone Will Love: Russia (Eksmo), Korea (Page 2, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Arabic (Le Centre Culturel Arabe)
- Vallaeys, Frederick, Digital Marketing in an AI World: Futureproofing Your PPC Agency: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Voskuil, J.J., Nicolien’s Mother (De Moeder van Nicolien): Germany (Wagenbach)
- Caponi, Todd, The Transparency Sale: How Unexpected Honesty and Understanding the Buying Brain Can Transform Your Results: Vietnam (DT Books)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Japan (Anonima Studio)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): Hungary (Partvonal), Poland (Andromeda), Vietnam (Tre)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Turkey (Paloma)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: Korea (Yoonsl Books)
- Groen, Hendrik, A Little Surprise (Een kleine verrassing): Czech Republic (Albatros Media), Croatia (Mozaik)
- Guerlain, Valérie, The Handbook of Public Speaking (Petit manuel à l’usage de ceux pour qui l’oral est un cauchemar): Romania (Editura For You)
- Li, Charlene, The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail: Brazil (Alta)
- Norris, Dan, This is the Answer: Advice for New Entrepreneurs from the World’s Worst Business Coach: China (Zhejiang University Press)
- Piemonte, Manuela, The Amazons (Amazzoni): the Netherlands (Ambo|Anthos, in a pre-empt)
- Raymond, Jonathan, Good Authority: Taiwan (Sunrise Press)
- Vallaeys, Frederick, Digital Marketing in an AI World: Futureproofing Your PPC Agency: Korea (TiumBooks)
- Ventrella, Rosa, The Slander (La Malalegna): the Netherlands (Xander)
JULY 2019
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): World Spanish excl Spain (Planeta Mexico)
- Dill, Shawn & Book, Lacey, None of Your Business: A Winning Approach to Turn Service Providers into Entrepreneurs: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- D’Silva, Renita, The Girl in the Painting: Norway (Strawberry)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): Romania (Polirom, at auction)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Johns, Ana, The Woman in the White Kimono: Norway (Strawberry)
- Lawrence, Kevin N., Your Oxygen Mask First: 17 Habits to Help High Achievers Survive & Thrive in Leadership & Life: Vietnam (Vanlangbooks)
- Lo Iacono, Simona, The Albatross (L’albatro): the Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek, in a pre-empt)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity : World Spanish (Planeta Mexico, at auction)
- Mavrikakis, Catherine, Omaha Beach. Un oratorio & Diamanda Galás. Guerrière et Gorgone: English NA (Quattro Books)
- Michaelis, Hanny, War Diary: Romania (Prestige)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You: Germany (Goldmann/PRH Germany, at auction), Czech Republic (Albatros Media/Kniha Zlin, at auction)
- Notbohm, Ellen, Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew (3rd edition): France (Dunod, at auction), French-North American (Hurtubise, at auction)
- Perquin, Ester Naomi, Selection of Various Poems: Germany (Elif Verlag)
- Piemonte, Manuela, The Amazons (Amazzoni): France (Robert Laffont, in a pre-empt)
- Pieri, Lorenza, The Garden of Monsters (Il Giardino dei mostri): France (Préludes)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 4): Portugal (LeYa, Teorema)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vols. 1-2 (Les Cahiers d’Esther t. 1-2): Israel (Pardes Publishing)
- Tremblay, Larry, The Orange Grove (L’orangeraie): Denmark (Holgers Forlag)
- Vuillard, Eric, The War of the Poor (La Guerre des Pauvres): UK & BC excl Canada (Picador)
JUNE 2019
- Bhargava, Rohit, The Non-Obvious Guide To Small Business Marketing (Without a Big Budget): Thailand (SE-Education)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Hungary (Europa)
- Driessen, Martin Michael, Rivers (Rivieren): Croatia (Sandorf)
- Doumergue, Christian, Cats: Legends, myths and magic powers (Le Chat : Légendes, mythes et pouvoirs magiques): Poland (Slowo/Obraz terytoria)
- Fossois, Gwendal, Mythology according to Game of Thrones (La mythologie selon Game of Thrones): Brazil (Planeta)
- Lenormand, Frédéric, In Marie-Antoinette’s Secret Service (Au service secret de Marie- Antoinette): Serbia (Vulkan)
- M. K., Kyle, The Economics of Emotion: How to Build a Business Everyone Will Love: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Noyon, Rémi & Vion-Dury, Philippe, New Ideas to Understand the 21st Century (Les idées nouvelles pour comprendre le XXIe siècle): Greece (Polis)
- Patterson, Dayal, Black Metal. Evolution of the Cult: France (Camion Blanc)
MAY 2019
- Ardone, Viola, The Children’s Train (I Treni dei Bambini): Denmark (Rosinante & Co)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): China (Sichuan)
- Burensteinas, Patrick, An Alchemist Speaks (Un alchimiste raconte): Russia (Knihnyi Butik AG/ Garese&Partners)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): UK and BC excl Canada (Ebury)
- Deibel, Walter, Buy then Build. How Acquisition Entrepreneurs Outsmart the Startup Game: Vietnam (WeTransform)
- Graft, Lyn, Start with Story: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business: China (Beijing Bamboo Stone)
- Fossois, Gwendal, Mythology according to Game of Thrones (La mythologie selon Game of Thrones): Czech Republic (Jota, at auction)
- Frisch, Randy, F#ck Content Marketing. Focus on Content Experience to Drive Demand, Revenue & Relationships: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Missiroli, Marco, Fidelity (Fedeltà): the Netherlands (Cossee)
- Norris, Dan, This is the Answer: Advice for New Entrepreneurs from the World’s Worst Business Coach: Romania (Curtea Veche)
- Scudamore, Brian, WTF?! (Willing to Fail): How Failure Can Be Your Key to Success: Taiwan (Yuan-Liou)
APRIL 2019
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): France (Dunod)
- Cannell, Sean, Travis, Benji, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer: China (Beijing Bamboo Stone), Russia (Alpina)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement), Vols. 2-3: Italy (Laterza)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Czech Republic (Jota), Poland (Andromeda), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Japan (Diamond)
- Garnier, Stéphane & Hawkes, Laurie, How to Live Like Your Cat – Exercise Book (Agir & Penser comme un chat – Cahier d’exercices): Poland (Andromeda)
- Herold, Cameron, Salamunovic, Adrian, Free PR: How to Get Chased By The Press Without Hiring a PR Firm: China (Beijing Bamboo Stone)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Turkey (Dogan, at auction), China (Guomai, at auction)
- Marquis, Serge, The Day I Truly Loved Myself(Le jour où je me suis aimé pour de vrai): Romania (Trei)
- Massimi, Fabiano, The Angel of Munich (L’Angelo di Monaco): Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You (Votre cerveau vous joue des tours): Korea (Hanbit Biz)
- Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard, Grand Hotel Europe (Grand Hotel Europa): Portugal (Porto Editora), France (Presses de la Cité/Feux Croisés, at auction)
- Quarles, Jack, Expensive Sentences: China (Beijing Mediatime)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Ukraine (Hemiro)
- Vuillard, Eric, The War of the Poor (La guerre des pauvres): Norway (Solum)
MARCH 2019
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, Inner Freedom (À nous la liberté): Brazil (Palas Athena)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): Korea (Hans Media), Israel (Tchelet, at auction)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Binder of Lost Stories (La rilegatrice di storie perdute): France (Presses de la Cité)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Germany (Knesebeck, at auction)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Ukraine (Vivat), Greece (Livanis)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is), Live and Let Live (Leven en laten leven): Russia (Ast/Corpus)
- Kopland, Rutger, Selection of Various Poems: France (Editions Eres)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Sweden (Sekwa)
- Lyseggen, Jørn, Outside Insight: Navigating a World Drowning in Data: Japan (Diamond)
- Marion, Rémy, The Bear. Man’s Other (L’Ours. L’autre de l’homme): World English (Greystone Books)
- Noyon, Rémi & Vion-Dury, Philippe, New Ideas to Understand the 21st Century (Les idées nouvelles pour comprendre le XXIe siècle): Korea (Mooney, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vols. 1-3(Les Cahiers d’Esther): UK (Pushkin Press, WEL, at auction)
- Scudamore, Brian, WTF?! (Willing to Fail): How Failure Can Be Your Key to Success: Korea (Konecoms)
- Strukul, Matteo, Michelangelo’s Inquisition (Inquisizione Michelangelo): the Netherlands (Boekerij)
- Terranova, Nadia, Farewell to the Ghosts (Addio fantasmi): the Netherlands (Cossee, at auction)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca,The Emotion Thesaurus, The Negative Trait Thesaurus, The Positive Trait Thesaurus, The Rural Setting Thesaurus, The Urban Setting Thesaurus and The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: Turkey (Hep Kitap)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): USA (St. Martin’s Press, WEL, at auction)
- Burensteinas, Patrick, An Alchemist Speaks (Un alchimiste raconte): Italy (Edizioni Mediterranee)
- Cannell, Sean, Travis, Benji, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer: Korea (Bom Publishing), Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Garnier, Stéphane, Catissimo! The Cat Encyclopedia (Catissime! L’encyclopédie du chat): Poland (Andromeda)
- Groen, Hendrik, Live and Let Live (Leven en laten leven): Italy (Longanesi)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Lithuania (Eugrimas, at auction), Brazil (Faro, at auction), Bulgaria (Iztok Zapad), Russia (Eksmo), Germany (Munchner Verlagsgruppe), World English (Penguin Books, in a pre-empt), Romania (Litera, in a pre-empt)
- Marsons, Angela, Lost Girls & Play Dead: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Norty, Cohen, Join the Brand. Building Loyal Communities and the Need for Belonging: China (Beijing Standway Books)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Turkey (Epsilon)
- Vuillard, Eric, The War of the Poor (La guerre des pauvres): USA (Other Press, NA)
- Zaytoun, Hyam, Vigil (Vigile): Sweden (Sekwa)
- Berry, Thomas, The Dream of the Earth: France (Wildproject)
- Bhargava, Rohit, The Non-Obvious Guide To Small Business Marketing (Without a Big Budget): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): Italy (De Agostini, in a pre-empt, two-book deal), Germany (Zsolnay/Hanser Verlag, in a pre-empt)
- Bonidan, Cathy, The Perfume of the Hellebore Rose (Le Parfum de l’hellébore): Italy (De Agostini, in a pre-empt, two-book deal)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Binder of Lost Stories (La rilegatrice di storie perdute): Finland (Impromptu)
- Chiperi, Cristina, Moonlight: France (Pocket Jeunesse)
- Driessen, Andrea, The Non-Obvious Guide To Event Planning (for Kick-Ass Gatherings That Inspire People): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement), Vols. 1-3: Portugal (Bertrand)
- Epstein, Jeremy, The Non-Obvious Guide To Understanding Blockchain (Without the Hype): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Grant, Maddie & Notter, Jamie, The Non-Obvious Guide To Employee Engagement (for Millennials, Boomers & Everyone Else): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Croatia (Planetopija), Taiwan (Chi Ming, at auction), Russia (Eksmo)
- Jean Bofane, In Koli, The Belle of Casablanca (La Belle de Casa): the Netherlands (De Geus), USA (University of Indiana Press, WEL)
- Lerner, Cliff, Explosive Growth: A Few Things I Learned While Growing My Startup To 100 Million Users & Losing $78 Million: Vietnam (MCBooks)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Portugal (Saída de Emergência, in a pre-empt), Italy (Nuova Ipsa, at auction), Korea (SiGongSa, at auction), Poland (Publicat, at auction), the Netherlands (Karakter), Greece (Papadopoulos, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Croatia (Planetopija)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk : Romania (Cartea Romaneasca)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 3 (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Italy (pre-publication rights only: Linus Magazine)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 2): Russia (Boom Kniga)
- Schomburg, Zachary, Mammother: France (Editions Jacqueline Chambon/Actes Sud)
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, Freedom for All of Us (À nous la liberté): USA (Sounds True, WEL)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Weaver’s Room (La Stanza della Tessitrice): the Netherlands (Xander)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Serbia (Prometej)
- Johns, Ana, The Woman in the White Kimono: the Netherlands (De Fontein)
- Lavoie, Frédérick, Before the After. Trips to Cuba with George Orwell (Avant l’après. Voyages à Cuba avec George Orwell): English North America (TalonBooks)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 1): Japan (Kaden-Sha)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 4) : Czech Republic (Baobab)
- Vasalis, M., Selection of Various Poems: USA (Pinyon Publishing, WEL)
- Altissimo, Emanuele, Stolen Daylight (Luce Rubata al Giorno): the Netherlands (Signatuur, in a pre-empt)
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, Freedom for All of Us (À nous la liberté): Romania (Trei)
- Bailly, Guillaume, My Sincere Condolences (Mes sincères condoléances): Poland (Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie/Publicat, at auction)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Ukraine (Vivat)
- Blackman, Jeff, Peak your Profits! The Explosive Business-Growth System: China (Beijing Standway)
- Bradley, Joseph, Questioneering: The New Model for Innovative Leaders in the Digital Age: China (Beijing Mediatime, at auction)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Night Stalker, Dark Water, Last Breath: Sweden (Jentas A/S)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Binder of Lost Stories (La rilegatrice di storie perdute): World English (Amazon Crossing, in a pre-empt)
- Chung, Nicole, All You Can Ever Know: the Netherlands (Querido)
- Critchley, Simon, Bowie: Norway (Flamme Forlag)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Russia (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber)
- Dexter, Billy & Wilson, Melissa G., Making Your Net Work: Mastering the Art and Science of Career and Business Networking: China (Zhejiang University Press, at auction)
- Dr. Papazian, Patrick & Klein, Edouard, Prostate. Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know (Prostate. Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir): Poland (Czarna Owca)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement), Vol.3 and Vol. 4: USA (Seven Stories Press, two-book deal)
- Garnier, Stéphane, Off! Your Life Can Finally Begin (Off ! Ta vie va enfin pouvoir commencer…): Greece (Livanis)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Hungary (Park, at auction)
- Koch, Jack, Love Is (L’Amour c’est): Korea (Forest Books, at auction)
- Leone, Cinzia, I Steal Your Life (Ti rubo la vita): France (Liana Levi, in a pre-empt)
- Lerner, Cliff, Explosive Growth: A Few Things I Learned While Growing My Startup To 100 Million Users & Losing $78 Million : Taiwan (Yuan-Liou )
- Mathieu, Nicolas, The Children Who Came After Them (Leurs enfants après eux): Norway (Gyldendal Norsk, in a pre-empt), the Netherlands (Meulenhoff, at auction)
- Moreau, Christiana, Red Cashmere (Cachemire rouge): Italy (Nord, in a pre-empt)
- Reavley, Betsy, The Optician’s Wife: Sweden (Jentas, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Poland, Volume 3 (Kultura Gniewu), Finland, Volume 4 (WSOY), Norway, Volume 4 (Minuskel)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.), Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Japan (Pneumasha)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour): Denmark (Forlaget Bobo – Den Franske Bogcafés)
- Ardone, Viola, The Children’s Train (I Treni dei Bambini): Sweden (Norstedts, in a pre-empt), the Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt), Norway (Gyldendal Norsk, in a pre-empt), Portugal (Porto Editora, at auction), USA (HarperOne, WEL, in a pre-empt)
- Cognetti, Paolo, Without Ever Reaching the Summit (Senza mai arrivare in cima): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): China (Citic Press)
- Garnier, Stéphane, Off! Your Life Can Finally Begin (Off ! Ta vie va enfin pouvoir commencer): Korea (Totobook)
- Glucksmann, Raphaël, Children of the Void. Breaking Away from the Impasse of Individualism (Les enfants du vide. Sortons de l’impasse de l’individualisme): Germany (Hanser), Greece (Polis)
- Iny, Danny, Leveraged Learning. The Age Of Opportunity For Lifelong Learners, And Experts With Something To Teach: China (Citic Press)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Korea (Darun, at auction), UK (WH Allen, WEL, in a pre-empt), Spain (Grijalbo, at auction), the Netherlands (Kosmos, in a pre-empt), Italy (Solferino, at auction), Turkey (Domingo), Catalan (Angle), Greece (Dioptra, at auction)
- Lerner, Cliff, Explosive Growth: A Few Things I Learned While Growing My Startup To 100 Million Users & Losing $78 Million: China (China Youth Press, at auction), Korea (TurnAround, at auction), Poland (Galaktyka)
- Masino, Paola, Birth and Death of the Housewife (Nascita e morte della massaia): Spain (Alianza)
- Mathieu, Nicolas, The Children Who Came After Them (Leurs enfants après eux): USA (Other Press, NA, in a pre-empt)
- Moreau, Christiana, Red Cashmere (Cachemire rouge): Spain (Grijalbo, in a pre-empt)
- Picq, Pascal, The New Age For Humanity. The challenges of posthumanism explained to a high school student (Le nouvel âge de l’humanité): Spain (Libros de la Vanguardia, World Spanish)
- Rimmer, Kelly, The Secret Daughter: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Sattouf Riad, Esther’s Notebooks (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Italy, vol. 1 (Oblomov/La Nave di Teseo, at auction), Germany, vol. 3 (Reprodukt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Italy, Volume 3 (Oblomov/La Nave di Teseo, at auction), Croatia, Volumes 4+5 (Fibra)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour): Sweden (Lind & Co), Finland (Siltala)
- Ferrari, Jérôme, In Her Own Image (À son image): USA (Europa Editions, WEL)
- Garnier, Stéphane & Hawkes, Laurie, How to Live Like Your Cat – Exercise Book (Agir & Penser comme un chat – Cahier d’exercices): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Groen, Hendrik, Live and Let Live (Leven en laten leven): Slovakia (Albatros Media)
- Gros, Frederic, Walking, A Philosophy (Marcher, une philosophie): Norway (Heinesen)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Germany (Droemer Knaur, in a pre-empt)
- Kopland, Rutger, Selection of Various Poems: Bulgaria (DA Poetry)
- Masino, Paola, Birth and Death of the Housewife (Nascita e morte della massaia): Italy (Feltrinelli, at auction)
- Price, Seth and Feldman, Barry, The Road to Recognition: The A-to-Z Guide to Personal Branding for Accelerating Your Professional Success in The Age of Digital Media: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Woolf, Emma, England’s Lane: USA (Amberjack, NA)
- Combacau, Claude, Cat Calendar (Une histoire par jour Catsass le chat): USA (Andrews McMeel, WEL)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalai lama à la jeunesse): Taiwan (China Times)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Russia (Ast/Corpus)
- Hwang, Victor W. & Horowitt, Greg, The Rainforest: The Secret To Building The Next Silicon Valley: China (Economy & Business Publishing Division Beijing Huazhang Graphics & Information Co., Lt., renewal)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: China (Dook Media Group)
- Lu, Cuong, The Buddha in Jail: the Netherlands (Unieboek/Spectrum, at auction)
- Malø, Mo, Qaanaaq: Iceland (N29)
- Raymond, Jonathan, Good Authority: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Vergely, Bertrand, Praying: A Philosophy (Prier, une philosophie): Denmark (Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag)
JULY 2018
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Portugal (Vida Self)
- Bailly, Guillaume, My Sincere Condolences (Mes sincères condoléances): Czech Republic (Omega)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Vietnam (Tre)
- Debureaux, Matthias, The Noble Art of the Quarrel (Le Noble art de la brouille): German (Nagel & Kimche)
- Destombes, Sandrine, The Twins of Piolenc (Les jumeaux de Piolenc): the Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt)
- Fioretti, Francesco, Leonardo’s Secret Painting (Il dipinto segreto di Leonardo): The Netherlands (Boekerij)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir & Penser comme un chat): Vietnam (Tre)
- Groen, Hendrik, Live and Let Live (Leven en laten leven): Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros), Germany (Piper), Poland (Albatros)
- Guven, Mahir Big Brother (Grand frère): USA (Europa Editions, WEL, at auction), the Netherlands (Ambo/Anthos, in a pre-empt)
- Habiburahman with Ansel, Sophie, First They Erased Our Name. A Rohingya Speaks Up (D’abord ils ont effacé notre nom. Un Rohingya témoigne): Australia/UK (Scribe, WEL)
- Lan, Yan, The Yan Family. A family at the center of one hundred years in Chinese history (Chez les Yan. Une famille au coeur d’un siècle d’histoire chinoise): USA (HarperCollins US, WEL)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence: A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Greece (Dioptra), Russia (Popuri)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure (Les vertus de l’échec) and Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie: Ukraine (Vivat, two-book deal)
- Volders, Sien, North (Noord): Germany (Residenz Verlag)
- Weber, Felix, Dust to Dust. The War is Over, But Not Yet Forgotten (Tof stof. 1949. De oorlog is voorbij, maar nog niet vergeten): Germany (Penguin Verlag)
JUNE 2018
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Negative Trait Thesaurus, The Positive Trait Thesaurus, The Rural Setting Thesaurus, The Urban Setting Thesaurusand The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: China (Ginkgo Beijing Book, 5-book deal)
- Adams, Taylor, No Exit and Eyeshot: the Netherlands (Luitingh-Sijthofft, at auction, two-book deal)
- Cardoso, Lúcio, Chronicle of the Murdered House (Crônica da casa assassinada): the Netherlands (De Arbeiderspers)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalai lama à la jeunesse): Romania (Curtea Veche)
- Lusenti, Natascha, Hold on to Your Morning Wishes (Al mattino stringi forte i desideri): France (Fleuve)
- Mailhot, Terese Marie, Heart Berries: Canada (Marchand de Feuilles)
- Musso, Guillaume, Gone in the Night (La Jeune fille et la nuit): the Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): China (Guomai), Spain (Editorial Ariel/Planeta, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure (Les vertus de l’échec) and Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie: Czech Republic (Omega, two-book deal)
- Posner, Patricia,The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: Finland (Minerva)
MAY 2018
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus (Expanded Edition): Korea (Infinity Books)
- Camurri, Roberto, On a Human Scale (A misura d’uomo): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Krauss, Kurt, Corporate Goad. Case Studies in Transformational Change: China (Beijing Times Chinese Press)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Norway (Aschehoug)
- Meester, Frank and Jensen, Stine, The Educators. What Philosophy Can Teach Muddling Parents (De Opvoeders. Wat filosofie de schipperende ouder kan leren): Korea (Saenggakui Jip, at auction)
- Patrick, Galvin, The Connector’s Way, A Story About Building Business One Relationship at a Time: China (Beijing Times Chinese Press)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Korea (Mirae Times, in a pre-empt), Germany (Carl Hanser), Brazil (Estação Liberdade), Romania (Trei), USA (Other Press, NA, at auction), UK and BC excl Canada (William Collins)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Serbia (System Comics 4-book deal)
APRIL 2018
- Benschop, Jurriaan, Salt in the Wound. Artists in Europe (Zout in de wond. Kunstenaars in Europa): World English (Garret)
- Burensteinas, Patrick, An Alchemist Speaks (Un Alchimiste raconte): Korea (Inner World Publishing)
- Cebeni, Valentina, The Secret Recipe for Love (La ricetta segreta per un sogno): France (Charleston)
- Colin, Jérôme, The Battlefield (Le Champ de bataille): Romania (Vellant), Czech Republic (Host, at auction)
- D’Yvoire, Carole, To You I Owe All My Life’s Happiness – Virginia & Leonard Woolf (Je te dois tout le bonheur de ma vie – Virginia & Leonard Woolf): Turkey (Kırmızı Kedi)
- Netto, Vladimir, CAR-WASH: Judge Sergio Moro and the Behind-The-Scenes Story of the Operation That Shook Brazil (Lava Jato: O juiz Sergio Moro e os bastidores da operação que abalou o Brasil): UK (Ebury, WEL, in a pre-empt)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Italy (La Nave di Teseo, in a pre-empt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 4): The Netherlands (De Geus)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu, with Kate Karius (eds.), Power and Care. Towards Balance for our Common Future—Science, Society and Spirituality in Dialogue with the Dalai Lama: Germany (Droemer Knaur)
- Ventrella, Rosa, Story of a Decent Family (Storia di una famiglia perbene): the Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt)
MARCH 2018
- Cognetti, Paolo, The Eight Mountains (Le otto montagne): the Netherlands – audio rights (De Bezige Bij)
- Colin, Jérôme, The Battlefield (Le Champ de bataille): Italy (Stile Libero/Einaudi, in a pre-empt)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Poland (Vis-a-Vis Etiuda)
- Faggiani, Franco, Maintenance of the Senses (La manutenzione dei sensi): the Netherlands (Signatuur)
- Lenormand, Frédéric, Only Women Live Forever (Seules les femmes sont éternelles): Germany (DuMont)
- Marsons, Angela, Evil Games, Lost Girls, Play Dead, Blood Lines & Dead Souls: Denmark (Jentas A/S)
- Raymond, Jonathan, Good Authority: China (Beijing Media Time)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu, with Kate Karius (eds.), Power and Care. Towards Balance for our Common Future—Science, Society and Spirituality in Dialogue with the Dalai Lama: Korea (Gimm-Young)
- Strukul, Matteo, Casanova. The Ballad of Broken Hearts (Casanova. La sonata dei cuori infranti): the Netherlands (Boekerij)
- van Hooijdonk, Richard, The World of Tomorrow. How technology impacts the way we live and work (De wereld van morgen): Bulgaria (Kragozor)
- Berry, Wendell, Selection of Various Poems: France (Arfuyen)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Mexico (Planeta Mexicana, World Spanish)
- Cohen, Norty, The Participation Game: China (Hangzhou Blue Lion, at auction)
- Colin, Jérôme, The Battlefield (Le Champ de bataille): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij, in a pre-empt)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Vietnam (AZ Culture Co. Ltd)
- Helinski, Roman,The Waffle Factory (De wafelfabriek): Czech Republic (Plus/Albatros)
- Klos, Felix, Winston Churchill. Father of Europe (Winston Churchill. Vader van Europa): Portugal (Clube do Autor)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Japan (Bungei Shunju)
- Marsons, Angela, Blood Lines and Dead Souls: Iceland (N29, in a two-book deal)
- Rau, Thomas & Oberhuber, Sabine, Material Matters. The alternative to our society of overexploitation (Material Matters. Het alternatief voor onze roofbouwmaatschappij): Italy (Ambiente)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu, with Kate Karius (eds.), Power and Care. Towards Balance for our Common Future—Science, Society and Spirituality in Dialogue with the Dalai Lama: USA (MIT Press, WEL, in a pre-empt)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour): Norway (Solum)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: Korea (WillBooks)
- Adams, Taylor, No Exit: Sweden (Jentas A/S)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Arabic (Jarir)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Ukraine (Vivat)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Girl in the Ice: Sweden (Jentas A/S)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Binder of Lost Stories (La rilegatrice di storie perdute): the Netherlands (Xander)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia,A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Mexico (Planeta), Korea (Dasan Books), Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Gilbert, Guy, Faith (La foi): Denmark (Mediacellen)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Croatia (Mozaik Knjiga)
- Jensen, Louise, The Gift: Norway (Bladkompaniet)
- Jornet, Kilian, Summits of My Life (Summits of my life. Somnis i reptes de la muntanya): USA (Velo Press, WEL)
- Notter, Jamie and Grant, Maddie, When Millennials Take Over: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Price, Seth and Feldman, Barry, The Road to Recognition: The A-to-Z Guide to Personal Branding for Accelerating Your Professional Success in The Age of Digital Media: Arabic (Jarir)
- Quarles, Jack, Expensive Sentences: Korea (House of Thinking)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 1): Romania (Editura Art)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 3): Czech Republic (Baobab)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Cayol, Christine, Why Do the Chinese Always Have Time on Their Side? (Pourquoi les Chinois ont-ils le temps ?): the Netherlands (Ten Have)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement) vol.1 and vol. 2: Spain (Lumen, two-book deal)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There is Life. The New Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 85 Years Old (Zolang er leven is): Estonia (Eesti Raamat)
- Haralambon, Olivier, The Cyclist and His Shadow (Le Coureur et Son Ombre): Denmark (Forlaget Bobo – Den Franske Bogcafés)
- van Hooijdonk, Richard, The World of Tomorrow. How technology impacts the way we live and work (De wereld van morgen): Korea (Sejong, at auction)
- Phifer, Helen, Dark House: Norway (Bladkompaniet)
- Adams, Taylor, No Exit: Denmark (Jentas A/S)
- Assange, Julian, When Google Met Wikileaks: France (Ring)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Russia (Alpina)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Czech Republic (Omega), the Netherlands (Xander, at auction), UK (Rider/PRH UK, in a pre-empt), USA (William Morrow/ Harper Collins US, at auction)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): World English (Viking UK & Penguin Press US, at auction), Korea (Baru Books)
- Escande, Ludovic, Climbing Mont Blanc (L’ascension du Mont Blanc): China (Archipel Press)
- Frandino, Barbara, I’m Scared. How to build up your courage and handle monsters (Che paura! Guida per fabbricare coraggio e affrontare ogni mostro): Portugal (Bertrand)
- Gallay, Claudie, The Beauty of the Days (La beauté des jours): Finland (WSOY)
- Notter, Jamie and Grant, Maddie, When Millennials Take Over: Indonesia (Elex Media Komputindo)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Czech Republic (Omega, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 2 (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Italy (pre-publication rights only: Linus Magazine)
- Uras, Michaël, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning (Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): Russia (Centrepolygraph)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour) and 14th July (14 juillet): the Netherlands (Meulenhoff, at auction, two-book deal)
- Wyer, Carol, Little Girl Lost: Norway (Cappelen Damm, at auction)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Taiwan (Commonwealth, at auction)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Italy (Garzanti, in a pre-empt), Germany (Benevento Books, at auction), Brazil (Alaúde), Russia (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, at auction)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Spain (Roca, in a pre-empt)
- Escande, Ludovic, Climbing Mont Blanc (L’ascension du Mont Blanc): the Netherlands (De Arbeiderspers)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): USA (Grand Central, NA)
- Rau, Thomas & Oberhuber, Sabine, Material Matters. The alternative to our society of overexploitation (Material Matters. Het alternatief voor onze roofbouwmaatschappij): Germany (Ullstein/Econ)
- Rosner, Elizabeth, Survivor Café: The Legacy of Trauma and the Labyrinth of Memory: the Netherlands (Scriptum)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away (La femme qui fuit): Spain (Baile del Sol, World Spanish)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Korea (Baru Books), China (CITIC)
- Chiperi, Cristina, Starlight: France (Pocket Jeunesse)
- Cognetti, Paolo, The Wild Boy (Il ragazzo selvatico): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Cornelisse, Paulien, The Office Life of a Guinea Pig (De verwarde cavia): Germany (C.H.Beck)
- Daoud, Kamel,Zabor or the Psalms (Zabor ou les psaumes): USA (Other Press, WEL), Norway (Solum)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement) vol.1 and vol. 2: USA (Seven Stories Press, WEL, two-book deal)
- Expert, Jacques, Hortense: Russia (Eksmo)
- Groen, Hendrik,As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Hungary (Libri Kiado)
- Lalaury, Cedric, It’s Always Midnight Somewhere (Il est toujours minuit quelque part): Italy (Ponte Alle Grazie, in a pre-empt)
- Notter, Jamie and Grant, Maddie, When Millennials Take Over: Taiwan (Yuan-Liou Publishing Co. Ltd)
- Posner, Patricia, The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: the Netherlands (Omniboek)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour): USA (Other Press, at auction)
- Zilahy, Mirko, The Shape of Darkness (La forma del buio): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Daoud, Kamel, Zabor or the Psalms(Zabor ou les psaumes): Sweden (Tranan)
- D’Silva, Renita, A Daughter’s Courage: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Escande, Ludovic, Climbing Mont Blanc(L’ascension du Mont Blanc): Korea (Mujintree)
- Nehls, Michael, Curing Alzheimer’s(Guérir Alzheimer): the Netherlands (Zuidnederlandse Uitgeverij)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Brazil (Alaude)
- Turner, Matthew, The Successful Mistake: Indonesia (PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama)
JULY 2017
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Rural Setting Thesaurusand The Urban Setting Thesaurus: Taiwan (Solution Publishing/Eurasian Publishing Group)
- Daoud, Kamel, Zabor or the Psalms(Zabor ou les psaumes): the Netherlands (Ambo/Anthos)
- D’Silva, Renita, A Mother’s Secret: the Netherlands (Boekerij)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently(Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement): Italy (Centauria)
- Escande, Ludovic, Climbing Mont Blanc(L’ascension du Mont Blanc): Germany (Piper/Malik, in a pre-empt)
- Glucksmann, Raphaël, Our France(Notre France. Dire et aimer ce que nous sommes) and Generation Hangover (Génération gueule de bois, Manuel de lutte contre les réacs): Greece (Polis, two-book deal)
- Morales, Agus, We Are Not Refugees(No somos refugiados): USA (Charlesbridge, WEL)
- Musso, Guillaume, An Apartment in Paris(Un appartement à Paris): the Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: the Netherlands (Milinda)
JUNE 2017
- Abdolah, Kader,The House of the Mosque (Het huis van de moskee): Albania (Fan Noli)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Rural Setting Thesaurusand The Urban Setting Thesaurus: Korea (WillBooks)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away(La femme qui fuit): the Netherlands (Querido)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Brazil (HSM Publishing)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Garden of Secret Flowers(Il giardino dei fiori segreti): France (Presses de la Cité)
- Escande, Ludovic,Climbing Mont Blanc (L’ascension du Mont Blanc): Italy (Einaudi, at auction)
- Halter, Marek, Eve(Ève): Serbia (Vulkan)
- Marquis, Serge, The Day I Truly Loved Myself(Le jour où je me suis aimé pour de vrai): Italy (Sperling & Kupfer, in a pre-empt)
- Marsons, Angela, Lost Girlsand Play Dead: Iceland (N29, in a two-book deal)
- Polman, Linda, Death Row Dollies: Living with the Death Penalty: Egypt and Gulf Countries (Dar Oktob)
- Singla, Aneesh, Why It Hurts? A Physician’s Insights on The Purpose of Pain: Spain (Kailas Editorial), Mexico (Ediciones B Mexico, Spanish Latin America), Taiwan (Aquarius)
- van Calmthout, Martijn, Sam Goudsmit. The Hunt for Hitler’s Atom Bomb(Sam Goudsmit. Zijn jacht op de atoombom van Hitler): USA (Prometheus Books, WEL)
MAY 2017
- Dickie, Tenzin (ed.),Old Demons, New Deities. Twenty-one Short Stories From Tibet: the Netherlands (De Geus)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Egypt (Al Kotob Khan, World Arabic rights)
- Stellar, James, Education that Works: Egypt (Arab Nile Group, World Arabic)
APRIL 2017
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Russia (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away(La femme qui fuit): Germany (Eichborn)
- Berry, Wendell, Selection of Various Titles: Sweden (Ariel Förlag)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Girl in the Ice and The Night Stalker: the Netherlands (Boekerij, in a two-book deal)
- Goldberg, Tod, Gangster Nation: the Netherlands (Querido, in a pre-empt)
- Grimes, Elie, Good Girls Go to Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere(Les gentilles filles vont au paradis, les autres là où elles veulent): USA (Sassy Fiction)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life(Zolang er leven is): Estonia (Eesti Raamat)
- Jassouma, Joude, I’m from Aleppo. The Itinerary of an Ordinary Refugee(Je viens d’Alep. Itinéraire d’un réfugié ordinaire): Brazil (Autêntica)
- Pieri, Lorenza, Lesser Isles(Isole Minori): France (Préludes)
- Posner, Gerald, Hitler’s Children. Sons and Daughters of Third Reich Leaders: Finland (Minerva)
- Quarles, Jack, Expensive Sentences: Taiwan (Domain Publishing, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future(L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 1): Russia (Boom Kniga)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future(L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 3): Portugal (Teorema/Leya)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 2(Les Cahiers d’Esther): Germany (Reprodukt)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.), Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Italy (EIFIS)
- Snyder, Gary, A Place in Space: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Watersheds: France (Wildproject)
- Uras, Michaël, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning(Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): Taiwan (Business Weekly)
MARCH 2017
- Barcena, Juan Gomez, The Sky over Lima(El cielo de Lima) and Kanada: The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek, two-book deal)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Garden of Secret Flowers(Il giardino dei fiori segreti): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Cornelisse, Paulien, The Office Life of a Guinea Pig(De verwarde cavia): Portugal (Guerra e Paz)
- Grimes, Elie, Good Girls Go to Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere(Les gentilles filles vont au paradis, les autres là où elles veulent): Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros), Poland (Muza)
- Jassouma, Joude, I’m from Aleppo. The Itinerary of an Ordinary Refugee(Je viens d’Alep. Itinéraire d’un réfugié ordinaire): Romania (Niculescu)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Poland (Muza)
- Piazza, Emma, The House on the Burning Island(La casa sull’isola che brucia): France (Fayard, in a pre-empt), Sweden (Forum, in a pre-empt)
- Ray, Jean, The Tales of Whiskey(Contes du Whisky), The Cruise of Shadows (Croisière des Ombres), The Great Darkness (Grand Nocturne), The Circles of Terror (Cercles de l’Epouvante): USA (Wakefield Press)
- Rousseau, François-Olivier, Becoming Christian Dior(Devenir Christian Dior): Poland (Kustra)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 1(Les Cahiers d’Esther): Portugal (Gradiva), Serbia (LOM Books)
- de Angulo, Jaime, The Lariat: And Other Writings: France (Editions Héros-Limite)
- D’Silva, Renita, A Mother’s Secret: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Grimes, Elie, Good Girls Go to Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere(Les gentilles filles vont au paradis, les autres là où elles veulent): Spain (Suma/PRH)
- Marsons, Angela, Silent Scream: Denmark (Jentas A/S)
- Onfray, Michel, Theory of Travel(Théorie du voyage): Turkey (Redingot)
- Abdolah, Kader, Salam Europe!(Salam Europa!): Italy (Iperborea)
- Cavalcanti, Klester, The Name of Death(O nome da morte): USA (Seven Stories Press, WEL)
- Cornelisse, Paulien, The Office Life of a Guinea Pig(De verwarde cavia): Poland (Muza)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Japan (Shueisha, in a three-way auction)
- Lorient, Anne & Azoulai, Minou, My Barbaric Years(Mes années barbares): Germany (Bastei Lübbe)
- Marsons, Angela, Evil Games: Iceland (N29)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup. You Don’t Learn Until You Launch: Taiwan (Flâneur Culture)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Korea (Keumdong, at auction), Spain (Editorial Ariel/Planeta), Catalan (Ara Llibres)
- Raymond, Jonathan, Good Authority:Korea (Hansmedia)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea for Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux. Vers une bienveillance pour tous): Denmark (Gyldendal)
- Rimmer, Kelly,A Mother’s Confession: Sweden (Modernista)
- Rousseau, François-Olivier, Becoming Christian Dior(Devenir Christian Dior): Taiwan (Morning Star Publishing)
- Sherif, Vamba, Land of my Fathers(Het land van de vades): Malayalam (Saikatham Books)
- Turner, Matthew, The Successful Mistake:China (China Machine Press)
- Verbeke Annelies, Sleep!(Slaap!): Japan (Shoraisha)
- Dehouck, Bram,A Sleepless Summer (Een zomer zonder slaap): France (Mirobole)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Greece (Dioptra), Portugal (Gradiva)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Korea (Sam & Parkers)
- Rousseau, François-Olivier,Becoming Christian Dior (Devenir Christian Dior): Czech Republic (Omega), Russia (Slovo)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future(L’Arabe du futur) (Volumes 1 and 2): Czech Republic (Baobab Books, 2-book deal)
- Abdolah, Kader, Salam Europe!(Salam Europa!): Bulgaria (Panorama)
- Dehouck, Bram,The White Raven (Witte Raaf): Germany (BTB)
- Del Molino, Sergio, Empty Spain(La España vacía): the Netherlands (De Blauwe Tijger)
- Gerritsen, Esther,Brother (Broer): Turkey (Paris, at auction)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life(Zolang er leven is): Lithuania (Alma Littera)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Macedonia (Tri Publishing Centre, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Brazil (Estação Liberdade, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles,Joy (La Joie): Brazil (Estação Liberdade)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Spain (Editorial Kairos, in a pre-empt), USA (MIT Press, WEL, in a pre-empt)
- Rousseau, François-Olivier, Becoming Christian Dior(Devenir Christian Dior): Bulgaria (Art Eternal)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future(L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 3): Norway (Minuskel)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volumes 4 and 5): USA (Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt, 2-book deal)
- Wilson, John K., Trump Unveiled:Belgium (Dutch language, WPG Publishers Belgium)
- Zamir, Ali, Flotsam and Jetsam(Anguille sous roche): The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
- Abitbol, Jean, The Power of the Voice(Le pouvoir de la voix): Taiwan (Motifpress), Greece (Enalios)
- Bériot, Louis, Coffee with Voltaire: Conversations with the Greatest Minds of His Time(Un café avec Voltaire. Conversations avec les grands esprits de son temps): Brazil (Autêntica)
- Bhargava, Rohit,Think Different. An Innovator’s Guide to the Future: China (CITIC)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Ukraine (Hemiro, at auction)
- Marsons, Angela, Silent Scream: Iceland (N29)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Germany (Carl Hanser), Italy (Garzanti, in a pre-empt), Romania (Niculescu)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 3(L’Arabe du futur vol. 3): Finland (WSOY)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volumes 3 and 4): Brazil (Intrinseca, 2 book-deal)
- Thierry Noël, Pablo Escobar(Pablo Escobar. Trafiquant de cocaïne): Finland (Art House Oy)
- Abitbol, Jean, The Power of The Voice (Le pouvoir de la voix): Russia (Azbooka Atticus)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: China (Thinkingdom)
- Altucher, James,The Rich Employee: Brazil (Primavera Editorial)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Girl in the Iceand The Night Stalker: Denmark (Politikens)
- Gerritsen, Esther,Brother (Broer): France (Albin Michel)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Croatia (Mozaik Knjiga)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life(Zolang er leven is): France (Presses de la Cité)
- Marsons, Angela , Silent Scream andEvil Games: Sweden (Bokförlaget Lind & Co AB)
- Musso, Guillaume, Brooklyn Girl(La Fille de Brooklyn): The Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup. You Don’t Learn Until You Launch: Serbia (Kovačnica priča)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre, Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): USA (Sounds True, WEL)
- Sattouf, Riad,The Arab of the Future vol. 2 (L’Arabe du futur vol. 2): Poland (Kultura Gniewu)
- Uras, Michaël, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning(Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): China (Beijing Xiron Books, at auction)
- Verbeke Annelies, Thirty Days: France (Fleuve Editions, in a pre-empt)
- Abitbol, Jean, The Power of the Voice(Le pouvoir de la voix): USA (Plural Publishing, WEL)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca The Rural Setting Thesaurusand The Urban Setting Thesaurus: Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Girl in the Ice:Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Cazacu, Matei, Dracula: USA (Brill, WEL)
- Jensen, Louise, The Sister: Netherlands (A.W. Bruna, in a pre-empt)
- Norris, Dan, Content Machine: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volumes 4 and 5): Germany (Knaus, 2-book deal)
- Uras, Michaël, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning (Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): Korea (Chaekpung), Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros)
JULY 2016
- Altucher, James,The Rich Employee: Mexico (Ediciones B), Poland (OSM CONSULT)
- Cardoso, Rafael, The Remnant (O remanescente): Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Debureaux, Matthias, How to Bore People with Your Travel Stories(De l’art d’ennuyer en racontant ses voyages): Korea (Purun Communication/Philiosophik)
- Groen, Hendrik,As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): UK & Commonwealth (Michael Joseph/Penguin Random House UK), Egypt (Al Kotob Khan, World Arabic rights), Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros, at auction, in a two-book deal), Slovakia (Albatros Media, at auction, in a two-book deal)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros, at auction, in a two-book deal), Slovakia (Albatros Media, at auction, in a two-book deal)
- Rimmer, Kelly, When I Lost You:Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Ziegler, Jessica & Dworkin-McDaniel, Norine, The Science of Parenthood. Thoroughly Unscientific Explanations for Utterly Baffling Parenting Situations: Vietnam (Tre Publishing House), Taiwan (Heliopolis Culture Group)
JUNE 2016
- Berry, Wendell,The Art of the Commonplace: France (Wildproject)
- Debureaux, Matthias, How to Bore People with Your Travel Stories(De l’art d’ennuyer en racontant ses voyages): Germany (Nagel & Kimche)
- Gerritsen, Esther, Brother(Broer): Germany (Aufbau, at auction)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life(Zolang er leven is): Poland (Albatros)
- Polman, Linda, Death Row Dollies: Living with the Death Penalty: Turkey (Paloma)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre, Three Friends in Search of Wisdom (Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Thailand (Suan Nguen Mee Ma)
- Robben, Jaap, Birk(You Have Me to Love): Czech Republic (Vyšehrad)
- Sarr, Felwine, Afrotopia: USA (Univocal,WEL)
- Uras, Michael, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning (Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): Italy (Editrice Nord, in a pre-empt)
MAY 2016
- Abdolah, Kader, Parrot Flew Over the IJssel (Papegaai vloog over de IJssel): Bosnia (Buybooks)
- Bériot, Louis, Coffee with Voltaire: Conversations with the Greatest Minds of His Time (Un café avec Voltaire. Conversations avec les grands esprits de son temps): Spain (Arpa Editores)
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Rest of Their Lives (Le reste de leur vie): Sweden (Norstedts)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Bosnia (Šahinpasic)
- Massat, Gabrielle, The Butterfly Child (L’enfant papillon): Colombia (Panamericana, Spanish for Latin-America only)
- Piketty, Thomas, Why Save the Bankers? And Other Essays on Our Economic & Political Crisis (Peut-on sauver l’Europe?): Finland (Minerva)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre, Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Romania (Trei, at auction)
- Sattouf Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 1, 2 and 3 (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Spain (Sapristi/Roca)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 2 (L’Arabe du futur vol. 2): Italy (Rizzoli-Lizard)
APRIL 2016
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Rest of Their Lives (Le reste de leur vie): UK & BC excl. Canada (Mantle/Macmillan)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Slovenia (Mladinska Knjiga), Germany (Piper)
- Meliss, Gods in Crisis (Nom de Zeus): Turkey (Gurer Yayinlari)
- Polman, Linda,Death Row Dollies: Poland (Czarne)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 1 (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Korea (Kugil Publishing)
- Tremblay, Lisa, Chemin Saint-Paul: Sweden (Ramus)
MARCH 2016
- Abdolah, Kader, The Journey of the Empty Bottles(De Reis van de lege flessen): Colombia (Arango; Spanish for Latin-America only)
- Batalha, Martha, The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao(A Invisível Vida de Euridice Gusmão): UK (Oneworld, WEL)
- Charlier, Philippe, Investigating the Living-Dead(Zombis. Enquête sur les morts-vivants): USA (University Press of Florida)
- Charlier, Philippe; Alliot, David, When Science Sheds Light on History(Quand la science explore l’histoire): USA (University Press of Florida)
- Fernandez, Marc, Mala Vida: Italy (Sellerio)
- Groen, Hendrik,As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Italy (Longanesi)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Romania (Art, at auction), Taiwan (Commonwealth Publishing Co.)
- Harnisch, Kristen, The Vintner’s Daughter:Germany (Amazon Publishing)
- Montes, Raphael, Perfect Days(Dias Perfeitos): Denmark (Gyldendal, in a pre-empt), Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Norris, Dan, Content Machine:China (Guangdong Economic Press)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea For Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux. Vers une bienveillance pour tous): Taiwan (Good Morning Press)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre, Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Finland (Basam Books), Poland (Czarna Owca, at auction), Taiwan (Athena Press/Eurasian Publishing Group, at auction), Turkey (Kuraldisi)
- Ziegler, Jessica & Dworkin-McDaniel, Norine, The Science of Parenthood. Thoroughly Unscientific Explanations for Utterly Baffling Parenting Situations: China (Wuhan University Press)
- Butler, Caron, Tuff Juice. My Journey from the Streets to the NBA:Finland (Minerva)
- Critchley, Simon, Bowie: Finland (Aula & Co.)
- Fernandez, Marc, Mala Vida: USA (Arcade, WEL)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): USA (Grand Central, at auction, NA)
- Maisons, Dominique, The Predators’ Ball(Le festin des fauves): Bulgaria (Millenium Publishers)
- Nassif, Philippe, Final Words(Ultimes): Brazil (Autêntica), China (Wuhan University Press)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup: Japan (Asahi Shimbun Publications)
- Peeters, Elvis, Hunt (Jacht): Mexico (Tusquets Mexico, Spanish language for Latin America)
- Polman, Linda, Death Row Dollies: Hungary (Athenaeum, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 1(Les Cahiers d’Esther): Greece (Potamos), Germany (Reprodukt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 2(L’Arabe du futur vol. 2): Portugal (Asa/Leya)
- Tevelow, Jesse, The Connection Algorithm:China (Sunnbook Culture & Art)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca The Positive Trait Thesaurusand The Negative Trait Thesaurus: Japan (Film Art Sha) and Korea (Erum Book)
- Batalha, Martha, The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmão: The Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Critchley, Simon, Bowie: Denmark (Klim, at auction)
- Fernandez, Marc,Mala Vida: Spain (Salamandra, at auction)
- Fottorino, Eric (ed.), Who Are Daesh?(Qui est Daech?): Sweden (Vaktel Forlag)
- Geni, Abby, The Lightkeepers: France (Actes Sud, in a pre-empt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future 1 (L’Arabe du futur): Slovenia (Literatura)
- Slee, Tom, What’s Yours Is Mine:Canada (Lux Editeur, French world rights)
- Tremblay, Larry, The Orange Grove(L’orangeraie): Sweden (Vaktel)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch, books 3 and 4: Hungary (Maxim)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Bulgaria (Bard, at auction) and Egypt (Al Kotob Khan, World Arabic rights, in a pre-empt)
- Jackson, Sophie, An Ounce of Hope (book 2 in the A Pound Of Fleshtrilogy): The Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future 1-3 (L’Arabe du futur) : Croatia (Fibra)
- Abdolah, Kader, Parrot Flew Over the IJssel(Papegaai vloog over de IJssel): Colombia (Arango Editores, Spanish for Latin America)
- Altucher, James,The Rich Employee: Vietnam (Alpha Books)
- Azula Altucher, Claudia, Become an Idea Machine: Vietnam (Alpha Books)
- Batalha, Martha, The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmão(A Invisível Vida de Euridice Gusmão): Norway (Pax)
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Reader on the 6:27(Le liseur du 6h27): Denmark (Politikens)
- Nassif, Philippe,Final Words (Ultimes): Korea (KPI Publishing, at auction)
- Norris, Dan,Content Machine: Taiwan (Business Weekly Publications)
- Pardo Lazo, Orlando Luis (ed.),Cuba in Splinters: France (Editions Hoëbeke)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre: Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Brazil (Alaùde/Tordesilhas)
- Schilperoord, Inge, Tench(Muidhond): Italy (Fazi)
- Sherif, Vamba, The Land of my Fathers(Het land van de vaders): UK (HopeRoad Publishing, WEL)
- Brasseur, Diane, Fidelities(Les fidélités): Romania (Nemira)
- Champclos, Antoinette,Foolproof Method for Successful Studies (La méthode infaillible pour réussir vos études): Korea (The Reader Press)
- Gerritsen, Esther,Roxy: Colombia (Panamericana Editorial, Spanish language in Latin America)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Denmark (People’s Press, in a pre-empt)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Romania (Trei), Finland (Minerva)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre: Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 2): Norway (Minuskel)
- Sips, Maaike, Monica, My Father(Monica, mijn vader): Germany (Droemer Knaur, in a pre-empt)
- Thijssen, Jeroen , Solitude: Colombia (Arango Editores, Spanish language for Latin America)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Altucher, James, The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth: China (Sunnbook Culture & Art)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Spain (Planeta)
- Brasseur, Diane, I Don’t Want Passion(Je ne veux pas d’une passion): Estonia (Eesti Raamat)
- Feret-Fleury, Christine, Chasing Sleeping Beauty(Au Bois Dormant): Thailand (Pran)
- Kader, Slimane, With a View Below the Sea(Avec vue sous la mer): Taiwan (China Times Publishing Company)
- Lowell, Nathan, Quarter Share: Korea (Gu-Fic)
- Marsons, Angela , Silent Screamand Evil Games: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Schilperoord, Inge, Tench(Muidhond): Turkey (Pinhan)
- Coburn, Derek, Networking Is Not Working: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): China (Thinkingdom)
- Pearson, Taylor, The End of Jobs: Korea (Bookie Publishing House, at auction)
- Schilperoord, Inge, Tench(Muidhond): UK (Pushkin Press, WEL)
JULY 2015
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself:Vietnam (Alpha Books)
- Altucher, James, The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth: Taiwan (Good Publishing)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Russia (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber), Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Brasseur, Diane, I Don’t Want Passion(Je ne veux pas d’une passion): Germany (DTV)
- Daull, Sophie,Camille, I’ll Come Fly With You (Camille mon envolée): The Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Turkey (Can, at auction)
- Knight, Michael Muhammad, The Taqwacores: The Netherlands (Bananafish)
- Musso, Guillaume, This Very Moment(L’instant présent): Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch: Czech Republic (Blue Vision), China (China Machine Press, at auction)
- Onfray, Michel, Théorie du voyage: Spain (Taurus)
- Pépin, Charles, Joy(Joie): Korea (Nike Books)
- Rimmer, Kelly, Me Without You: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur)(Volume 2): Korea (Humanist)
- Schilperoord, Inge, Tench (Muidhond): France (Belfond)
JUNE 2015
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Korea (Moonyelim), China (Renmin University Press)
- Colin, Jérôme, Avoiding Tolls(Eviter les péages): Germany (Hoffmann und Campe)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Hungary (Libri Kiado, at auction)
- Harnisch, Kristen, The California Wife: Hungary (Lazi)
- Lewis, Jason Lewis, The Expedition – Book 3:China (Sunnbook Culture and Art)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea for Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux. Vers une bienveillance pour tous): Brazil (Palas Athena)
- Zeller, Guillaume, The Priest Barracks of Dachau(La baraque des prêtres): USA (Ignatius Press, WEL)
MAY 2015
- Ackerman, Angela & Becca Puglisi,The Emotion Thesaurus, Romania (Paralela 45)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Arabic (Jarir)
- Carpenter, Sam, Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less: Arabic (ElArab Group For Training, Publishing & Printing)
- Coburn, Derek, Networking Is Not Working: Arabic (ElArab Group For Training, Publishing & Printing)
- Groen, Hendrik,Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Slovenia (Mladinska Knjiga, at auction), Norway (Vigmostad & Bjørke, at auction), Iceland (Bjartur, at auction)
- Herfkens, Annette, Turbulence(Turbulentie): France (Payot-Rivages), Germany (Lübbe), Portugal (Quinta Essência/Leya, in a pre-empt)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Peeters, Elvis, The Uncountables (De Ontelbaren): Turkey (Tekin)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur)(Volumes 2 and 3): Germany (Knaus)
APRIL 2015
- Dickner, Nicholas, Six Degrees of Freedom (Six degrés de liberté): The Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Finland (Gummerus), Brazil (Planeta), Portugal (Jacaranda, at auction), Serbia (Dereta), Poland (Albatros), Lithuania (Alma Littera)
- Norris, Dan,The 7 Day Startup: Thailand (Superposition)
- Rimmer, Kelly, Me Without You:The Netherlands (Luitingh Sijthoff), Sweden (Modernista)
- Robben, Jaap, Birk:Turkey (Kahve)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur)(Volumes 2 and 3): The Netherlands (De Geus)
- Lemaître, Pierre, Rosy & John: The Netherlands (Xander)
MARCH 2015
- Abdolah, Kader, Parrot Flew Over the IJssel (Papegaai vloog over de IJssel): Italy (Iperborea)
- Groen, Hendrik,Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Italy (Longanesi, pre-empt), Germany (Piper, pre-empt), Spain (Roca, pre-empt), France (Presses de la Cité, pre-empt), Catalan (Amsterdam), Greece (Patakis), UK & Commonwealth (Michael Joseph/Penguin Randomhouse UK, at auction), Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand, at auction), Korea (Moonhak Soochup, at auction)
- Lemaître, Pierre,Rosy & John: Catalan (Bromera)
- Piketty, Thomas Can We Save Europe?(Peut-on sauver l’Europe ?): Sweden (Volante)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea for Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux. Vers une bienveillance pour tous): Italy (Sperling & Kupfer)
- Rimmer, Kelly, Me Without You: Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof)
- Thuram, Lilian, My Black Stars(Mes étoiles noires): Sweden (Vaktel Forlag)
- Althusser, Louis, Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences(Psychanalyse et les sciences humaines): USA (Columbia University Press, WEL)
- Jaffe, Noemi, What are the Blind Men Dreaming? (O que os cegos estão sonhando?): USA (Deep Vellum, WEL)
- Lemaître, Pierre, Rosy & John: Spain (Alfaguara)
- Pengelley, Nick, Ryder: American Treasure: Belgium (Dutch rights, WPG-Manteau)
- Piketty, Thomas Can We Save Europe?(Peut-on sauver l’Europe ?): The Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Bensoussan Georges, Jews in Arabic Countries(Juifs en pays arabes): USA (Indiana University Press, WEL)
- Coburn, Derek, Networking is not Working:Korea (Raonbook)
- Gerritsen, Esther,Craving (Dorst): Arabic (Sefsafa Publishing House)
- Piketty, Thomas, Can We Save Europe?(Peut-on sauver l’Europe?): USA (North American rights, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Portugal (LeYa)
- Silveira, Maria José, The Mother of Mothers(A mãe da mãe de sua mãe e suas filhas): USA (Open Letter Books, WEL)
- De Buysser, Pieter, The Stonecutters(De keisnijders): Czech Republic (Argo)
- Feret-Fleury, Christine, Chasing Sleeping Beauty (Au bois dormant): Korea (Nike Books)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof)
- Musso, Guillaume, Central Park: the Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea For Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux): Korea (Namu’s Mind/Munhakdongne)
- Chirovici, Eugen, Gods, Weapons and Money. The Puzzle of Power: Korea (Thenan Contents Group, at auction)
- Coburn, Derek, Networking is not Working: China (China Financial & Economic Publishing House)
- Hayat, Philippe, Momo of Les Halles (Momo des Halles): Germany (Thiele Verlag)
- Jackson, Sophie,A Pound of Flesh: The Netherlands (VBK Media)
- Lewis, Jason, The Expedition: Germany (Piper/Malik, 3-book deal)
- Llobregat, Jordi, Vesalius’ Secret(El Secreto de Vesalio): The Netherlands (Meridiaan, at auction)
- Norris, Dan,The 7 Day Startup: Poland (Helion)
- Peeters, Elvis, Tuesday(Dinsdag): Japan (Shoraisha)
- Robben, Jaap, Birk: Germany (Ars Vivendi)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Norway (Minuskel), Poland (Kultura Gniewu, at auction)
- Wurge, B.B., The Last Notebook of Leonardo: Turkey (Dogan Egmont)
- Cockburn, Patrick, The Jihadis Return. Isis and the New Sunni Uprising: Sweden (Celanders Forlag)
- Feret-Fleury, Christine, Chasing Sleeping Beauty(Au bois dormant): Germany (Ravensburger)
- Goldberg, Tod,Gangsterland: The Netherlands (Querido)
- Hemmerechts, Kristien, The Woman Who Fed the Dogs(De vrouw die de honden te eten gaf): Sweden (Ramus)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea for Animals (Plaidoyer pour les animaux): Spain (Kairos)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Finland (WSOY, 2-book deal, at auction)
- Barcena, Juan Gomez, The Sky over Lima (El cielo de Lima): USA (US rights, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
- Causse, Jean-Gabriel, The Astonishing Power of Colors (L’Etonnant pouvoir des couleurs): The Netherlands (Kosmos, at auction)
- Cockburn, Patrick, The Jihadis Return. Isis and the New Sunni Uprising: France (Les Editions des Equateurs), The Netherlands (Amsterdam University Press)
- Freeman, John (ed), Tales of Two Cities. The Best and Worst of Times in Today’s New York: France (Actes Sud)
- Ricard, Matthieu,A Plea for Animals (Plaidoyer pour les animaux): USA (WEL, Shambhala), Germany (LangenMueller)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Denmark (Cobolt, 3-book deal), Sweden (Cobolt, 3 book deal, at auction)
- Tremblay, Larry, The Orange Grove(L’orangeraie): The Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Veiga, Jose J., The Three Trials of Manirema(A Hora dos Ruminantes) & Sombras de Reis Barbudos: The Netherlands (Athenaeum, at auction)
- Barreau, Nicolas, Paris Is Always a Good Idea(Paris ist immer eine gute Idee): USA (WEL, Saint Martin’s Press)
- Carpenter, Don, Fridays at Enrico’s: The Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
- Lafani, Florian & Renault, Gautier, Trouble[s]: Russia (Centrepolygraph)
- Ricard, Matthieu,A Plea for Animals (Plaidoyer pour les animaux): The Netherlands (Ten Have)
JULY 2014
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Lithuania (UAB Media Incognito)
- Gros, Frederic, Walking, A Philosophy(Marcher, une philosophie): Denmark (Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag)
- Hwang, Victor W. and Horowitt, Greg, The Rainforest: The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley: Vietnam (DT Books)
- Lewis, Jason, The Expedition: Taiwan (Sunflower Media, 3-book deal)
- Montasser, Thomas: A Very Special Year (Ein ganz besonderes Jahr): UK (Oneworld, WEL) –
JUNE 2014
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself & The Choose Yourself Stories: Romania (Act si Politon)
- Gros, Frederic, Walking, A Philosophy (Marcher, une philosophie): Sweden (Alhambra Forlag)
- Krohnen, Michael, The Kitchen Chronicles: Korea (Yolimwon, at auction)
- Pengelley, Nicholas, The Ayesha Ryder,book 1: Belgium (Dutch language, WPG-Manteau)
- Repila, Ivan, The Well (El nino que robo el caballo de Atila): The Netherlands (De Bezige Bij, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Brazil (Intrinseca, at auction, 2-book deal), Germany (Knaus/Randomhouse, at auction), Italy (Rizzoli Lizard, at auction), Korea (Humanist, at auction), The Netherlands (De Geus, at auction), Spain (Salamandra, at auction, 3-book deal)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks Fruit): USA (NA, Tin House)
MAY 2014
- Critchley, Simon, Bowie: France (Editions La Decouverte)
- Dambre, Roxane, Animae vol. 1: USA (WEL, AmazonCrossing)
- Kader, Slimane, With a View Below the Sea (Avec vue sous la mer): Germany (Droemer-Knaur)
- Osho, Destiny, Freedom and the Soul: The Netherlands (BBNC)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.),Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Taiwan (Ye-Ren)
APRIL 2014
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Thailand (Amarin)
- Brasseur, Diane, Fidelities (Les fidélités): Brazil (Lazuli), Estonia (Eesti Raamat)
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Reader of the 6:27 (Le liseur du 6h27): Norway (Schibsted)
- Hayat, Philippe, Momo of Les Halles (Momo des Halles): Spain (Duomo Ediciones)
- Kader, Slimane, With a View Below the Sea (Avec vue sous la mer): Korea (Nike Books)
- Krohnen, Michael, The Kitchen Chronicles: Japan (Kosmos Library)
- Montes, Raphael, Perfect Days (Dias perfeitos): The Netherlands (Cargo/De Bezige Bij, pre-empt)
- Valpy, Fiona, The French for Love & The French for Always: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
MARCH 2014
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Bulgaria (Obsidian Publishers), Taiwan (Good Publishing)
- Brasseur, Diane, Fidelities (Les fidélités): Germany (DTV), Italy (Sonzogno), Poland (PWN)
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Reader of the 6:27 (Le liseur du 6h27): UK (MacMillan UK, WEL, pre-empt), Finland (Tammi), Sweden (Norstedts, pre-empt), the Netherlands (Xander, pre-empt)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Poland (Helion, 2-book deal)
- Obama Ndesandjo, Mark, An Obama’s Journey: My Odyssey of Self-Discovery Across Three Cultures: USA (Lyons Press, WEL)
- Simon, Coen, Waiting for Happiness. A Philosophy of Desire (Wachten op geluk): Germany (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.), Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Spain (Kairos)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks Fruit): Greece (Potamos)
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Poland (MT Bizens)
- Brasseur, Diane, Fidelities (Les fidélités): Spain (Salamandra, at auction), Catalan (Edicions 62, at auction)
- Diop, Boubacar Boris, The Knight and His Shadow (Le cavalier et son ombre): USA (Michigan University Press, NA)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Estonia (Ajakirjade Kirjastus)
- Hayat, Philippe, Momo of Les Halles (Momo des Halles): Italy (Neri Pozza, at auction)
- Musso, Guillaume, 7 Years Later (7 ans après): The Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.), Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: USA (Picador/MacMillan, WEL, at auction), Germany (Knaus/Randomhouse, at auction), Korea (Munhakdongne, at auction)
- Boyd, Andrew & Mitchell, Dave (eds), Beautiful Trouble, A Toolbox for Revolution: France (Editions Les Liens Qui Libèrent)
- Hyperink, e-book rights in 10 of their titles: China (Beijing Douwang Technology)
- Osho, Mindfulness in the Modern World and Living on Your Own Terms: the Netherlands (BBNC)
- Vermalle, Caroline, Sixtine vol.1: Spain (Hachette-Bruño)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks Fruit): Korea (Hyundae Munhak)
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Korea (Seguroo)
- Dr Kouffman Sherman, Paulette, When Mars Women Date: China (Hachette-Phoenix)
- Hyperink, e-book rights in 25 titles of their biography series: China (Citic Press)
- Maio, Juliana, City of the Sun: Serbia (Vulkan)
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Czech Republic (Synergie)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Hungary (Maxim, 2-book deal)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Korea (Dasan Books)
- Miller, J. Steve, Near Death Experiences As Evidence for the Existence of God and Heaven: Croatia (Znanje)
- Tremblay, Larry, The Orange Grove (L’orangeraie): USA (Milkweed)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Russia (Eksmo, 3-book deal)
- Gessen, Masha & Huff-Hannon, Joseph (eds.), Gay Propaganda. Russian Love Stories: The Netherlands (Dutch Media)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Brazil (Autentica)
- Lowell, Nathan, Quarter Share: Japan (Hayakawa)
- Miller, J. Steve, Near Death Experiences As Evidence for the Existence of God and Heaven: Russia (Centrepolygraph)
- Mussa, Alberto, The Master of the Left Side: Ethiopia (Ho He Publisher)
- Gros, Frederic, Walking, A Philosophy (Marcher, une philosophie): Finland (Basam Books)
- Lewis, Jason, The Expedition: China (Sunnbook Culture & Art Co. Ltd., 2-book deal)
- Geary, Debora,A Modern Witch: China (ChongQing Green Culture, 3-book deal)
- Hwang, Victor W. and Horowitt, Greg, The Rainforest: The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley: China (Economy & Business Publishing Division Beijing Huazhang Graphics & Information Co., Lt)
- Lowell, Nathan, Quarter Share: Korea (NaeAppeSeoda)
JULY 2013
- Althusser, Louis, Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences (Psychanalyse et sciences humaines): Turkey (Alfa Basim Yayim)
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Turkey (Pegasus)
- Bubenzer, Anne, The Incredible Story of Henry N. Brown (Die Unglaubliche Geschichte des Henry N. Brown): USA (Nortia, NA)
- Hwang, Victor W. and Horowitt, Greg, The Rainforest: The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley: Korea (EtNews)
- Lemaitre, Pierre,Rosy & John: UK (MacLehose Press, WEL)
- Ono, Yoko, Acorn: France (Flammarion)
- Wrobel, Ronaldo, Translating Hannah (Traduzindo Hannah): The Netherlands (De Geus)
JUNE 2013
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Brazil (Tordesilhas/Alaúde), China (Sunnbook Culture & Art Co. Ltd.)
- Altucher, James, I Was Blind but Now I See: China (Sunnbook Culture & Art Co. Ltd.)
- Emmerik, Gerard van, The Chicken Boy (De Kippenjongen): Hungary (Taurandus)
- Sayres, Meghan, Anahita’s Woven Riddle: India (Scholastic)
MAY 2013
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: Korea (Infinity Books)
- Campbell, Anna M., Honeycomb Kids: Turkey (Kuraldisi Yayinlari)
- Dr Kouffman Sherman, Paulette, When Mars Women Date: Czech Republic (Synergie), Korea (Daewon)
- Gruda, Joanna, The Boy Who Could Speak the Language of Dogs (L’enfant qui savait parler la langue des chiens): USA (Europa Editions, WEL)
- Hadot, Pierre, The Handbook of Epictetus (Manuel d’Epictete): Spain (Errata Naturae)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Italy (Mondadori)
MARCH 2013
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Korea (Greenfish Publishing, at auction, 7-book deal), Spain (Principal de los Libros)
- Althusser, Louis, Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences (Psychanalyse et sciences humaines): Argentina (Nueva Vision)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Brazil (Novo Conceito, pre-empt for first three books)
- Gruda, Joanna, The Boy Who Could Speak the Language of Dogs (L’enfant qui savait parler la langue des chiens): The Netherlands (Cargo)
- Barreau, Nicolas, One evening in Paris (Eines Abends in Paris): USA (WEL, Saint Martin’s Press)
- De Saint-Cheron, Michael,Conversations with Emmanuel Levinas, 1992-1994 (Entretiens avec Emmanuel Levinas, 1992-1994): Turkey (Alfa Basim Yayim)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise,Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Italy (Vallardi)
- Wurge, B.B., The Last Notebook of Leonardo: Korea (Younglim Cardinal Inc)
- Rabineau, Isabelle, Double Dior. The Multiple Lives of Christian Dior (Double Dior. Les vies multiples de Christian Dior): China (Shanghai VI Horae)
- Assange, Julian, Cypherpunks: France (Editions Robert Laffont)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Brazil (LPM)
- Herder, Paul, Revolutionary Minds: Taiwan (Bright Culture)
- Japrisot, Sebastien, Three Titles: China (Hunan Literature and Arts Publishing House)
- Khara, David, The Bleiberg Project (Le projet Bleiberg): USA (WEL, Le French Book)
- Valente, Luize: The Secret of the Shrine (O Segredo do Oratorio): The Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Bullen, Daniel,The Love Lives of the Artists: Korea (Korea Price Information, Corp.)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Lithuania (Alma Littera)
- Azevedo, Francisco, Palma’s Rice (O arroz de Palma): The Netherlands (Signatuur)
- Sayres, Meghan, Anahita’s Woven Riddle: Spain (WSR – Roca Editorial)
JUNE 2012
- Dudek, Arnaud, Being Good (Rester sage): The Netherlands (Nobelman)
- Mirolla, Michael, Berlin: Latvia (Diena Publishing)
MAY 2012
- Gros, Frédéric, Walking, A Philosophy (Marcher, une philosophie): The Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
APRIL 2012
- Musso, Guillaume, Call From an Angel (L’appel de l’ange): The Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
MARCH 2012
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): France (Fleuve Noir/Univers Poche)
- Kruse, Max, The Silver Unicorn (Das Silberne Einhorn): China (Shanghai 99)
- Stroink, Michiel: As If I’m Crazy (Of ik gek ben): Russia (Text)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Germany (Blanvalet/Randomhouse, at auction)
- Altucher, James,I Was Blind But Now I See: Taiwan (Business Weekly)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Finland (Minerva)
- Werth, Léon, Saint-Exupery As I Knew Him (Saint-Exupéry tel que je l’ai connu): China (Modern Press)
- Krohnen, Michael, The Kitchen Chronicles: Taiwan (Bright Culture)
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