31 Jul Foreign Rights Deals Negotiated in Previous Years
Take a look at 2 Seas Agency’s foreign rights deals negotiated in previous years:
December 2023
- Alemagna, Beatrice, Pepper and Me: Turkey (Can)
- Berry, Wendell, The World-Ending Fire: The Essential Wendell Berry: Slovakia (Kapitalks)
- Black, Acacia, My Missing Piece (Vol.1&2): Italy (Cairo), Russia (Eksmo)
- Bush, Ryan A, Become Who You Are: Poland (Kobiece), Turkey (Serenad)
- Galabru, Sophie, What Makes a Family. A Philosophy of Bonds (Faire famille, Une philosophie des liens): Netherlands (Ten Have)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Slovakia (Lindeni)
- Hundley, Stephen, Bomb Island: France (Buchet Chastel, in a preempt)
- Jenkins, Emily, Brittany Cicchese (Illust.), The Kitten Story. A Mostly True Tale: Turkey (Koç)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Anthology Of Balaji. A Guide to Technology, Truth and Building the Future: China (CITIC), Turkey (Nova/Ithaki)
- Lewat, Osvalde, The Aquatic Ones (Les aquatiques): North America (Coffee House Press)
- Malø, Mo, Nuuk: Italy (Piemme)
- Mathieu, Nicolas, The Open Sky (Le ciel ouvert): the Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
- Matyusha, Pavlo and Viktoriya, Letters of Love and War (Lettres d’amour et de guerre): Netherlands (Querido, in a preempt)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Thailand (Biblio, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles, Living With Your Past. A Philosophy to Help You Move Forward (Vivre avec son passé. Une philosophie pour aller de l’avant): Italy (Baldini & Castoldi, at auction)
- Pryor, Henna, Good Awkward: How to Embrace the Embarrassing and Celebrate the Cringe to Become The Bravest You: Taiwan (Ping’s Publications)
November 2023
- Alemagna, Beatrice, Pepper and Me: World Spanish & Catalan (Combel, at auction)
- Andrea, Jean-Baptiste, Watching Over Her (Veiller sur elle): Denmark (Alpha, in a preempt)
- Ardone, Viola, Great Wonder (Grande meraviglia): Denmark (Alpha)
- Black, Acacia, My Missing Piece: Canadian French (Saint-Jean)
- Bush, Ryan A, Designing the Mind. The Principles of Psychitecture: Portugal (Self)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Crystal Necklace (La collana di cristallo): Netherlands (Xander)
- Campbell, Phillip John, Brain Habits. The Science of Subconscious Success: Korea (Fika, at auction)
- Conrad, Lauren Paige, This is a Window: Turkey (Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları)
- Couderc, Frédéric, Out of Reach (Hors d’atteinte): World English (AkooBooks Audio)
- De Luca, Erri, Impossible & The Rules of Shangai (Impossibile & Le regole dello Shanghai): the Netherlands (Het Moet)
- Dortier, Jean-François, Language (Le langage): Arabic (Organisation Arabe de Traduction)
- Drabkin, Ronald, Beverly Hills Spy: The Double-Agent Flying Ace Who Infiltrated Hollywood and Helped Japan Attack Pearl Harbor: Japan (Kawade Shobo Shinsha, at auction)
- Fumey, Gilles, Geopolitics of Food (Géopolitique de l’alimentation): World Spanish (Herder Editorial, at auction)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Become a Cat in 30 Days: My Book of Exercises for Self-Discovery and Fulfillment (30 jours pour devenir un chat: Mon cahier d’exercices pour se découvrir & s’épanouir): Hungary (Partvonal Kiadó)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Anthology Of Balaji. A Guide to Technology, Truth and Building the Future: Hindi, Tamil & Gujarati (Embassy Books), Portugal (Self), Indian subcontinent (English; HarperCollins India)
- Lambert, Kevin, Joy of Deathless Springs (Que notre joie demeure): the Netherlands (De Arbeiderspers, at auction)
- Malmström, Stefan, Kult: Iceland (Lind & Co, ebook & audio only)
- Montgomery, Lewis B. & Wummer, Amy(Illust.), The Milo & Jazz Mysteries Series: Turkey (Koç)
- Michielsen, Dido, Angel and Kinnari (Engel en Kinnari): Italy (Nord)
- Piven, Joshua & Borgenicht, David, The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Apocalypse: Norway (Maken)
- Prophète, Emmélie, God’s Town (Les villages de dieu): World English (Archipelago)
- Roszak, Theodore, Gomes, Mary E. Kanner, Allen D., Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind: Poland (Oficyna Związek Otwarty)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 8 (Les Cahiers d’Esther t.8): Germany (Reprodukt)
- Tabrizi, Behnam, Going on Offense: A Leader’s Playbook for Perpetual Innovation: Brazil (Astra Cultural)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks fruit): Brazil (Rua do Sabão)
- Yaccarino, Dan, City Under the City: World Spanish (Astronave/Norma)
October 2023
- Alemagna, Beatrice, Pepper and Me: Greece (Kokkino, at auction)
- Andrea, Jean-Baptiste, Watching Over Her (Veiller sur elle): Sweden (Editions J)
- Avallone, Silvia, Dark Heart (Cuore Nero): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Campbell, Phillip John, Brain Habits. The Science of Subconscious Success: China (China Machine Press, at auction)
- Cognetti, Paolo, Down in the Valley (Giú nella valle): Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Emma, Another Look vol. 5 Lines and Pebbles (Un autre regard. Des lignes et des cailloux t. 5): Germany (UNRAST)
- Hale, Jenny, The Butterfly Sisters, The Memory Keeper, The Christmas Letters: France (Prisma)
- Hutts Aston, Dianna, Mermaids’ Song to the Sea: Netherlands (Moon/Overamstel)
- Keiko, Yoshimura, 108 Bell Tolls (108 rintocchi): Netherlands (HarperCollins Holland, at auction)
- Mouhtare, Touhfat, The Fire Within (Le Feu du Milieu): World English (Dedalus Books)
- Pépin, Charles, Living With Your Past. A Philosophy to Help You Move Forward (Vivre avec son passé. Une philosophie pour aller de l’avant): Greek (Patakis), World Spanish (Siruela), and Korea (Prunsoop, at auction)
- Pryor, Henna, Good Awkward: How to Embrace the Embarrassing and Celebrate the Cringe to Become The Bravest You: Arabic (Jarir)
- Roux, Anaïs, Albrecht, Lucie, Neurosapiens. How to use your brain to live better! (Neurosapiens. Comment utiliser votre cerveau pour vivre mieux !): Netherlands (Zuidnederlandse)
- Schaefer, Mark, The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever: Taiwan (Lumieres), Arabic (Jarir), Korea (Dongyangbooks, at auction)
- Sivers, Derek, Hell Yeah Or No. What’s Worth Doing & How to Live. 27 Conflicting Answers and One Weird Conclusion: Arabic (Jarir)
- Tabrizi, Behnam, Going on Offense: A Leader’s Playbook for Perpetual Innovation: Korea (Miraebook) & China (Beijing Jie Teng)
- Trouillot, Lyonel, The Sentinel of Calvary (Veilleuse du calvaire): World English (Schaffner Press)
- Wenger, Kenneth, Is the Algorithm Plotting Against Us? A Layperson’s Guide to the Concepts, Math, and Pitfalls of AI: Poland (Helion)
- Windmeijer, Jeroen, The Shadow of Vermeer (De schaduw van Vermeer): Czech (Grada)
September 2023
- Ackerman, Angela, Puglisi, Becca, The Negative Trait Thesaurus, The Positive Trait Thesaurus, Emotion Amplifiers, The Emotional Wound Thesaurus & The Occupation Thesaurus: Russia (Alpina)
- Ardone, Viola, Great Wonder (Grande meraviglia): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Berry, Joshua, Dare To Be Naive: How to Find Your True Self in a Noisy World: Korea (Yemun)
- Campbell, Phillip John, Brain Habits. The Science of Subconscious Success: Arabic (Jarir)
- Devillairs, Laurence, A Short Philosophy of the Sea (Petite philosophie de la Mer): Vietnam (Huy Hoang Cultural)
- Enard, Mathias, Deserting (Déserter): North America (New Directions)
- Fasiki, Zainab, Hshuma. Women’s Bodies and Sexuality in Morocco (Hshouma. Corps et sexualité au Maroc): World English (Clairview Books)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Arsène Lupin (Agir et penser comme Arsène Lupin): Arabic (Logha)
- Lewat, Osvalde, The Aquatic Ones (Les aquatiques):UK & BC excl Canada (Cassava Republic)
- Marmion, Jean-François, The History of Psychology in 101 Dates (Histoire de la psychologie. De pinel à damasio 101 dates clés): China (Renmin University Press)
- Mofina, Rick, Search for Her: Sweden (Jentas A/S), Ray Wyatt Thriller Series: Denmark & Sweden (Jentas A/S, 3-book deal)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 6: Portugal (Leya)
- Sivers, Derek, How to Live. 27 Conflicting Answers and One Weird Conclusion: Russia (Alpina)
- Tabrizi, Behnam, Going on Offense: A Leader’s Playbook for Perpetual Innovation: Taiwan (Business Weekly)
- Thiellement, Pacôme, Infernet (Infernet – Suivi de Internet et moi (une confession): World Spanish (Granica)
August 2023
- Amore, Elisa S., Legend, Kiera, Teen Villains (trilogy): Germany (Winterfeld)
- Andrea, Jean-Baptiste, Watching Over Her (Veiller sur elle): Netherlands (Oevers)
- Chacour, Éric, What I Know About You (Ce que je sais de toi): Denmark (Holgers)
- Clarke Harrison, Tiffany, Blue Hour: A Novel: UK &BC excl Can (Verve, at auction)
- Dawson, Ashley, Extinction. A Radical History (expanded edition): France (La Tempête)
- Désy, Jean, Happiness Lies in the North (Le coureur de froid): Italy (Lindau)
- Douay, Stéphane & Simmat, Benoist, The Incredible History of Cuisine (L’incroyable histoire de la cuisin): World English (Papercutz)
- Garnier, Stéphane, Dalai Lama, His 31 Secrets to Enjoy the Present (Dalaï Lama, ses 31 secrets pour vivre le moment présent): Czech (Jota)
- Hale, Jenny, The Memory Keeper: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning), Romania (Grup Media Litera)
- Murata, Kiyoko, A Woman of Pleasure: UK &BC excl Can (Footnote)
- Pépin, Charles, Living With Your Past. A Philosophy to Help You Move Forward (Vivre avec son passé. Une philosophie pour aller de l’avant): Arabic (Le Centre Culturel Arabe)
- Quintard, Clément, The 100 Thinkers of The Economy (Les 100 penseurs de l’économie): Arabic (Page Seven Publishing House)
- Sheridan, Marcus & Lessard, Tyler, The Visual Sale: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Tolan, John, The New History of Islam (Nouvelle histoire de l’islam): World English (Princeton University Press)
- Yi, Esther, Y/N: China (CITIC), France (Le Gospel)
July 2023
- Anton, Betina, Tropical Bavaria: World English (Diversion)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Coutinho-Mason, Henry, The Future Normal: How We Will Live, Work and Thrive in the Next Decade: Turkey (Kitap)
- Belezi, Mathieu, Attacking the Earth and the Sun (Attaquer la terre et le soleil): Netherlands (Vleugels)
- Berkowitz, Eric, Sex and Punishment: Four Thousand Years of Judging Desire: Azerbaijani (Qanun)
- Bush, Ryan A, Designing the Mind. The Principles of Psychitecture: English Malaysia (Acepremier)
- Escande, Ludovic, Vers les Hauteurs (To the Heights): Korea (Alma)
- Fox, Brad, The Bathysphere Book. On the Effects of the Luminous Depths: China (China Science and Technology Press )
- Fossois, Gwendal, Harry Potter and the Order of the Philosophers (Harry Potter et l’ordre des philosophes): Poland (Znak)
- Freeland, Elana, Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth: Netherlands (Obelisk Boeken)
- Hale, Jenny, The Magic of Sea Glass & The Christmas Letters: Bulgaria (Hermes)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Bangladesh (Kendrobindu)
- Lemire, Vincent, Gaultier, Christophe, History of Jerusalem (Histoire de Jérusalem): World English (Abrams, at auction)
- Mak-Bouchard, Olivier, The Song of Fire (La Ballade du Feu): Netherlands (Meulenhoff Boekerij)
- Martin, Holly, The Hope Island Series: Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning, 3-book deal)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec)& Living With Your Past. A Philosophy to Help You Move Forward (Vivre avec son passé. Une philosophie pour aller de l’avant): Russia (Popuri)
- Pépin, Charles,Living With Your Past. A Philosophy to Help You Move Forward (Vivre avec son passé. Une philosophie pour aller de l’avant): Germany (Carl Hanser) & Serbia (Vulkan)
- Samatar, Sofia, The White Mosque. A Memoir: World Spanish (Armaenia)
- Sivers, Derek, Anything You Want. 40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur (3rd edition): Japan (Toyo Keizai)
- Sivers, Derek, How to Live. 27 Conflicting Answers and One Weird Conclusion: Vietnam (Skybooks)
- Snyder, Don J., The Tin Nose Shop: France (Faubourg-Marigny)
- Tabrizi, Behnam, Going on Offense: A Leader’s Playbook for Perpetual Innovation: World Spanish (Profit)
June 2023
- Ackerman, Angela, Puglisi, Becca, Emotion Amplifiers: Korea (WillBooks)
- Ackerman, Kenneth D., Trotsky in New York, 1917: A Radical on the Eve of Revolution: Japan (Heibon Sha)
- Alley, R.W. Firefighters to the Rescue!: Russia (Abrakazyabra) & Greece (Key Books)
- Anton, Betina, Tropical Bavaria: Netherlands (Park Uitgevers, at auction)
- Dardot, Pierre, The Memory of the Future (La mémoire du futur): Brazil (Unicamp)
- Deneault, Alain, Mores. From the Cannibal Left to the Vandal Right (Moeurs. De la gauche cannibale à la droite vandale): World Spanish (Altamarea)
- Dupuis-Déri, Francis, Anarchy Explained to My Father (L’anarchie expliquée à mon père): Japan (Sakuhin Sha)
- Ernaux, Annie, Return to Yvetot (Retour à Yvetot): N.America (Seven Stories Press)
- Gauthier, Catherine, I Don’t Think I’ll Have Any (Je pense que j’en aurai pas): France (Équateurs, at auction)
- Griffin, Susan, Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her: World Spanish (Plankton)
- Guarnaccia, Steven, The Museum of Nothing: Italy (Corraini)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Netherlands (El Tigre)
- Marshall, Liza, Marshall, John, Off Our Chests. A Candid Tour Through the World of Cancer: China (Hunan)
- May, Nicola, A Holiday Romance In Ferry Lane Market: Netherlands (Uitgeverij Zomer & Keuning)
- Mirabella, Richard, Brother & Sister Enter the Forest: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Pulley Sayre, April, Murphy, Kelly, The Slowest Book Ever: Russia (Abrakazyabra)
- Sarr, Mohamed Mbougar, Of Pure Men (De purs hommes): World English (Other Press)
- Scali, Dominique, The Sailors Don’t Know How to Swim (Les marins ne savent pas nager): World English (Talonbooks)
- Sheridan, Marcus & Lessard, Tyler, The Visual Sale: Poland (MT Biznes)
- Snyder, Gary, Selection of Poems: Croatia (Sandorf) & Mountains and Rivers Without End: Portugal (Traça)
- Vaudo, Ersilia, Mirabilis (Mirabilis. Cinque intuizioni (più altre in arrivo) che hanno rivoluzionato la nostra idea di universo) : World English (W.W. Norton)
May 2023
- Devillairs, Laurence, A Short Philosophy of the Sea (Petite philosophie de la Mer): Taiwan (Prophet Press)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Wonderhell: Why Success Doesn’t Feel Like It Should . . . and What to Do About It: Arabic (Jarir)
- Guarnaccia, Steven, The Museum of Nothing: Mexico (Alboroto)
- Gwendal, Fossois, Philosophy According to The Little Prince (Philosophie du Petit Prince. Sagesse, identité et bonheur): Korea (Korean Studies Information)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Bengali (KukuFM, Audio only); Uzbekistan (Azbobooks)
- Lewat, Osvalde, The Aquatic Ones (Les aquatiques): Japan (Kodansha)
- Michel, Noëlle, Shadows of Tomorrow (Demain les ombres): the Netherlands (Standaard), World English (Simon & Schuster US)
- Murat, Metin, The Crescent Moon Fox: Turkey (Epona)
- Tapiero, Olivia Nothing at all (Rien du tout): World English (Nightboat Books)
- Rasse, Johnny & Boucault, Jean, Bird Singers (Les chanteurs d’oiseaux): World English (Greystone, in a preempt)
- Recchia, Roberta, All the Life That Remains (Tutta la vita che resta): UK (Dialogue Books)
- Satrapi, Marjane (ed.), Woman, Life, Freedom (Femme vie liberté): Finland (WSOY)
April 2023
- Alexandre, Alfred, The Bar of Americas (Le bar des Amériques): WEL(Quattro Books)
- Alley, R.W. Firefighters to the Rescue!: Netherlands (Ploegsma)
- Bersin, Josh, Irresistible: The Seven Secrets of the World’s Most Enduring, Employee-Focused Organizations: Vietnam (Bizbooks JSC)
- Brennan, Maeve, The Rose Garden. Short Stories: Ireland and UK (Stinging Fly)
- Bush, Ryan A, Designing the Mind. The Principles of Psychitecture: Azerbaijan(Qanun)
- Caminito, Giulia, The Water of The Lake Is Never Clear and Pure (L’acqua del lago non è mai dolce): WEL (Spiegel & Grau)
- Clair, Anne-Hélène, Trybou, Vincent, How to Be Your Own Shrink (Devenez votre propre psy): Bulgaria (Ciela)
- Corrente, Mattia, The Disappearance of Anna (La fuga di Anna): France (Le bruit du monde)
- Dåsnes, Nora, Cross My Heart and Never Lie & Save Our Forest: UK & BC excl Can (Farshore Books)
- Dieudonné, Adeline, Stay (Reste): Netherlands (Atlas Contact)
- Dortier, Jean-François, Four Questions on Philosophy (Toute la Philosophie en 4 questions): Arabic (Organisation Arabe de Traduction)
- Gallot, Benoît, The Secret Life of a Cemetery (La vie secrète d’un cimetière): WEL (Greystone)
- Glucksmann, Raphaël, The Great Showdown. How Putin Wages War on Our Democracies (La Grande Confrontation. Comment Poutine fait la guerre à nos démocraties): Brazil (Autenthica, in a preempt)
- Goujon, Michel, The Man of Café Kranzler ( L’Homme du Café Kranzler): Russia (Corpus)
- Goyette, Kerry, The Non-Obvious Guide to Emotional Intelligence: Arabic (Jarir)
- Hale, Jenny, The Magic of Sea Glass: Czech (Grada)
- Haydon, Kathryn, The Non-Obvious Guide to Being More Creative: Arabic (Jarir)
- Illouz, Jean-Nicolas, The Symbolism (Le Symbolisme): China (Wuhan University Press)
- McCloskey, Kevin, Caterpillars: What Will I Be When I Get to be Me?: Brazil (Saraiva Educação)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You (Votre cerveau vous joue des tours): Arabic (Jarir)
- Obuchowski, David and Pedry, Sarah, How Birds Sleep: Brazil (Saraiva Educação)
- Onfray, Michel, The Invention of Pleasure. Cyrenaic Fragments (L’Invention du plaisir. Fragments cyrenaiques): Arabic (Ninawa)
- Peters, Tom, Tom Peters’ Compact Guide to Excellence: Arabic (Jarir), Korea (Gyoyudang)
- Poole, W. Scott, Wasteland: The Great War and the Origins of Modern Horror: Russia (AST)
- Satrapi, Marjane (ed.), Woman, Life, Freedom (Femme vie liberté): World English (Seven Stories Press)
- Snyder, Gary, Uncollected Poems, Drafts, Fragments, and Translations: France (Le Réalgar)
- Solla, Gianni, The Notebook Thief (Il ladro di quaderni): Finland (Otava, in a preempt)
- Yi, Esther, Y/N: Russia (AST), World Spanish (Aristas Martinez, at auction)
March 2023
- 14 titles in ‘How to Live Like-series’: Turkey (Teras Kitap)
- Alemagna, Beatrice, Pepper and Me: Italy (Topipittori), France (Ecole des Loisirs)
- Alley, R.W. Firefighters to the Rescue!: Norway (Bonnier Norsk, in a preempt), Lithuania (Alma Littera)
- Anton, Betina, Tropical Bavaria: Finland (Minerva)
- Berry, Wendell, The World-Ending Fire. The Essential Wendell Berry & The Unsettling of America. Culture & Agriculture : China (People’s Literature)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Coutinho-Mason, Henry, The Future Normal: How We Will Live, Work and Thrive in the Next Decade: Korea (Maekyung, at auction)
- Bianchi, Matteo B., The Life of Those Who Remain (La vita di chi resta): WEL (Other Press, at auction)
- Colize, Paul, Such Violent Mankind (Toute la violence des hommes): Romania (Crime Scene Press)
- De Brabandere, Luc, Mikolajczak, Anne, Rif, Vincent, Plato versus Aristotle (Platon versus Aristote): Arabic (Ninawa)
- Denis, Élodie, Mary, Jonas, Superheroes Philosophy (La philo des super-héros): Arabic (Ninawa)
- Fitch, John, Ferguson, Douglas, Non-Obvious Guide To Magical Meetings: Italy (La Traccia Buona)
- Guarnaccia, Steven, The Museum of Nothing: Germany (Hatje Cantz)
- Lévêque, Pierre, Introduction to the First Religions: Beasts, Gods and Men (Introduction aux premières religions : bêtes, dieux et hommes): Greece (NBG Cultural Foundation)
- Liaut, Jean-Noël, The Rebellious Princess (La Princesse Insoumise): Arabic (Ninawa)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You (Votre cerveau vous joue des tours): World Spanish (Alianza), Turkey (Kronik)
- Posner, Gerald, Hitler’s Children. Sons and Daughters of Third Reich Leaders: France (Tallandier)
- Recchia, Roberta Rossella, All the Life that Remains (Tutta la vita che resta): Netherlands (Xander, in a preempt), Denmark (Gronningen 1, in a preempt), France (Slatkine, in a preempt)
- Ripoll, Thierry, From the Mind to the Brain (De l’esprit au cerveau): Arabic (Organisation Arabe de Traduction)
- Satrapi, Marjane, Woman, Life, Freedom (Femme vie liberté): Denmark & Sweden (Cobolt)
- Schaefer, Mark, Belonging to the Brand: Why Community is the Last Great Marketing Strategy: Korea (Deisngnhouse), China (Beijing Jie Teng Culture Media Co.), Vietnam (BachvietBooks), Taiwan (On Books)
- Snyder, Gary, Turtle Island: France (Wildproject, at auction)
- Ventura, Maud, My Husband (Mon mari): Netherlands (Horizon)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks fruit): Romania (Casa Cartii de Stiinta)
February 2023
- Amore, Elisa S., The Demigods Academy series books 1-3: France (Hachette Romans, preempt)
- Doumergue, Christian, How to Live Like Jesus (Agir et penser comme Jésus): Romania (Niculescu)
- Ellis, Joy, Buried on the Fens, Thieves on The Fens & Fire on the Fens: Denmark (Alpha, 3-book deal)
- Fossois, Gwendal, Philosophy According to The Little Prince (Philosophie du Petit Prince. Sagesse, identité et bonheur) & How to Live Like Batman (Agir et penser comme Batman): Romania (Niculescu)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Romania (Niculescu)
- Griffin, Susan, Out of Silence, Sound. Out of Nothing, Something: Korea (SangSangSquare, in a 9-way auction), Bulgaria (Znaci)
- Groen, Hendrik, Peace and Joy (Rust en Vreugd): Estonia (Eesti Raamat)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Croatia (Planetopija)
- Lepage, Caroline, How to Live Like Animals (Agir et penser comme les animaux): Romania (Niculescu)
- Lewat, Osvalde, The Aquatic Ones (Les aquatiques): Germany (InterKontinental)
- Malaval, Charline, Night Witch (Sorcière de la nuit): Russia (MTS-Library)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Plato (Agir et penser comme Platon) & How to Live Like Nietzsche (Agir et penser comme Nietzsche): Romania (Niculescu)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor (De Dirigent): Romania (Niculescu, at auction)
- Peters, Tom, Tom Peters’ Compact Guide to Excellence: Turkey (The Kitap Yayinlari)
- Pillet ,Benjamin & Dupuis-Déri,Francis, Anarcho-Indigenism (L’anarcho-indigénisme): WEL (Pluto Books)
- Roszak, Theodore, Gomes, Mary E. Kanner, Allen D., Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind: France (Wildproject)
- Samatar, Sofia, The White Mosque. A Memoir: Russia (Slovo)
- Sarr, Mohamed Mbougar, Of Pure Men (De purs hommes): Netherlands (Atlas-Contact)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 6 (L’arabe du futur t.6): Sweden (Cobolt), Poland (Kultura Gniewu)
- Tillman, Lynne, Mothercare. A Memoir: Korea (Dolbegae)
January 2023
- Ardone, Viola, Oliva Denaro: Denmark (Alpha, in a preempt)
- Bersin, Josh, Irresistible: The Seven Secrets of the World’s Most Enduring, Employee-Focused Organizations: France (Pearson)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non Obvious Megatrends. How to See What Others Miss and Predict the Future: Turkey (Kitap)
- Bush, Ryan A, Designing the Mind. The Principles of Psychitecture: Arabic (Jarir)
- Busson, François, How to Live Like a Zen Master (Agir et penser comme un maître zen): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Kosmos)
- Caboni, Cristina, Honey Road (La via del miele): France (Presses de la Cité), Netherlands (Xander)
- Charan, Ram & Batlaw, Anish, Talent. The Market Cap Multiplier: Taiwan (China Productivity Center)
- Filteau-Chiba, Gabrielle, The Barbed-wire Forest (La forêt barbelée): France (Le Castor Astral)
- Giordano, Paolo, Tasmania: World English (Other Press)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Czech (Bajkal), Bulgaria (AMG)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Psychology of Animals (Psychologie des animaux): Korea (Kyobo Book Store)
- Martin, Holly, The Wishing Wood Series: Denmark (Alpha, 3-book deal, in a preempt)
- Probst, Emmanuel, Assemblage. The Art and Science of Brand Transformation: China (China Science and Technology)
- Salama, Jordan, Every Day the River Changes: China (The Commercial Press)
- Samatar, Sofia, The White Mosque. A Memoir: the Netherlands (Mozaïek)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 5 (L’arabe du futur t.5): Portugal (Asa/Leya) & The Arab of the Future vol. 6 (L’arabe du futur t.6): Czech (Baobab)
- Sivers, Derek, Hell Yeah Or No. What’s Worth Doing: Korea (Hyundae Jisung)
- Snyder, Gary, Selection of Poems: Slovakia (Modrý Peter Publishers)
- Staal, Fred, How to Live Like Yoda (Agir et penser comme Maître Yoda): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Kosmos)
- van Rijn, Elle, The Jewish Nursery School (De Crèche): Germany (Piper, in a preempt)
- Yi, Esther, Y/N: Korea (EunHaeng NaMu)
- Ackerman, Angela, Puglisi, Becca, The Conflict Thesaurus, Vol.2: Korea (Will Books)
- Bush, Ryan A, Designing the Mind. The Principles of Psychitecture: World Spanish (Edaf, at auction)
- Deneault, Alain, Mores. From the Cannibal Left to the Vandal Right (Moeurs. De la gauche cannibale à la droite vandale): Arabic (Dar Soual)
- Ellis, Joy, The Murderer’s Son, Their Lost Daughters, The Fourth Friend (The DI Jackman and DS Evans series): Denmark (Alpha)
- Fox, Brad, The Bathysphere Book. On the Effects of the Luminous Depths: France (Editions du sous-sol, in a preempt)
- Galiano, Enrico, The Secret Society of Words Rescuers (La società segreta dei salvaparole): the Netherlands (Luitingh-Sijthoff)
- May, Nicola, Welcome to Ferry Lane Market series: Finland (Minerva, in a three-book deal)
- Mishra-Newbery, Uma, Al-Hathloul, Lina, Green, Rebecca (Illust.), Loujain Dreams of Sunflowers: French (Les 400 coups)
- Olson, Martin, Encyclopaedia of Hell II: The Conquest of Heaven: A Demonic History of the Future Concerning the Celestial Realm and the Angelic Race Which Infests It: France (Lapin)
- Pivot, Bernard, Friends, Dear Friends: In Praise of Friendship (Amis, chers amis. Eloge de l’amitié): Spain (Confluencias)
- Preciado, Paul B., Can the Monster Speak? (Je suis un monstre qui vous parle): Denmark (Aleatorik), Finland (Tutkijaliitto)
- Yee-Wa, Lau, Tongueless (上部慧與伶): North America (The Feminist Press, CUNY)
- Bastide, Lauren, Marching. Women in the Public Sphere (Présentes): China (CITIC) ; The Future Is Female. What Would A Truly Feminist Society Be Like? (Futures. À quoi ressemblerait une société vraiment féministe?): the Netherlands (Ambo Anthos)
- Bersin, Josh, Irresistible: The Seven Secrets of the World’s Most Enduring, Employee-Focused Organizations: China (China Science and Technology Press, at auction), Korea (Maekyung, at auction)
- Bush, Ryan A, Designing the Mind. The Principles of Psychitecture: China (Beijing United Creation Culture Media), Poland (Kobiece)
- Delalande, Arnaud, Bidot, Laurent, Weisman, Joseph, After the Round. The true story of a survivor of the Vel’d’Hiv round-up (Après la rafle. Une histoire vraie): the Netherlands (Lauwert)
- Dourado, Autran, The Barque Of Men & The Opera Of The Dead (A Barca Dos Homens & Ópera Dos Mortos): the Netherlands (Koppernik)
- Fox, Brad, The Bathysphere Book. On the Effects of the Luminous Depths: Italy (Ponte alle Grazie/GeMS, in a preempt), Korea (CocoonBooks, at auction)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Thailand (WeLearn)
- Grataloup, Christian, Historical Atlas of the Earth (Atlas historique de la terre): the Netherlands (Park)
- Johns, Ana, The Woman in the White Kimono: France (Leduc, in a preempt)
- Kanapé Fontaine, Natasha, Nauetakuan: Silence For Sound (Nauetakuan, un silence pour un bruit): France (Dépaysage)
- Lambert, Kevin, Joy Of Our Desiring (Que notre joie demeure): North America (Biblioasis)
- Latour, Bruno, Live on Earth (Habiter la terre): the Netherlands (Octavo)
- Lopes, Angelica, The Curse of the Flores Women (A Maldição das Flores): WEL (Amazon Crossing, in a preempt)
- Messina, Laura Imai, The Heartbeat Island (L’isola dei battiti del cuore): The Netherlands (Signatuur)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): China (CITIC)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 6 (L’arabe du futur t.6): Denmark (Forlaget Cobolt A/S), Finland (WSOY), Norway (Gyldendal Norsk), Germany (Penguin Verlag), Croatia (Fibra), The Netherlands (De Geus)
- Scott, Allison, Decoding the Stars. A Modern Astrology Guide to Discover Your Life’s Purpose: Brazil (Buzz)
- Varela, Alejandro, The Town of Babylon: Italy (NN)
- Yoshimoto, Banana, Dead-End Memories & The Premonition : UK & BC excl Can (Faber & Faber, at auction)
- Bailly, Guillaume, My Sincere Condolences (Mes sincères condoléances): Russia (Eksmo)
- Baljeet Basra, Celina, Happy: UK & BC excl Can (Wildfire – Headline)
- Bardon, Catherine, The Ogre’s Daughter (La fille de l’ogre): WEL (Europa, in a preempt), Italy (E/O, in a preempt)
- Bersin, Josh, Irresistible: The Seven Secrets of the World’s Most Enduring, Employee-Focused Organizations: Turkey (Mindset Institute)
- Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel, Freud’s Patients (Les Patients de Freud): South America (Grama Ediciones)
- Bush, Ryan A, Designing the Mind. The Principles of Psychitecture: Marathi & Hindi (MyMirror, at auction), Korea (Woongjin Think Big, at auction), Turkey (Serenad, at auction)
- Fox, Brad, The Bathysphere Book. On the Effects of the Luminous Depths: the Netherlands (Thomas Rap, in a preempt)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Serbia & Bosnia and Herzegovina (Kontrast)
- Marcombe, Carine, How to Live Like a Tree (Agir et penser comme un arbre): Romania (Niculescu)
- McEwen, Jérémie, Philosophy of Hip Hop (Philosophie du hip-hop. Des origines à Lauryn Hill): France (Le Castor Astral)
- McGhee, Molly, Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind: UK & BC excl Can (4th Estate, in a preempt)
- Messina, Laura Imai, The Heartbeat Island (L’isola dei battiti del cuore): The Netherlands (Signatuur)
- Moncomble, Morgane, The Ace of Hearts (L’as de coeur): WEL (Montlake/Amazon Crossing, in a preempt); The Ace of Hearts (L’as de coeur) & The Ace of Spades (L’as de pique): the Netherlands (April Books)
- Musso, Guillaume, Angélique: Netherlands (Xander)
- Papin, Delphine, Tertrais, Bruno, Laborde,Xemartin, The Border Atlas (L’Atlas des frontières): the Netherlands (Lannoo)
- Possanza, Amelia, Lesbian Love Story: A Memoir in Archives: UK & BC excl Can (Square Peg (Vintage) PRH UK, in a preempt)
- Robert-Diard, Pascale, The Little Liar (La petite menteuse): WEL (Other Press, in a preempt)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vols. 4-6 (Les Cahiers d’Esther Vol.4-6): Slovakia (Vydavateľstvo E.J.)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 6 (L’arabe du futur t.6): World Spanish (Salamandra)
- Solla, Gianni, The Notebook Thief (Il ladro di quaderni): Denmark (Forlaget Gronningen 1, in a preempt)
- Ackerman, Angela, Puglisi, Becca, The Conflict Thesaurus, Vol.2: Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Barbery, Muriel, An Hour Of Ardour (Une heure de ferveur): the Netherlands (Oevers)
- Blake, Jenny, Free Time. Lose the Busywork, Love Your Business: Japan (Direct)
- Bourguignon, Alexandra, How To Live Like the Greek Héroïnes (Agir et penser comme les héroïnes grecques): Hungary (Partvonal Kiadó, in a two-book deal)
- Bush, Ryan A, Designing the Mind. The Principles of Psychitecture: Taiwan (Yuan-Liou), Russia (Eksmo, at auction), Vietnam (Skybooks, at auction)
- Coleman, Flynn, A Human Algorithm: How Artificial Intelligence Is Redefining Who We Are: Korea (Cir)
- Dardot, Pierre, Laval, Christian, Guégen, Haud & Sauvêtre, Pierre, The Choice of Civil War: Another History of Neoliberalism (Le Choix de la guerre civile): Korea (Wonderbox)
- Deagler, Michael, Early Sobrieties: UK & BC excl Can (Hutchinson Heineman), Greece (Gutenberg)
- Durrant, Helen H., Dead Wrong, Calladine & Bayliss Vol.1: Norway (Vega)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like The Little Prince (Agir et penser comme Le Petit Prince): Turkey (The Kitap)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Zulu,Twi, Fula, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Kiswahilli (eGHOTA)
- Marcombe, Carine, How to Live Like a Tree (Agir et penser comme un arbre): Hungary (Partvonal Kiadó, in a two-book deal)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Croatia (Stilus, at auction), Czech (Leda, in a preempt)
- McCollough Seletzky, Leta, The Kneeling Man: My Fathers Life as a Black Spy Who Witnessed the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr: UK & BC excl Can (Hurst)
- Navarro, Mariette, Ultramarines (Ultramarins): North America (Deep Vellum, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks Vol.1-7 (Les Cahiers d’Esther Vol.1-7): China (Ginkgo)
- Snyder, Gary, Uncollected Poems, Drafts, Fragments, and Translations: China (Dumi Media)
- Solla, Gianni, The Notebook Thief (Il ladro di quaderni): Netherlands (Xander, in a preempt), World English (Juan Mila at HarperVia, preempt)
- Tillman, Lynne, Mothercare. A Memoir: China (Yilin Press)
- Yi, Esther, Y/N: Poland (Wydawnictwo Czarna Owca, in a preempt)
- Zamora, Daniel and Dean, Mitchell, The Last Man Takes LSD: Foucault and the End of Revolution (Le dernier homme et la fin de la Révolution – Foucault après Mai 68): Sweden (Fri Tanke)
- Chomsky, Noam, How the World Works: Arabic (Dar Al-Rafidain)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Arabic (Libros)
- Leblanc, Maurice, Arsène Lupin’s Last Love (Le dernier amour d’Arsène Lupin): Bulgaria (Znaci)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Plato (Agir et penser comme Platon): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Naess, Arne, The Ecology of Wisdom: Writings by Arne Naess: Latin America (Prometeo)
- Novak, David, Take Charge of You. How Self Coaching Can Transform Your Life and Career: Latin America (V&R Editoras)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre, Three Friends in Search of Wisdom (Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Arabic (Jarir)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 5 (L’arabe du futur t.5): Poland (Kultura Gniewu)
- Sivers, Derek, Anything You Want. 40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur (3rd edition), Hell Yeah Or No. What’s Worth Doing, How to Live. 27 Conflicting Answers and One Weird Conclusion, Your Music and People. Creative and Considerate Fame: World Spanish (Urano, in a four-book deal)
JULY 2022
- Barbery, Muriel, An Hour Of Ardour (Une heure de ferveur): English NA (Europa)
- Castro, Jordan, The Novelist: Korea (Urbanbooks)
- Fox, Brad, The Bathysphere Book. On the Effects of the Luminous Depths: UK & BC excl Can (Pushkin Press)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Bulgaria (Labyrinth)
- Hale, Jenny, The Butterfly Sisters & The Memory Keeper: Germany (AmazonCrossing)
- Larochelle, Samuel, Patenaude, Eve, The World’s Smallest Savior (Le plus petit sauveur du monde): France (Eyrolles)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Plato (Agir et penser comme Platon): Greece (Livanis)
- Seel, Matthieu, Nothing Really Lasts Long (Rien ne dure vraiment longtemps): Italy (Fandango)
- Tillman, Lynne, Mothercare. A Memoir: UK & BC excl Can (Peninsula)
- Xiaobo, Wang, Golden Age: UK & BC excl Can (Penguin Classics)
- Xiaobo, Wang, The Pleasure of Thinking: UK & BC excl Can (Penguin Classics)
JUNE 2022
- Dardot, Pierre, Laval, Christian, Guégen, Haud & Sauvêtre, Pierre, The Choice of Civil War: Another History of Neoliberalism (Le Choix de la guerre civile): Italy (Meltemi)
- Devillairs, Laurence, A Short Philosophy of the Sea (Petite philosophie de la Mer): Korea (FIKA, at auction)
- Ega, Françoise, Letters to a Black Woman (Lettres à une Noire): Italy (Fandango)
- Ellis, Joy, Killer on the Fens, Stalker on the Fens, Captive on the Fens: Denmark (Alpha, in a three-book deal)
- Fouilleroux, Alex, Genetics Explained by Naruto, Jurassic Park… & the Superheroes (La génétique expliquée par Naruto, Jurassic Park… & les super-héros): Korea (Nexus, at auction)
- Fox, Brad, The Bathysphere Book: Germany (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Indonesia (PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Bahasa Malaysia (WhiteCoat), English Malaysia (Acepremier)
- Lamberti, Ginevra, Asleep in the Valley (Tutti dormono nella valle): Netherlands (Van Oorschot, at auction)
- Martin, Holly, The Hope Island Series: Finland and Sweden (Bookbeat, 3-book deal, ebook & audio only)
- Martin, Holly, The Wishing Wood Series: Sweden (Lavender Lit, 3-book deal)
- May, Nicola, Welcome to Ferry Lane Market Series: Denmark (Alpha, in a three-book deal)
- Porter, Bill & Pine, Red, Road to Heaven. Encounters With Chinese Hermits: World Spanish (Poncianes)
- Purnell, Derecka, Becoming Abolitionists. Police, Protests, and the Pursuit of Freedom: Italy (Fandango)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 7 (Les Cahiers d’Esther t.7): Germany (Reprodukt)
- Sivers, Derek, Anything You Want. 40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur (3rd edition): France (Alisio/Leduc.s)
- Sivers, Derek, Hell Yeah Or No. What’s Worth Doing: France (Piktos, in a two-book deal))
- Sivers, Derek, How to Live. 27 Conflicting Answers and One Weird Conclusion: Korea (The Business Books and Co, at auction), France (Piktos, in a two-book deal)
- van Rijn, Elle, The Jewish Nursery School (De Crèche): Albania (Dituria), Slovakia (Ikar)
MAY 2022
- Berry, Wendell, Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Spain (Nuevo Inicio)
- Bonnefoy, Miguel, The Inventor (L’inventeur): Netherlands (De Bezige Bij), World English (Other Press)
- Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel, Freud’s Patients (Les Patients de Freud): Turkey (Nemesis Kitap)
- Boulerice, Simon, Patenaude, Ève, Bubble Wrap (Papier Bulle): France (Alice)
- Deneault, Alain, Mores. From the Cannibal Left to the Vandal Right (Moeurs. De la gauche cannibale à la droite vandale): Italy (Neri Pozza)
- Devillairs, Laurance, A Short Philosophy of the Sea (Petite philosophie de la Mer): Catalan (Angle), German (PRH Verlagsgruppe, at auction)
- Ega, Françoise, Letters to a Black Woman (Lettres à une Noire): World English (Yale University Press)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Thailand (OMG Books)
- Garnier, Stéphane & Hawkes, Laurie, How to Live Like Your Cat – Exercise Book (Agir & Penser comme un chat – Cahier d’exercices): Romania (Niculescu, in a two-book deal)
- Groen, Hendrik, Peace and Joy (Rust en Vreugd): Germany (Piper Verlag)
- Hale, Jenny, The Butterfly Sisters & The Memory Keeper: Estonia (Eesti Raamat, at auction)
- Huard, Anthony, Freud and the Superheroes (Freud et les super-héros): Korea (Pruncommunication)
- Johansson, Hanna, Antiquity: UK & BC excl Can(Scribe, in a preempt)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Lithuania (UAB AMK, audio only), Malayalam (DC Books)
- Karen, Alana, The Adventures of Women in Tech. How We Got Here and Why We Stay: Taiwan (Taiwan Mansion)
- Lucaci, Dorica, How to Live Like the Queen of England (Agir et penser comme la reine d’Angleterre): Romania (Niculescu, two-book deal), Italy (Odoya, two-book deal)
- Marcombe, Carine, How to Live Like a Tree (Agir et penser comme un arbre): Korea (Forest Books), Italy (Odoya, two-book deal)
- Marcoux, Yannick, No Bridge Will Stand (L’île sans pont): France (Le Mot et le Reste)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Arabic (Afaq For Publishing)
- Michielsen, Dido, Lighter than I (Lichter dan ik): Serbia (Clio)
- Moreau, Christiana, The Lost Sonata (La Sonata oubliée): Italy (Nord)
- Novak, David, Take Charge of You. How Self Coaching Can Transform Your Life and Career : China (China Science and Technology Press)
- Paeleman, Sonia, What Does It Mean When My Cat Does That? (Ça veut dire quoi quand mon chat fait ça ? Toutes les réponses aux questions que vous vous posez): Canadian French (Saint-Jean Editeur)
- Papin, Delphine, Critical Atlas of Russia (Atlas critique de la Russie): the Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 4 (L’Arabe du futur 4): Japan (Kaden-Sha)
- Seppälä, Emma, Sovereignty: the Netherlands (A.W. Bruna), Taiwan (China Times Publishing), Korea (Korea Economic Daily & Business)
- Sivers, Derek, Hell Yeah Or No. What’s Worth Doing: Germany (FinanzBuch)
- Sivers, Derek, How to Live. 27 Conflicting Answers and One Weird Conclusion: China (Hangzhou Blue Lion Cultural & Creative)
- Snyder, Gary, Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems: France, Belgium and Switzerland (Héros-Limite)
- Thériault, Denis, The Samurai of the Red Carnation (Le Samouraï à l’œillet rouge): WEL (Pushkin Press)
- Vuillard, Eric, 14 July (14 Juillet) & Sorrow of the Earth: Buffalo Bill, Sitting Bull and the Tragedy of Show Business (Tristesse de la terre: Une histoire de buffalo bill cody): Sweden (Lind & Co)
APRIL 2022
- Berry, Wendell, “Feminism, the Body, and the Machine” & The Country of Marriage: France (La Lenteur), Jayber Crow: Germany (Permission)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious Guide To Marketing & Branding. Without A Big Budget: Arabic (Jarir)
- Blake, Jenny, Free Time. Lose the Busywork, Love Your Business: Mexico & Argentina (VR)
- Boisserie, Pierre, Warzala, François, Black Berlin Series: The Summer of Broken Glass vol. 1 (La trilogie berlinoise: L’été de cristal): the Netherlands (Scratchbooks)
- Charan, Ram & Batlaw, Anish, Talent. The Market Cap Multiplier: Brazil (Buzz, in a pre-empt), English Indian Subcontinent (Penguin Random House India)
- Davis, Davey, X: UK & BC excl. CAN (Cipher Press)
- Devillairs, Laurence, A Short Philosophy of the Sea (Petite philosophie de la Mer): Bulgaria (Znaci), the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij, in a preempt)
- Dhilly, Olivier, Philosophy According to Squid Game (La Philosophie selon Squid Game): Turkey (Dokuz Yayinlari)
- Dubois, Philippe J. and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Portugal (Presença)
- Fossois, Gwendal, How to Live Like Batman (Agir et penser comme Batman): Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Arabic (Jarir)
- Guillaumin, Émilie, The Ambush (L’Embuscade): Germany (Belle Epoque)
- Lachapelle, Lucie, Go Find Baby Doll (Va me chercher Baby Doll): France (Le Mot et le Reste)
- Lenormand, Frédéric, In Marie-Antoinette’s Secret Service vol. 2, No Rest for the Queen (Au service secret de Marie- Antoinette Tome 2, Pas de répit pour la Reine): Hungary (Kossuth)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Psychology of Animals (Psychologie des animaux): Serbia (Dereta), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Slovakia (Vydavateľstvo Motýľ), Slovenia (Ciceron), Estonia (Tänapäev) Psychology according to Squid Game (Psychologie selon Squid Game): Turkey (Dokuz Yayinlari)
- Onfray, Michel, Theory of Travel (La théorie du voyage): Turkey (Ketebe)
- Salama, Jordan, Every Day the River Changes: World Spanish (El Malpensante)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 6 (Les Cahiers d’Esther t.6): Germany (Reprodukt)
- Sivers, Derek, Hell Yeah Or No. What’s Worth Doing: Estonia (Pegasus), Anything You Want. 40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur (3rd edition) & How to Live. 27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion: Albania (Minerva), Portugal (Porto, at auction), Anything You Want. 40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur (3rd edition): Brazil (Buzz)
- Smit, Susan, The Last Witch Hunt (De heks van Limbricht): China (Changsha Liban Impression Culture Development)
- van Bokkum, Milo, Border Regions. Why Borders Are Where They Are (Grensstreken: Waarom grenzen liggen waar ze liggen): Hungary (CSER)
MARCH 2022
- Berkhout, Nina, Why Birds Sing (L’espoir est cette chose à plumes): France (Eyrolles)
- Clair, Anne-Hélène, Trybou, Vincent, How to Be Your Own Shrink (Devenez votre propre psy): Romania (Polirom)
- De Franchi, Marco, The Condemnation of the Living (La condanna dei viventi): The Netherlands (Xander, in a preempt)
- Dortier, Jean-François, From Socrates to Foucault. Philosophers on the Test Bench (De Socrate à Foucault. Les Philosophes au banc d’essai): Arabic (Page Seven)
- Dwarshuis, Arjan, The Year that Flew By (Een Bevlogen Jaar. Een man, zijn wereldreis, en het record van 6852 vogelsoorten): WEL (Chelsea Green)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince) & How to Live Like Arsène Lupin (Agir et penser comme Arsène Lupin): Taiwan (Ark Culture, 3-book deal)
- Lacroix, Alexandre, Learning to Make Love (Apprendre à faire l’amour): World Spanish (Arpa Editores)
- Malfatto, Emilienne, The Colonel Does Not Sleep (Le colonel ne dort pas): the Netherlands (Cossee, at auction), Sweden (Norstedts)
- Martin, Holly, The Wishing Wood Series: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning, 3-book deal)
- Onfray, Michel, Tragical Wisdom. The Good Use of Nietzsche (La Sagesse tragique. Du bon usage de Nietzsche): Arabic (Page Seven)
- Snyder, Gary, Selection of Poems: Italy (Black Coffee)
- Varrod, Pierre, How to Live Like Freud (Agir et penser comme Freud): Taiwan (Ark Culture, 3-book deal)
- Vuillard, Eric, An Honorable Exit (Une sortie honorable): Norway (Solum)
- Ziggy, Cat-astrophe! 153 Murphy’s Laws for Cats (Chat suffit ! 153 lois de l’emmerdement maximum du chat): Serbia (Blum)
- Ardone, Viola, Oliva Denaro: Sweden (Brombergs Bokförlag)
- Fujiwara, June, The Secrets of the Japanese Way of Life (Les secrets du savoir-vivre nippon): Russia (Eksmo)
- Grunenwald, Noémie, On the Tips of the Tongue (Sur les bouts de la langue. Traduire en féministe/s): Sweden (Lil’Lit Förlag)
- Hatt, Jemma, The Adventurers and the City of Secrets, The Adventurers and the Continental Chase & The Adventurers and the Jungle of Jeopardy: Finland (Kumma-kustannus)
- Malmström, Stefan, KULT: Denmark, Finland, Norway (Lind & Co, only ebook and audio)
- Nightingale, Steven, Granada. A Pomegranate in the Hand of God: Malayalam (IPB Books)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor (De Dirigent): Czech (Grada)
- Purnell, Derecka, Becoming Abolitionists. Police, Protests, and the Pursuit of Freedom: France (Éditions Syllepse)
- Samatar, Sofia, The White Mosque. A Memoir: UK & BC excl CAN (Hurst, at auction)
- Smit, Susan, The Last Witch Hunt (De heks van Limbricht): France (Leduc.s Éditions, at auction)
- Andrea, Jean-Baptiste, Devils and Saints (Des diables et des saints): Denmark (Holgers Forlag)
- Aeschmann, Mathieu, How to Live Like Roger Federer (Agir et penser comme Roger Federer): Romania (Niculescu, 3-book deal)
- Beard, Susanna, The Perfect Neighbour, The Perfect Life, The Lost Brother & What Happened That Night: Denmark (Jentas A/S, 4-book deal)
- Busson, François, How to Live Like a Zen Master (Agir et penser comme un maître zen): Italy (Odoya, 2-book deal), Romania (Niculescu, 3-book deal)
- De Brabandere, Luc, Mikolajczak, Anne, Rif, Vincent, Plato versus Aristotle (Platon versus Aristote): Greece (Kaktos, at auction)
- Delalande, Arnaud, Bidot, Laurent, Weisman, Joseph, After the Round. The true story of a survivor of the Vel’d’Hiv round-up (Après la rafle): WEL (Indiana University Press)
- Dhilly, Olivier, Philosophy According to Squid Game (La Philosophie selon Squid Game): Korea (CheongSongJae)
- Dupuis-Déri, Francis, Anarchy Explained to My Father (L’anarchie expliquée à mon père): Turkey (Say Yayın Dağıtım)
- Ega, Françoise, Letters to a Black Woman (Lettres à une Noire): Spain & Chile (Txalaparta)
- Godefroy, Aurélie, How to Live Like Coco Chanel (Agir et penser comme Coco Chanel): Slovakia (Citadella)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Slovakia (Motyl, at auction)
- Garrett (Ed.), Natalie Eve, The Lonely Stories. 22 Celebrated Writers on the Joys & Struggles of Being Alone: China (Shanghai Translation)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Sweden (Zetterberg & Winberg), Indonesia (Baca), Mongolia (Monsudar), France (Valor)
- Lacroix, Alexandre, How Can We Avoid Being Slaves to the System (Comment ne pas être esclave du système): Korea (Ecolivres)
- Marmion, Jean-François, Psychology according to Squid Game (Psychologie selon Squid Game): Korea (OrangeD, at auction)
- Mathieu, Nicolas, Connemara: WEL (Other Press)
- Özlü, Tezer, Cold Nights of Childhood (Çocukluğun Soğuk Geceleri): NA (Transit Books)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): Portugal (Editora Exclamacao)
- Peters, Tom, Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism: Poland (ICAN)
- Pozzi, Antonia, Cognetti, Paolo, Antonia (L’Antonia): the Netherlands (Bezige Bij)
- Ricordeau, Gwenola, For Them All. Women Against Prison (Pour elles toutes. Femmes contre la prison): Italy (Armando)
- Schiappa Burdet, Carla, How to Live Like Harry Potter (Agir et penser comme Harry Potter): Italy (Odoya, 2-book deal), Romania (Niculescu, 3-book deal)
- Wilk, Elvia, Death by Landscape: Italy (Add Editore)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: France (Les Éditions La Comédie Française)
- Blake, Jenny, Free Time. Lose the Busywork, Love Your Business: UK & BC excl. CAN (Swift Press, at auction)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Girl of Colors (La ragazza dei colori): France (Presses de la Cité)
- Despret, Vinciane, Autobiography of an Octopus (Autobiographie d’un poulpe): World English (University of Minnesota Press)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Czech (Jota, at auction)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like James Bond (Agir et penser comme James Bond): Hungary (Partvonal Kiadó)
- Godefroy, Aurélie, How to Live Like Coco Chanel (Agir et penser comme Coco Chanel): Hungary (Partvonal Kiadó), Croatia (V.B.Z.)
- Groen, Hendrik, Peace and Joy (Rust en Vreugd): Czech (Albatros Media / XYZ)
- Hébert, Marie-Noëlle, My Body in Pieces (La grosse laide): France (Éditions des Équateurs, at auction)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Portugal (Vida Self), Gujarati & Tamil (Embassy Books, at auction)
- Keenan, Kelly, Everyone Is an “Influencer”: Building A Brand By Engaging The People Who Matter Most: Korea (Econ)
- Lacroix, Alexandre, How Can We Avoid Being Slaves to the System (Comment ne pas être esclave du système): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Ten Have)
- Marmion, Jean-François, Psychology according to Squid Game (Psychologie selon Squid Game): Italy (Libreria Pienogiorno)
- Mathieu, Nicolas, Connemara: the Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
- Musso, Guillaume, The Unknown Woman of the Seine (L’Inconnue de la Seine): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Oiseau, Florent, Fruit Falls From the Trees (Les fruits tombent des arbres): World Spanish (Editorial RM)
- Papakostas, Theodore, How to Fit All of Ancient Greece in an Elevator (Χωράει όλη η αρχαιότητα στο ασανσέρ): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Brandt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 1 (L’arabe du futur 1): Estonia (AS Varrak)
- Schaefer, Mark, Known: The Handbook for Building and Unleashing Your Personal Brand in the Digital Age: Japan (Direct)
- Schiappa Burdet, Carla, How to Live Like Harry Potter (Agir et penser comme Harry Potter): Hungary (Partvonal Kiadó)
- Seçkin, Mina, The Four Humors: Pakistan (Liberty Books)
- Voskuil, Johannes Jacobus, The Neighbor (De buurman): Germany (Verlag Klaus Wagenbach)
- Ardone, Viola, Oliva Denaro: World English (HarperOne)
- Bates, Tony & Petouhoff, Natalie, Empathy in Action. How to Deliver Great Customer Experiences at Scale: Korea (Donga M&B)
- Berry, Wendell, A World Lost, Remembering, Our Only World, Life Is a Miracle, For Love to Reach the Ground: Italy (Lindau, five-book deal)
- Charan, Ram & Batlaw, Anish, Talent. The Market Cap Multiplier: Korea (Hanall M&C), China (China Machine Press)
- Cirotteau, Thomas, Kerner, Jennifer, Pincas, Eric, Lady Sapiens. A study of women during prehistoric times (Lady Sapiens. Enquête sur la femme au temps de la préhistoire): Sweden (Natur & Kultur)
- Clair, Anne-Hélène, Trybou, Vincent, How to Be Your Own Shrink (Devenez votre propre psy): Korea (SangSang Square), Poland (Wielka Litera)
- Davenport, Guy, Objects on a Table: Harmonious Disarray in Art and Literature: Korea (Eulyoo)
- Dubois, Philippe J. & Rousseau, Élise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Romania (Editura Paralela 45)
- Galiano, Enrico, Happy Against the World (Felici contro il mondo): France (Pocket Jeunesse)
- Guéguen, Haud; Sauvêtre, Pierre; Dardot, Pierre; Laval, Christian, The Choice of Civil War: Another History of Neoliberalism (Le Choix de la guerre civile: Une autre histoire du néolibéralisme): World Spanish (Lom Ediciones (Chile), Tinta Limón (Argentina), Traficantes de Sueños (Spain))
- Gwendal, Fossois, Philosophy According to The Little Prince (Philosophie du Petit Prince. Sagesse, identité et bonheur): Greece (Pedio)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Vietnam (Oneblock Academy Corporation)
- Kreier, Felix, Biezeveld, Maarten, The Hamster-Brain-Method: How to Lose Weight in a Sustainable Manner (De Hamster in Je Brein): France (Éditions de l’Opportun), Hungary (Corvina)
- Lefort-Favreau, Julien, The Luxury of Independence (Le luxe de l’indépendance: Réflexions sur le monde du livre): Spain (Trama Editorial)
- Mathieu, Nicolas, Connemara: Norway (Gyldendal Norsk)
- Pugliese, Nicola, Malacqua: the Netherlands (Uitgeverij van Oorschot)
- Sarr, Mohamed Mbougar, Memory and Memoir: Men’s Deepest Secrets (La plus secrète mémoire des hommes): Finland (Gummerus, at auction)
- Schaefer, Mark, Cumulative Advantage: How to Build Momentum for your Ideas, Business and Life Against All Odds: Poland (Empik Go)
- Schiappa Burdet, Carla, How to Live Like Harry Potter (Agir et penser comme Harry Potter): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Kosmos)
- Ventura, Maud, My Husband (Mon mari): World English (HarperVia, at auction)
- Vuillard, Eric, An Honorable Exit (Une sortie honorable): Finland (Siltala), North America (Other Press)
- Zamora, Daniel and Dean, Mitchell, The Last Man Takes LSD: Foucault and the End of Revolution (Le dernier homme et la fin de la Révolution – Foucault après Mai 68): World Spanish (Adriana Hidalgo)
- Ackerman, Angela, Puglisi, Becca, The Conflict Thesaurus, Vol.1: China (Ginkgo)
- Adams, Jane, The Other Woman: Denmark (Gyldendal, only ebook and audio editions)
- Brand, Arthur, The Art Detective. A Deal with the Mafia: the spine-chilling quest for an ancient mosaic and Oscar Wilde’s ring (De Kunst Detective): France (Dunod)
- Frost, Janice, The Woman on the Cliff & Warwick and Bell: Book 1 & Book 2: Denmark (Jentas A/S, three-book deal)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Japan (Sunmark)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Psychology of Stupidity in Politics (Psychologie de la connerie en politique): Portugal (Saída de Emergência)
- Ricard, Matthieu, Notebooks of a Wandering Monk (Carnets d’un moine errant): World English (The MIT Press, at auction), Italy (Piemme)
- Scott, Allison, The Complete Guide to Astrology for Self-Discovery (tentative title): World English (Wellfleet)
- Thériault, Denis, The Samurai with the Red Carnation (Le Samouraï à l’œillet rouge): Canada-French language (Lemeac)
- Yi, Esther, Y/N (tentative title): UK & BC excl Can (Europa Editions, in a preempt), Italy (E/O, in a preempt)
- Ackerman, Angela, Puglisi, Becca, The Conflict Thesaurus, Vol.1: Korea (Will Books), Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Ardone, Viola, Oliva Denaro: Finland (Aula & Co), the Netherlands (Xander)
- Berry, Wendell, Jayber Crow: Brazil (The Pilgrim)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Girl of Colors (La ragazza dei colori): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Become a Cat in 30 Days: My Book of Exercises for Self-Discovery and Fulfillment (30 jours pour devenir un chat: Mon cahier d’exercices pour se découvrir & s’épanouir): Germany (Franzius Verlag)
- Glucksmann, Raphaël, Letter to the Generation that Is Going to Change Everything (Lettre à la génération qui va tout changer): Portugal (Guerra e Paz)
- Godefroy, Aurélie, How to Live Like Coco Chanel (Agir et penser comme Coco Chanel): Romania (Niculescu, 2-book deal)
- Lenormand, Frédéric, In Marie-Antoinette’s Secret Service Vol.1 (Au service secret de Marie- Antoinette vol.1): Hungary (Kossuth)
- Massimi, Fabiano, The Demons of Berlin (I demoni di Berlino): Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Ricard, Matthieu, Notebooks of a Wandering Monk (Carnets d’un moine errant): World Spanish (Arpa, at auction)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor (De Dirigent): Russia (Arkadia)
- Purnell, Derecka, Becoming Abolitionists. Police, Protests, and the Pursuit of Freedom: Brazil (Grupo Novo Século)
- Sarr, Mohamed, Memory and Memoir: Men’s Deepest Secrets (La plus secrète mémoire des hommes): Denmark (Gads Forlag, in a pre-empt), Norway (Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, in a pre-empt), Sweden (Albert Bonniers, at auction), the Netherlands (Atlas-Contact, at auction)
- Schaefer, Mark, Cumulative Advantage: How to Build Momentum for your Ideas, Business and Life Against All Odds: Korea (Yemun)
- Schaefer, Mark, Known: The Handbook for Building and Unleashing Your Personal Brand in the Digital Age: Arabic (I Carisma/Dar Kalemat)
- Snyder, Gary, This Present Moment: New Poems: Turkey (Ketebe Yayınları)
- Varrod, Pierre, How to Live Like Freud (Agir et penser comme Freud): Romania (Niculescu, 2-book deal)
- Vuillard, Eric, An Honorable Exit (Une sortie honorable): Sweden (Bokförlaget Lind & Co)
- Aitken, Robert, Encouraging Words: World Spanish (Zen Montañas y Mar)
- Andrea, Jean-Baptiste, Devils and Saints (Des diables et des saints) & One Hundred Million Years and A Day (Cent millions d’années et un jour): the Netherlands (Oevers, two-book deal)
- Bergeron, Chris, Valid (Valide): France (Philippe Rey)
- Binando Melis, Giulia, The Fire Breathing Little Girl (La bambina sputafuoco): the Netherlands (Van Goor/Van Holkema & Warendorf)
- Ellis, Joy, Crime on the Fens, Shadow Over the Fens & Hunted on the Fens: Denmark (Alpha, 3-book deal)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Brazil (Intrínseca)
- Kojève, Alexandre, The Idea of Determinism (L’idée du déterminisme): WEL (St. Augustine’s Press)
- Martin, Holly, The Summer Of Chasing Dreams: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning)
- Mbougar Sarr, Mohamed, Memory and Memoir: Men’s Deepest Secrets (La plus secrète mémoire des hommes): WEL (Other Press, in a pre-empt)
- Michielsen, Dido, Lighter than I (Lichter dan ik): Italy (Nord, in a pre-empt)
- Morizot, Baptiste, Different Ways of Being Alive (Manières d’être vivant) & Rekindling the Embers of the Living (Raviver les braises du vivant): the Netherlands (Octavo, in a pre-empt)
- Ricard, Matthieu, Notebooks of a Wandering Monk (Carnets d’un moine errant): Brazil (Palas Athena)
- Schaefer, Mark, Marketing Rebellion. The Most Human Company Wins: China (China Science and Technology Press)
- Schermer, Marijke, Debris (Noodweer): WEL (World Editions)
- Usala, Valeria, The Disowned (La rinnegata): WEL (Text Publishing)
- van Rijn, Elle, The Jewish Nursery School (De Crèche): Brazil (Melhoramentos)
- Zhong Mengual, Estelle, Learning to See (Apprendre à voir): the Netherlands (Octavo)
JULY 2021
- Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel, Freud’s Patients (Les patients de Freud): Korea (Jiwasarang), Czech (Alpress)
- Brenot, Philippe & Coryn, Laetitia, A History of Sex Vol. 1 (L’Incroyable histoire du sexe. Livre 1: en Occident): Finland (Sitruuna Kustannus)
- Chaygneaud-Dupuy, Marion, Breathe, You’re Alive. From Lhasa to Mount Everest, an Ecological and Spiritual Adventure (Respire, tu es vivante. De Lhassa à l’Everest, une aventure écologique et spirituelle): Italy (Monte Rosa Edizioni)
- Despret, Vinciane, Living Like A Bird (Habiter en oiseau): the Netherlands (Octavo)
- Emmens, Jan, Autobiographical Dictionary (Autobiografisch woordenboek): Italy (Raffaelli Editore)
- Fabiani, Jean-Louis, Sociology (La sociologie): Turkey (İletişim Yayınları)
- Galiano, Enrico, Happy Against the World (Felici contro il mondo): the Netherlands (Luitingh-Sijthoff)
- Haralambon, Olivier, The Racing Cyclist and His Shadow (Le coureur et son ombre): North America (Univocal Series/University of Minnesota Press)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Slovakia (Bajkal), Hindi & Telugu (Most Loving Group), Spanish (Colección Baelo, print and ebook in Europe only)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You (Votre cerveau vous joue des tours): China (Beijing Guangchen Culture)
- Sarr, Felwine, African Meditations (Méditations africaines): WEL (Univocal Series/University of Minnesota Press)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 5: Sweden (Cobolt)
- Schaefer, Mark, Cumulative Advantage. How to Build Momentum for your Ideas, Business and Life Against All Odds: Japan (Direct publishing)
- Žižek, Slavoj, Heaven in Disorder: Netherlands (Starfish Books)
JUNE 2021
- Bonnefoy, Miguel, Legacy (Héritage): Denmark (Bobo – Den Franske Bogcafés Forlag)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Denmark (Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag)
- Brenot, Philippe & Coryn, Laetitia, A History of Sex Vol. 1 (L’Incroyable histoire du sexe. Livre 1: en Occident): Sweden (Epix Bokförlag AB)
- Bridonneau, Damien, Harry Potter and History (Harry Potter et l’Histoire. Alchimies historiques!): China (China Translation & Publishing House)
- Cadène, Thomas & Gaultier, Christophe, The Brown Tragedy (La tragédie brune): Sweden (Epix Bokförlag AB)
- Campos, Simone, Nothing Can Hurt You Now (Nada vai acontecer com voce): WEL (Pushkin Press)
- Cirotteau, Thomas, Kerner, Jennifer, Pincas, Eric, Lady Sapiens. A study of women during prehistoric times (Lady Sapiens. Enquête sur la femme au temps de la préhistoire): the Netherlands (Noordboek)
- Dupuis-Déri, Francis, Democracy. The political history in France and the USA (Démocratie. Histoire politique d’un mot en France et aux États-Unis): Russia (Horizontal)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Vietnam (Bloom Books)
- Giordano, Paolo, Things I Don’t Want to Forget (Le cose che non voglio dimenticare): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Leblanc, Maurice, Arsène Lupin’s Last Love (Le Dernier Amour d’Arsène Lupin): Hungary (Alexandra Könyvesház)
- Lenormand, Frédéric, In Marie-Antoinette’s Secret Service Vol.1-5 (Au service secret de Marie- Antoinette vol. 1 -5): Greece (Pedio, 5-book deal), Vol.1 & 2 Portugal (Planeta de Livros, 2-book deal)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Nietzsche (Agir et penser comme Nietzsche): Greece (Livanis)
- Massimi, Fabiano, The Demons of Berlin (I demoni di Berlino): the Netherlands (Xander)
- May, Nicola, The Cornershop in Cockleberry Bay & Meet me in Cockleberry Bay : Finland (Minerva Kustannus Oy, in a 2-book deal)
- Moreau, Christiana, The Clay Lady (La Dame d’argile): Italy (Casa Editrice Nord)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): Poland (Wydawnicza Foksal)
- Pépin, Charles, Encounters: A Philosophy (La rencontre, une philosophie): World Spanish (Ediciones Siruela)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure (Les vertus de l’échec): China (Ginkgo)
- Salvioni, Beatrice, The Wicked One (La Malnata): WEL (HarperVia, in a pre-empt), Finland (Gummerus, in a pre-empt), Netherlands (De Bezige Bij, in a pre-empt), Norway (Gyldendal Norsk in a pre-empt), Sweden (Brombergs, in a pre-empt)
- Slimani, Leïla & Coryn, Laetitia, Words of Honor (Paroles d’honneur): Sweden (Epix Bokförlag AB)
- Tichenor, Liz, The Night Lake: A Young Priest Maps the Topography of Grief: Denmark (Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag)
- Thuram, Lilian, White Thinking (La pensée blanche): Sweden (Vaktel Forlag)
- van Rijn, Elle, The Jewish Nursery School (De Crèche): Czech (Omega)
- Zamora, Daniel and Dean, Mitchell, The Last Man Takes LSD: Foucault and the End of Revolution (Le dernier homme et la fin de la Révolution – Foucault après Mai 68): Romania (Prestige)
MAY 2021
- Adams, Taylor, Hairpin Bridge: Denmark & Sweden (Jentas A/S)
- Althusser, Louis, Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences (Psychanalyse et les sciences humaines): World Spanish excl Spain (Godot)
- Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel, Freud’s Patients (Les patients de Freud): Hungary (Corvina)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Finland (Gummerus, at auction)
- Dowd, Victoria, The Smart Woman’s Guide to Murder & Body On The Island: Sweden (Lind & Co, two-book deal)
- Faggiani, Franco, All the Sky You’ll Need (Tutto il cielo che serve) : Netherlands (Signatuur)
- Filteau-Chiba, Gabrielle, Bivouac: Italy (Lindau)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Become a Cat in 30 Days: My Book of Exercises for Self-Discovery and Fulfillment (30 jours pour devenir un chat: Mon cahier d’exercices pour se découvrir & s’épanouir): Japan (Tatsumi Shuppan)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Slovenia (Založba Vida)
- Gaston, Delphine, Napoleon’s dentist, Julius Caesar’s advisor… 75 hidden figures who influenced history (Le dentiste de Napoléon, l’indic de Jules César…75 figures de l’ombre qui ont influencé l’histoire): Taiwan (Mook Publishing)
- Godefroy, Aurélie, How to Live Like Coco Chanel (Agir et penser comme Coco Chanel): Taiwan (Ark Culture)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness: Taiwan (CommonWealth Magazine)
- Lacroix, Alexandre, How Can We Avoid Being Slaves to the System (Comment ne pas être esclave du système): World Spanish (Arpa Editores)
- Lenormand, Frédéric, In Marie-Antoinette’s Secret Service Vol.1 (Au service secret de Marie- Antoinette vol.1): Italy (Mondadori Libri, in a pre-empt)
- Liaut, Jean-Noël, Andy Warhol: The White Fox (Andy Warhol, Le renard blanc): World Spanish (Arpa Editores)
- Lieby, Angèle, A Tear Saved Me (Une larme m’a sauvée): Sweden (Norstedts Forlag)
- Martin, Holly, Sunlight Over Crystal Sands & Mistletoe at Moonstone Lake: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning, two-book deal)
- Mathieu, Nicolas, Judge Wagner’s Retirement (La Retraite du juge Wagner): World English (Other Press)
- Mofina, Rick, Search for Her: Denmark (Jentas A/S)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You (Votre cerveau vous joue des tours): Romania (Editura Prestige)
- Pavone, Chris, 350 Things to Know about Star Wars (Star Wars 350 anecdotes): Netherlands (Noblesse)
- Pépin, Charles, Encounters: A Philosophy (La rencontre, une philosophie): Arabic (Le Centre Culturel Arabe)
- Purnell, Derecka, Becoming Abolitionists. Police, Protests, and the Pursuit of Freedom: English (UK & BC excl Can) (Verso)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 1, 2,3 (L’arabe du futur): Norway (Gyldendal Norsk, renewal)
- van Rijn, Elle, The Jewish Nursery School (De Crèche): World English (Bookouture, at auction)
- Walsh, S. Kirk, The Elephant of Belfast: Norway (Strawberry)
- Zamora, Daniel and Dean, Mitchell, The Last Man Takes LSD: Foucault and the End of Revolution (Le dernier homme et la fin de la Révolution – Foucault après Mai 68): Brazil (Telha)
APRIL 2021
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Portugal (Porto Editora)
- Bridonneau, Damien, Harry Potter and History (Harry Potter et l’Histoire. Alchimies historiques!): Russia (Ast)
- Bucci, Andra & Bucci, Tatiana, Always Remember Your Name. A True Story of Family and Survival in Auschwitz: English (UK & BC excl Can) (Zaffre/Bonnier, at auction)
- Daynes, Kerry, The Dark Side of the Mind: True Stories from My Life as a Forensic Psychologist: Sweden (Nona)
- Delorme, Geoffroy, The Roe Deer Man (L’homme-chevreuil): USA (Greystone Books, NA)
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Reader on the 6:27 (Le liseur du 6h27): Finland (Tammi Publishers, renewal)
- Dieudonné, Adeline, Kerosene (Kérozène): the Netherlands (Atlas Contact)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Become a Cat in 30 Days: My Book of Exercises for Self-Discovery and Fulfillment (30 jours pour devenir un chat: Mon cahier d’exercices pour se découvrir & s’épanouir): Netherlands( Xander), Greece (Livanis, 2-book deal)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Arsène Lupin (Agir et penser comme Arsène Lupin): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Kosmos, 3-book deal), Greece (Livanis, 2-book deal)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like James Bond (Agir et penser comme James Bond): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Kosmos, 3-book deal)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Serbia (Blum)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir & penser comme un chat): Bulgaria (StorySide, audio rights)
- Giorgio, Cinzia, Five Sisters (Cinque sorelle): World English (HarperVia, in a pre-empt)
- Godefroy, Aurélie, How to Live Like Coco Chanel (Agir et penser comme Coco Chanel): Bulgaria (Locus)
- Guven, Mahir, Big Brother (Grand frère): Denmark (Jensen & Dalgaard)
- Hatt, Jemma, The Adventurers and the Cursed Castle & The Adventurers and the Temple of Treasure : Finland (Kumma-kustannus)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Turkey (Ithaki), Russia (Eksmo), Arabic (Le Centre Culturel Arabe, at auction), Marathi (Madhushree Publication)
- Leblanc, Maurice, Arsène Lupin’s Last Love (Le Dernier Amour d’Arsène Lupin): Czech (Grow Books), Romania (Librex)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Hungary (Corvina Books)
- Pepin, Charles, Encounters: A Philosophy (La rencontre, une philosophie): Netherlands (Noordboek)
- Peters, Tom, Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism: World Spanish (Urano, at auction), Italy (Roi Edizioni), Bulgaria (Locus), Russia (Alpina)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea for the Animals (Plaidoyer pour les animaux. Vers une bienveillance pour tous): Taiwan (Good Morning Press, renewal)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 5 (L’arabe du futur): Norway (Gyldendal Norsk)
- Trouillot, Lyonel, Antoine des Gommiers: USA (Schaffner Press, WEL)
- Varrod, Pierre, How to Live Like Freud (Agir et penser comme Freud): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Kosmos, 3-book deal)
- Vuillard, Eric, Congo & The War of the Poor (La Guerre des Pauvres): Finland (Siltala, in a 2-book deal)
MARCH 2021
- Bantigny, Ludivine, Revolution (Révolution. Collection “Le mot est faible”): Norway (Audiatur/House of Foundation)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Italy (Newton Compton, at auction)
- Caminito, Giulia, The Water of The Lake Is Never Clear and Pure (L’acqua del lago non è mai dolce): Netherlands (Uitgeverij Cossee)
- Delorme, Geoffroy, The Roe Deer Man (L’homme-chevreuil): Sweden (Bokförlaget Forum, in a pre-empt), Netherlands (Uitgeverij Kosmos)
- Dongala, Emmanuel, Group Photo by The River (Photo de groupe au bord du fleuve): World English (Schaffner Press)
- Emma, The Emotional Load and Other Invisible Things Vol. 3 & Princes Not So Charming and Other Illusions To Dissipate Together Vol. 4 (La charge émotionnelle et autres trucs invisibles, Vol.3 & Des princes pas si charmants et autres illusions à dissiper ensemble, Vol.4): Germany (Unrast Verlag)
- Filteau-Chiba, Gabrielle, Gimme Shelter (Encabanée): Germany (dtv)
- Fossois, Gwendal, How to Live like Darth Vader (Agir & Penser comme Dark Vador): Romania (Niculescu, 2-book deal)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Become a Cat in 30 Days: My Book of Exercises for Self-Discovery and Fulfillment (30 jours pour devenir un chat: Mon cahier d’exercices pour se découvrir & s’épanouir):Romania (Niculescu, 2-book deal), Greece (Livanis, 2-book deal)
- Groen, Hendrik, Cheerfully on to the Finish Line (Opgewekt naar de eindstreep): Poland (Albatros)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: World Spanish audio only (Beek)
- Leblanc, Maurice, Arsène Lupin’s Last Love (Le Dernier Amour d’Arsène Lupin): Germany (Suhrkamp Verlag)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psycho That Drives you Crazy (La psycho qui rend fou): Arabic (Arab Scientific Publishers)
- May, Nicola, The Cockleberry Bay series: Denmark (Alpha Forlag, in a pre-empt, 4-book deal)
- May, Nicola, Welcome to Ferry Lane Market series: Netherlands (Uitgeverij Zomer & Keuning)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You (Votre cerveau vous joue des tours): UK (Hero Press, WEL)
- Pepin, Charles, Encounters: A Philosophy (La rencontre, une philosophie): Korea (Daewon)
- Pepin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La Confiance en soi, une philosophie): Netherlands (Noordboek)
- Peters, Tom, Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism: China (China Machine Press, at auction)
- Polman, Linda, Death Row Dollies: Living with the Death Penalty (Death Row Dollies: leven met de doodstraf): Poland (Czarne, renewal)
- Ricard, Matthieu, Kotsou, Ilias, Mullah, the Wise Fool (Les folles histoires du sage Nasredin): Brazil (Palas Athena)
- Saucier, Jocelyne, And the Birds Rained Down (Il pleuvait des oiseaux): Portugal (Gradiva Publicações)
- Snyder, Gary and Harrison, Jim, The Etiquette of Freedom: France (Wildproject, renewal)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Spain (Espasa/ Planeta de Libros)
- Duarte, Nancy, DataStory: Explain Data and Inspire Action Through Story: Japan (Kyoritsu Shuppan)
- Dubois, Philippe J. and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Lithuania (UAB Lectio Divina)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Hungary (Alexandra Kiadó, at auction), World Spanish (Penguin Random house Spain/ Montena, at auction), Brazil (Editora Planeta do Brasil), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Romania (Editura Niculescu), North America (Chronicle Books)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Lithuania (Obuolys)
- Genovesi, Fabio, The Giant Squid (Il calamaro gigante): France (Slatkine, at auction)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: China (CITIC Press Corporation, at auction), Germany (FinanzBuch Verlag/ Münchner Verlagsgruppe)
- Leblanc, Maurice, Arsène Lupin’s Last Love (Le Dernier Amour d’Arsène Lupin): Spanish World (Roca Editorial), Italy Kiosk rights (Hachette Fascicoli), Italy (Piemme, in a pre-empt), Portugal (Grupo Leya Portugal), Catalan (Univers Llibres)
- Maila, Nurmi, Glamour Ghoul: The Passions and Pain of the Real Vampira: Finland (Like Kustannus Oy)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Bulgaria (StorySide AB, audio rights only)
- May, Nicola, The Cockleberry Bay series: Sweden (Bokförlaget Nona, 2-book deal)
- Paparoni, Demetrio & C. Danto, Arthur, Art and Post-History. Conversations about the End of Aesthetics and More (Arte e poststoria. Conversazioni sulla fine dell’estetica e altro): World English (Columbia University Press)
- Pepin, Charles, Encounters: A Philosophy (La rencontre, une philosophie): Germany (Carl Hanser Verlag), Romania (Editura Trei), Brazil (Editora Estação Liberdade), Italy (Garzanti, pre-empt)
- Sheridan, Marcus & Lessard, Tyler, The Visual Sale: Japan (Direct Publishing)
- van Rijn, Elle, The Jewish Nursery School (De Crèche): France (City Editions), Portugal (Editorial Presença), Italy (Ugo Guanda/Gruppo Editoriale MauriSpagnol (GeMS), at auction)
- Dufumier, Marc, From Farm to Table (De la table à l’assiette): Hungary (Corvina Books)
- Ferry, Ilan, How to Live Like Tyrion Lannister (Agir et penser comme Tyrion Lannister): Italy (Odoya Edizioni, a pre-emptive 4-book deal)
- Fossois, Gwendal, How to Live like Darth Vader (Agir & Penser comme Dark Vador): Italy (Odoya Edizioni, a pre-emptive 4-book deal)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Germany (Münchner Verlagsgruppe), Italy (Odoya Edizioni, a pre-emptive 4-book deal), Poland (Prószyński)
- Garnier, Stéphane I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health! (J’ai décidé d’être heureux… c’est bon pour la santé !): Hungary (Scolar Kiadó Kft)
- Godefroy, Aurélie, How to Live Like Coco Chanel (Agir et penser comme Coco Chanel): Italy (Odoya Edizioni, a pre-emptive 4-book deal)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life. The New Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 85 Years Old (Zolang er leven is): Slovenia (Mladinska Knjiga Založba, renewal)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life. The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 1/4 Years Old (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Slovenia (Mladinska Knjiga Založba, renewal)
- Groen, Hendrik, Cheerfully on to the Finish Line (Opgewekt naar de eindstreep): Czech Republic (Albatros Media / XYZ), Slovenia (Mladinska Knjiga Založba), Germany ( Piper Verlag GmbH)
- Hatteland Endresen, Kristoffer, A Little Like us. A Pig’s Tale (Litt som oss. En fortelling om grisen): World English (Greystone Books)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Korea (Maven, at auction); Italy (ROI Edizioni); India (HarperCollins Publishers India)
- Mailhot, Terese Marie, Heart Berries: France (Editions Depaysage)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Vietnam (Alpha Books)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): Korea (Psyche’s Forest Books), Italy (Giunti, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 5 (L’arabe du futur): Denmark (Forlaget Cobolt A/S), the Netherlands (Uitgeverij De Geus)
- Traverso, Enzo, Singular Pasts (Passés singuliers. Le «je» dans l’écriture de l’histoire): World English (Columbia University Press)
- Barbery, Muriel, A Single Rose (Une rose seule): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Oevers)
- Dubois, Philippe J. and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Bulgaria (Znaci)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Lithuania (Obuolys)
- Groen, Hendrik, Cheerfully on to the Finish Line (Opgewekt naar de eindstreep): Estonia (Eesti Raamat Publishers)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): Brazil (Rosa dos Tempos/Record, at auction)
- Regnerus, Jannie, The Cloud Pavilion (Het wolkenpaviljoen): Finland (Aporia Kustannus Oy)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 5 (L’arabe du futur): Czech Republic (Baobab)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: Taiwan (Yuan-Liou, renewal)
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, The ABCs of Wisdom (Abécédaire de la sagesse): Taiwan (Athena Press/Eurasian Publishing Group), Portugal (Presença)
- Boon, Lex, Pineapple (Ananas): Italy (Add Editore)
- Castro, Catherine & Zuttion, Quentin, Call Me Nathan (Appelez-moi Nathan): World English (SelfMadeHero)
- Deneault, Alain, Mediocracy (La Médiocratie): Turkey (Yeni Insan)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): the Netherlands (Kosmos), Japan (AKI SHOBO), Portugal (Presença)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like James Bond (Agir et penser comme James Bond): Romania (Niculescu Editura)
- Jorgenson, Eric, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Poland (Fijorr Publishing)
- Kopland, Rutger, Thanks to the Things (Dankzij de dingen): Germany (Hanser, renewal)
- Méra, Nicolas, Happy to See You! Overcoming social awkwardness and learning how to live with others (again) (Content de vous voir ! Surmonter la maladresse sociale et apprendre à (re)vivre avec les autres): Korea (Catholic Book Publishing House)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): Germany (Hanser, at auction), the Netherlands (Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep/Singel)
- Postma, Arjan, How One Crazy Ant Can Change the World. And Other Wonderful Stories From Nature (Hoe één gekke mier de wereld kan veranderen): Germany (Knesebeck)
- Peters, Tom, Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism: Brazil (Buzz Editora, in a pre-empt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 5 (L’arabe du futur): Finland (WSOY)
- Sheridan, Marcus & Lessard, Tyler, The Visual Sale : Taiwan (Business Weekly Publications)
- Spanke, Matthias, Retail Isn’t Dead. Innovative Strategies for Brick and Mortar Retail Success: China (China Science and Technology Press Co.)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Latvia (Ganden Buddhist Center)
- Traverso, Enzo, Singular Pasts (Passés singuliers. Le «je» dans l’écriture de l’histoire): World Spanish (Alianza, at auction), Catalan (Afers)
- Vuillard, Éric, The War of the Poor (La Guerre des Pauvres): Sweden (Lind & Co)
- Žižek, Slavoj, Pandemic! 2 Chronicles of a Time Lost: Norway (Solum)
- Aouine, Sofia, Rhapsody of the Overlooked (Rhapsodie des oubliés): Russia (Gorodets)
- Avallone, Silvia, A Friendship (Un’amicizia): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Berry, Wendell, Selection of 12 essays: France (Actes Sud)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Greece (Brainfood)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Perfume Knows Who You Are (Il profumo sa chi sei): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like the Little Prince (Agir et penser comme le Petit Prince): Greece (Livanis, at auction), Korea (Mirbook, at auction)
- Garnier, Stéphane, I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health! (J’ai décidé d’être heureux… c’est bon pour la santé !): Greece (Livanis, at auction)
- Kreier, Felix, Biezeveld, Maarten, The Hamster-Brain-Method: How to Lose Weight in a Sustainable Manner (De Hamster in Je Brein): Germany (Graefe & Unzer, at auction)
- May, Nicola, Christmas in Cockleberry Bay: the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Zomer & Keuning)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Nietzsche (Agir et penser comme Nietzsche): Korea (Planet B)
- Michielsen, Dido, Lighter than I (Lichter dan ik): Indonesia (Marjin Kiri)
- Nothias, Jean-Luc, Where Does the Light Go When We Switch It Off? (Où va la lumière quand on l’éteint ?): Korea (Book’s Hill)
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène, Prehistoric Men Were Women Too. A Story of the Invisibility of Women (L’homme préhistorique est aussi une femme): World Spanish (Lumen/PRH, in a pre-empt)
- Pepin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La Confiance en soi, une philosophie): Serbia (Vulkan, at auction)
- Peters, Tom, Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism: Korea (Korea Economic Daily & Business Publication, at auction)
- Prophète, Emmélie, The Testament of Solitudes (Le Testament des solitudes): World English (Amazon Crossing)
- Regnerus, Jannie, The Lamb (Het Lam): Germany (Weidle Verlag)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 4 (L’arabe du futur): Poland (Kultura Gniewu)
- Varrod, Pierre, Freud Among the Greeks (Freud chez les grecs): Greece (Livanis)
- Žižek, Slavoj, Pandemic! 2 Chronicles of a Time Lost: Denmark (Forlaget Politisk Revy)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Occupation Thesaurus. A Writer’s Guide to Jobs, Vocations, and Careers: China (Ginkgo Book Co., Ltd.)
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, The ABCs of Wisdom (Abécédaire de la sagesse): Brazil (Palas Athena), Romania (Editura Trei)
- Aquarian, Isis & Aquarian, Electricity, The Source. The Untold Story of Father Yod, YaHoWha 13, and The Source Family: France (Camion Blanc)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away (La femme qui fuit): Croatia (Leykam)
- Bonnefoy, Miguel, Legacy (Héritage): USA (Other Press, NA)
- Gendrot, Valentin, Cop. How I infiltrated the police: Finland (Docendo, in a pre-empt)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Slovenia (Založba Vida)
- Groen, Hendrik, A Little Surprise (Een kleine verrassing): Italy (Longanesi)
- Lafon, Lola, Keeling Over (Chavirer): World English (Europa Editions)
- Mak-Bouchard, Olivier, The Tale of the Mistral (Le Dit du Mistral): the Netherlands (Meulenhoff, at auction)
- Mullen, Brendan; Bolles, Don & Parfrey, Adam, Lexicon Devil. The Fast Times and Short Life of Darby Crash and The Germs: France (Camion Blanc)
- Notter, Jamie and Grant, Maddie, When Millennials Take Over: Germany (Franzius Verlag)
- Raimondi, Daniela, The House on the River Bank (La casa sull’argine): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Ray, Jean, Malpertuis & The City of the Unspeakable Fear (Malpertuis & La Cité de l’indicible peur): USA (Wakefield, NA)
- Vajre, Sangram & Spett, Eric, ABM is B2B.: Why B2B Marketing and Sales is Broken and How to Fix it: China (Beijing Jieteng Culture & Media Ltd)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Occupation Thesaurus. A Writer’s Guide to Jobs, Vocations, and Careers: Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Bergsman, Steve, I Put a Spell on You. The Bizarre Life of Screamin’ Jay Hawkins: France (Camion Blanc)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Japan (Chikumashobo)
- Flanagan, Harley, Hard-Core. Life of My Own: France (Camion Blanc)
- Johannesson, Ika & Jefferson Klingberg, Jon, Blood Fire Death. The Swedish Metal Story: France (Camion Blanc)
- Kollaard, Sander, A Day in the Life of a Dog (Uit het leven van een hond): Japan (Shincho-sha)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Poland (Purana), Japan (Diamond)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 5 (Les Cahiers d’Esther t. 5): Germany (Reprodukt)
- Scotto, Robert, Moondog. The Viking of 6th Ave: France (Camion Blanc)
- Voskuil, J.J, The Bureau: Mr Beerta Vol.1 & Dirty Hands Vol. 2 (Het Bureau, Meneer Beerta & Vuile Handen): Sweden (Nilsson Forlag)
JULY 2020
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Occupation Thesaurus. A Writer’s Guide to Jobs, Vocations, and Careers: Korea (WillBooks)
- Altucher, James, Reinvent Yourself: Korea (BP Publishers)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Victor Kessler Hasn’t Said It All (Victor Kessler n’a pas tout dit): Vietnam (Nha Nam)
- Bonnefoy, Miguel, Heritage (Héritage): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij, in a pre-empt)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Slovakia (Albatros)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless. How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: Germany (Franzius Verlag)
- Godefroy, Aurélie, How to Live Like Coco Chanel (Agir et penser comme Coco Chanel): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Kollaard, Sander, A Day in the Life of a Dog (Uit het leven van een hond): Korea (Next Wave Media)
- Kusters, Wouter, A Philosophy of Madness (Filosofie van de waanzin): China (Ginkgo Book Co., Ltd.)
- Masino, Paola, Birth and Death of the Housewife (Nascita e morte della massaia): Brazil (Instante)
- Simon, Isabelle, All about that Ass (Traité du trou du cul): Korea (Munhakdongne Publishing Corp.)
- Spanke, Matthias, Retail Isn’t Dead: Innovative Strategies for Brick and Mortar Retail Success: Korea (Geulhangari, at auction)
- Toussaint, Eric, The Debt System (Le système dette): Sweden (Bokförläggarna Röda Rummet)
- Van Hooijdonk, Richard, The World Of Tomorrow (De Wereld van morgen): Bulgaria audio (Storytel)
- Xenakis, Stefanos, The Gift (Το δώρο): The Netherlands (HarperCollins, at auction)
JUNE 2020
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Serbia (Dereta)
- Bhargava, Rohit, The Non-Obvious Guide To Virtual Meetings And Remote Work (When You Just Can’t Be There In Person): English Indian Subcontinent (Penguin Random House India), Vietnam (1980 Books), Korea (Gimm-Young)
- Biesheuvel, J.M.A., A selection of stories (Reis door mijn kamer, De Dienst, Brief aan Vader, Brommer op Zee): Germany (Faber & Faber Verlag)
- Delacampagne, Christian, History of Slavery (Histoire de l’esclavage): Arabic (National Center for Translation of the Ministry of Culture of Egypt)
- De Vos, Marjoleine, You Looked Too Far (Je keek te ver): Germany (Verlag Freies Geistesleben & Urachhaus)
- Dufumier, Marc, From Farm to Table (De la table à l’assiette): Korea (Book’s Hill)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Serbia (Blum Publishing)
- Goyette, Kerry, The Non-Obvious Guide to Emotional Intelligence (Non-Obvious Guides): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Griffin, Susan, Woman and Nature: France (Editions Le Pommier)
- Harsvik, Wegard & Skjerve, Ingvar, Homo Solidaricus – confronting the myth of human selfishness (Homo Solidaricus – et oppgjør med myten om det egoistiske mennesket): Germany (Links Verlag)
- Kader, Slimane, With a View Below the Sea (Avec vue sous la mer): China (Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House)
- Martin, Holly, Sunrise over Sapphire Bay, Autumn Skies Over Ruby Falls, Ice Creams at Emerald Cove: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning, three-book deal)
- May, Nicola, Love Me Tinder: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning/VBK Media)
- Musso, Guillaume, The Writers’ Secret Life (La Vie secrète des écrivains): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Catalan (Dipankara)
MAY 2020
- Altucher, James,The Rich Employee: Korea (Willbes)
- Barbery, Muriel, A Single Rose (Une rose seule): USA (Europa Editions, NA)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non Obvious Megatrends. How to See What Others Miss and Predict the Future: Germany (Franzius Verlag), Russia (Eksmo), China (China Worker), English Indian Subcontinent (Penguin Random House India)
- Camurri, Roberto, The Name of the Mother (Il nomme de la madre): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Emma, A Different Take On the Climate (Un autre regard sur le climat): Germany (UNRAST Verlag)
- Garnier, Stéphane, I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health! (J’ai décidé d’être heureux… c’est bon pour la santé!): Bulgaria (Locus)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless. How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: Arabic (Jarir Bookstore)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Universal History of Stupidity (Histoire universelle de la connerie) & Psychology of Beautiful and Ugly Ones (Psychologie des beaux et des moches): Korea (WillBooks)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Albania (PEMA)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor (De Dirigent): Bulgaria (UNISCORP)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk : Italy (Mondadori)
- Schermer, Marijke, Love, if You Say So (Liefde, als dat het is): World English (World Editions)
- Žižek, Slavoj, Pandemic! Covid-19 Shakes the World: Norway (Solum, in a pre-empt)
APRIL 2020
- Bonidan, Cathy, Victor Kessler Hasn’t Said It All (Victor Kessler n’a pas tout dit): Spain (Grijalbo/PRH Spain)
- Bonidan, Cathy, The Perfume of the Hellebore Rose (Le parfum de l’hellébore): Netherlands (Mozaiek)
- de Beauvoir, Simone, The Inseparables (Les inséparables): North America (Ecco/HarperCollins, in a pre-empt)
- Caboni, Cristina, The House of Mirrors (La casa degli specchi): France (Presses de la Cité)
- Faggiani, Franco, The Boy Who Played With the Clouds (Il bambino che giocava con le nuvole): the Netherlands (Signatuur)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Romania (Niculescu)
- Giordano, Paolo, How Contagion Works (Nel Contagio): North America (Bloomsbury for e-book and print rights; PRH Audio for audio rights)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken) & As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Vietnam (Tre Publishing)
- Le Fébure Du Bus, Emmanuel-Marie, Desir & Unity (Désir et unité): USA (Ignatius Press, WEL) – World English
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Psychology of Beautiful and Ugly Ones (Psychologie des beaux et des moches): Japan (Pan Rolling)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Taiwan (Athena Press/Eurasian Publishing Group)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 1 (L’arabe du futur): Poland (Kultura Gniewu, renewal)
- Žižek, Slavoj, Pandemic! Covid-19 Shakes the World: France (Actes Sud, at auction), the Netherlands (Uitgeverij JEA, at auction), Denmark (Forlaget Politisk Revy)
MARCH 2020
- Ardone, Viola, The Children’s Train (Il Treno dei Bambini): Iceland (Forlagid), Finland (Aula & Co, in a pre-empt)
- Bergeron, Ben, Chasing Excellence: A Story About Building the World’s Fittest Athletes: Germany (Münchner Verlagsgruppe)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non Obvious Megatrends. How to See What Others Miss and Predict the Future: Taiwan (Yuan-Liou)
- Cannell, Sean, Travis, Benji, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer: Ukraine (BookChef)
- Dubois-Collet, Sophie, History Takes the Train (L’Histoire prend le train): Italy (Add Editore)
- Duportail, Judith, The Tinder Affair (L’Amour sous algorithme): Denmark (Forlaget Edito)
- Emma, A Different Take On the Climate (Un autre regard sur le climat): Italy (Laterza)
- Enard, Mathias, The Annual Banquet of the Brotherhood of Gravediggers (Le Banquet annuel de la confrérie des fossoyeurs): USA (New Directions, NA)
- Garnier, Stéphane, I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health! (J’ai décidé d’être heureux… c’est bon pour la santé!): Poland (Kobiece)
- Garnier, Stephane, How to Live Like James Bond (Agir & Penser comme James Bond): Czech (Jota)
- Giordano, Paolo, How Contagion Works (Nel Contagio): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Nietzsche (Agir et penser comme Nietzsche): China (United Sky)
- Li, Charlene, The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail: Turkey (Notabene)
- Lichtenstein, Jonathan, The Berlin Shadow: Living with the Ghosts of the Kindertransport: Denmark (Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag, in a pre-empt)
- Martin, Holly, The Little Village of Happiness & The Gift of Happiness: the Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning, two book deal)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 3): Japan (Kaden-Sha)
- Sedira, Samira, People Like Them (Des Gens comme eux): World English (Penguin US)
- Sun, Michelle, First Time Coders. A Definitive Guide to Coding for Children: Korea (T-IME Education)
- Susi, Steve, Brand Currency. A Former Amazon Exec on Money, Information, Loyalty, and Time: Korea (UX Review)
- Varrod, Pierre, Freud Among the Greeks (Freud chez les grecs): China (United Sky)
- Vuillard, Eric, 14 July (14 juillet): Finland (Siltala)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non Obvious Megatrends. How to See What Others Miss and Predict the Future: Arabic (Jarir Bookstore), Korea (BP, at auction), Brazil (Buzz), Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Enter, Stephan, Pastoral (Pastorale): World Spanish (De Conatus)
- Fasiki, Zainab, Hshuma. Women’s Bodies and Sexuality in Morocco (Hshouma. Corps et sexualité au Maroc): Galicia (Rinoceronte)
- Fortier, Dominique, Cities of Paper (Villes de Papier): Sweden (Ramus)
- Garnier, Stéphane, I’ve decided to be happy because it’s good for my health! (J’ai décidé d’être heureux… c’est bon pour la santé!): the Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: World Spanish (Ubook Publishing)
- Lichtenstein, Jonathan, The Berlin Shadow: Living with the Ghosts of the Kindertransport: Germany (Suhrkamp in a pre-empt), the Netherlands (Atlas-Contact, in a pre-empt)
- Max, Tucker & Obront, Zach, The Scribe Method: The Best Way to Write and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book: Arabic (Dar Shafaq)
- Rimmer, Kelly, Me Without You: Denmark (L&R, renewal)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the future (L’Arabe du futur) vol. 4: Sweden (Cobolt Forlag), Denmark (Forlaget Cobolt)
- Selosse, Marc-André, Never Alone. The bugs that build plants, creatures and civilizations (Jamais Seul): Netherlands (Uitgeverij Jan van Arkel)
- Strukul, Matteo, The Seven Dynasties (Le sette dinastie): the Netherlands (Boekerij)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away (La femme qui fuit): Italy (Lit Edizioni)
- Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel, Freud’s Patients (Les patients de Freud): UK (Reaktion Books, WEL)
- Cannell, Sean, Travis, Benji, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer: Portugal (Vida Self)
- Driessen, Martin Michael, The Pelican (De Pelikaan): Italy (Del Vecchio)
- Djaïz, David, Slow Democracy (Slow Démocratie): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Pluim, in a pre-empt)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: World Portuguese (Ubook Publishing)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor (De Dirigent): Finland (Minerva)
- Schermer, Marijke, Love, if You Say So (Liefde, als dat het is): Germany (Kampa)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks Fruit): Macedonia (Feniks)
- Berry, Wendell, The Unsettling of America: France (RN Editions)
- De Stefano, Cristina, The Child is the Master. A Life of Maria Montessori: USA (Other Press, NA)
- Duarte, Nancy, Datastory: Poland (Helion), Brazil (Alta Editora), China (PHEI, at auction)
- Ellis, Joy, The Murderer’s Son & Their Lost Daughters (The DI Jackman and DS Evans series): Sweden (Lind & Co.)
- Fasiki, Zainab, Hshuma. Women’s Bodies and Sexuality in Morocco (Hshouma. Corps et sexualité au Maroc): Italy (Prospero e Ariel/001 Edizioni)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): Serbia (Kreativni Centar)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir et penser comme un chat): Finland (Tammi)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Russia (Popuri)
- Haralambon, Olivier, My Imaginary racers (Mes coureurs imaginaires): Denmark (Forlaget Bobo – Den Franske Bogcafés)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Universal History of Stupidity (Histoire universelle de la connerie): Italy (Nuova Ipsa)
- Sarr, Felwine, Afrotopia: Sweden (TankeKraft förlag)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 2): Romania (Art)
- Testot, Laurent, The New World History (La Nouvelle Histoire du Monde): Germany (Reclam Verlag)
- Vasalis, M., Collected Works: Italy (Edizioni Ensemble)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus (Expanded Edition): Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away (La femme qui fuit): Iceland (Dimma)
- Batalha, Martha, The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao (A Invisível Vida de Euridice Gusmão): Denmark (DreamLitt)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Czech Republic (CPress/Albatros Media)
- Caboni, Cristina, The House of Mirrors (La casa degli specchi): Netherlands (Xander)
- Deibel, Walter, Buy then Build. How Acquisition Entrepreneurs Outsmart the Startup Game: Japan (Jitsugyo-No Nihon)
- Destombes, Sandrine, The Priory in Crest (Le Prieuré de Crest): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement), Vols. 1-2: Germany (UNRAST Verlag)
- Fernandez, Marc, Guerrilla Social Club (Guérilla Social Club): Turkey (Dipnot Kitap)
- Fossois, Gwendal, How to Live like Darth Vader (Agir & Penser comme Dark Vador): Czech Republic (Jota)
- Galiano, Enrico, Stronger than any Goodbye (Più forte di ogni addio): the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Luitingh-Sijthoff)
- Garnier, Stephane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir & Penser comme un chat): Finland (Tammi)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Vietnam (Tre)
- Graft, Lyn, Start with Story: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business: Korea (Forest Books)
- Li, Charlene, The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail: Korea ((The Korea Economic Daily & Business Publications, Inc., at auction)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Japan (Aki Shobo, at auction)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), Universal History of Stupidity (Histoire universelle de la connerie): Romania (Litera)
- M. K., Kyle, The Economics of Emotion: How to Build a Business Everyone Will Love: Taiwan (Business Today Publisher)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You (Votre cerveau vous joue des tours): Hungary (Europa Könyvkiadó), Slovakia (Ikar), Poland (Vis-a-Vis Etiuda)
- Moreau, Christiana, Red Cashmere (Cachemire rouge): Poland (Czarna Owca)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor: France (Leduc.s, at auction), Italy (Longanesi, at auction), Brazil (Planeta, in a pre-empt), World Spanish (Duomo)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 2): Japan (Kaden-Sha)
- Scott, Jason, The Irreverent Guide to Project Management: An Agile Approach to Enterprise Project Management, Version 5.0: China (China Youth Press)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Portugal (Editora 20|20)
- Shikari Bajowala, Sakina, The Food Allergy Fix: An Integrative and Evidence-Based Approach to Food Allergen Desensitization: Poland (Wydawnictwo Studio Astropsychologii)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Romania (Prestige), Korea (Tamgudang)
- Corona, Mauro, The Flight of the Marten (Il Volo della Martora), Like a Stone in the Stream (Come Sasso nella Corrente), 3rd title to be confirmed: the Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
- Cournut, Bérengère, Of Stone and Bone (De pierre et d’os) & Born Happy in Oraibi (Née Contente à Oraibi): the Netherlands (Prometheus Bert Bakker, in a pre-empt, two-book deal)
- De Stefano, Cristina, The Child is the Master. A Life of Maria Montessori: the Netherlands (Xander)
- Duarte, Nancy, Datastory: Korea (Hanbit, at auction), Taiwan (Business Weekly, at auction)
- Fossois, Gwendal, How to Live like Darth Vader (Agir & Penser comme Dark Vador): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): the Netherlands (Kosmos), Korea (Mirae Times)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: Turkey (Buyukada)
- Groen, Hendrik, A Little Surprise (Een kleine verrassing): Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Germany (Piper Verlag), USA (Grand Central, NA)
- Malø, Mo, Qaanaaq: Korea (DoDo Publishing), Italy (Piemme, in a pre-empt)
- Masselot, Nathanaël, How to Live Like Nietzsche (Agir et penser comme Nietzsche): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Max, Tucker & Obront, Zach, The Scribe Method: The Best Way to Write and Publish Your Non-Fiction Book: Korea (Greenbook)
- Perrignon, Judith, Toussaint, Marie, How We’re Going to Save the World. Manifesto for Climate Justice (Comment Nous Allons Sauver le Monde. Notre Affaire à Tous): Korea (Manongji Books, at auction)
- Peters, Maria, The Conductor (De Dirigent): Germany (Hoffmann & Campe, in a pre-empt)
- Raimondi, Daniela, The House on the River Bank (La casa sull’argine): France (Editions Slatkine, in a pre-empt)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 4 (Les Cahiers d’Esther t. 4): Germany (Reprodukt)
- Vallaeys, Frederick, Digital Marketing in an AI World. Futureproofing Your PPC Agency: Russia (Eksmo)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: Russia (Alpina)
- Aouine, Sofia, Rhapsody of the Overlooked (Rhapsodie des oubliés): Italy (Hope Edizioni)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): Czech Republic (Grada)
- Fossois, Gwendal, Be a Jedi & Survive at Work (Soyez un Jedi ! Survivre au bureau mode d’emploi): Slovakia (Citadella)
- Fossois, Gwendal, How to Live like Darth Vader (Agir & Penser comme Dark Vador): Slovakia (Citadella)
- Fossois, Gwendal, Mythology according to Game of Thrones (La mythologie selon Game of Thrones): Spain (Planeta/Minotauro)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): Czech Republic (Jota)
- Graft, Lyn, Start with Story: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business: Vietnam (RIO Book)
- Groen, Hendrik, A Little Surprise (Een kleine verrassing): Poland (Albatros)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Romania (Editura Art)
- Léveillé-Trudel, Juliana, Nirliit: Denmark (Jensen & Dalgaard)
- Li, Charlene, The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail: China (Beijing Mediatime)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Serbia (Dereta)
- May, Nicola, The Cornershop in Cockleberry Bay, Meet me in Cockleberry Bay, Back to Cockleberry Bay and Christmas Evie: the Netherlands (Uitgeverij Zomer & Keuning)
- M. K., Kyle, The Economics of Emotion: How to Build a Business Everyone Will Love: Russia (Eksmo), Korea (Page 2, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Arabic (Le Centre Culturel Arabe)
- Vallaeys, Frederick, Digital Marketing in an AI World: Futureproofing Your PPC Agency: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Voskuil, J.J., Nicolien’s Mother (De Moeder van Nicolien): Germany (Wagenbach)
- Caponi, Todd, The Transparency Sale: How Unexpected Honesty and Understanding the Buying Brain Can Transform Your Results: Vietnam (DT Books)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Japan (Anonima Studio)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): Hungary (Partvonal), Poland (Andromeda), Vietnam (Tre)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Turkey (Paloma)
- Gassner Otting, Laura, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life: Korea (Yoonsl Books)
- Groen, Hendrik, A Little Surprise (Een kleine verrassing): Czech Republic (Albatros Media), Croatia (Mozaik)
- Guerlain, Valérie, The Handbook of Public Speaking (Petit manuel à l’usage de ceux pour qui l’oral est un cauchemar): Romania (Editura For You)
- Li, Charlene, The Disruption Mindset: Why Some Organizations Transform While Others Fail: Brazil (Alta)
- Norris, Dan, This is the Answer: Advice for New Entrepreneurs from the World’s Worst Business Coach: China (Zhejiang University Press)
- Piemonte, Manuela, The Amazons (Amazzoni): the Netherlands (Ambo|Anthos, in a pre-empt)
- Raymond, Jonathan, Good Authority: Taiwan (Sunrise Press)
- Vallaeys, Frederick, Digital Marketing in an AI World: Futureproofing Your PPC Agency: Korea (TiumBooks)
- Ventrella, Rosa, The Slander (La Malalegna): the Netherlands (Xander)
JULY 2019
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): World Spanish excl Spain (Planeta Mexico)
- Dill, Shawn & Book, Lacey, None of Your Business: A Winning Approach to Turn Service Providers into Entrepreneurs: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- D’Silva, Renita, The Girl in the Painting: Norway (Strawberry)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Grow Up Like Your Cat (Agir et grandir comme un chat): Romania (Polirom, at auction)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Johns, Ana, The Woman in the White Kimono: Norway (Strawberry)
- Lawrence, Kevin N., Your Oxygen Mask First: 17 Habits to Help High Achievers Survive & Thrive in Leadership & Life: Vietnam (Vanlangbooks)
- Lo Iacono, Simona, The Albatross (L’albatro): the Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek, in a pre-empt)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity : World Spanish (Planeta Mexico, at auction)
- Mavrikakis, Catherine, Omaha Beach. Un oratorio & Diamanda Galás. Guerrière et Gorgone: English NA (Quattro Books)
- Michaelis, Hanny, War Diary: Romania (Prestige)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You: Germany (Goldmann/PRH Germany, at auction), Czech Republic (Albatros Media/Kniha Zlin, at auction)
- Notbohm, Ellen, Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew (3rd edition): France (Dunod, at auction), French-North American (Hurtubise, at auction)
- Perquin, Ester Naomi, Selection of Various Poems: Germany (Elif Verlag)
- Piemonte, Manuela, The Amazons (Amazzoni): France (Robert Laffont, in a pre-empt)
- Pieri, Lorenza, The Garden of Monsters (Il Giardino dei mostri): France (Préludes)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 4): Portugal (LeYa, Teorema)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vols. 1-2 (Les Cahiers d’Esther t. 1-2): Israel (Pardes Publishing)
- Tremblay, Larry, The Orange Grove (L’orangeraie): Denmark (Holgers Forlag)
- Vuillard, Eric, The War of the Poor (La Guerre des Pauvres): UK & BC excl Canada (Picador)
JUNE 2019
- Bhargava, Rohit, The Non-Obvious Guide To Small Business Marketing (Without a Big Budget): Thailand (SE-Education)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): Hungary (Europa)
- Driessen, Martin Michael, Rivers (Rivieren): Croatia (Sandorf)
- Doumergue, Christian, Cats: Legends, myths and magic powers (Le Chat : Légendes, mythes et pouvoirs magiques): Poland (Slowo/Obraz terytoria)
- Fossois, Gwendal, Mythology according to Game of Thrones (La mythologie selon Game of Thrones): Brazil (Planeta)
- Lenormand, Frédéric, In Marie-Antoinette’s Secret Service (Au service secret de Marie- Antoinette): Serbia (Vulkan)
- M. K., Kyle, The Economics of Emotion: How to Build a Business Everyone Will Love: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Noyon, Rémi & Vion-Dury, Philippe, New Ideas to Understand the 21st Century (Les idées nouvelles pour comprendre le XXIe siècle): Greece (Polis)
- Patterson, Dayal, Black Metal. Evolution of the Cult: France (Camion Blanc)
MAY 2019
- Ardone, Viola, The Children’s Train (I Treni dei Bambini): Denmark (Rosinante & Co)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): China (Sichuan)
- Burensteinas, Patrick, An Alchemist Speaks (Un alchimiste raconte): Russia (Knihnyi Butik AG/ Garese&Partners)
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): UK and BC excl Canada (Ebury)
- Deibel, Walter, Buy then Build. How Acquisition Entrepreneurs Outsmart the Startup Game: Vietnam (WeTransform)
- Graft, Lyn, Start with Story: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Using Story to Grow Your Business: China (Beijing Bamboo Stone)
- Fossois, Gwendal, Mythology according to Game of Thrones (La mythologie selon Game of Thrones): Czech Republic (Jota, at auction)
- Frisch, Randy, F#ck Content Marketing. Focus on Content Experience to Drive Demand, Revenue & Relationships: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Missiroli, Marco, Fidelity (Fedeltà): the Netherlands (Cossee)
- Norris, Dan, This is the Answer: Advice for New Entrepreneurs from the World’s Worst Business Coach: Romania (Curtea Veche)
- Scudamore, Brian, WTF?! (Willing to Fail): How Failure Can Be Your Key to Success: Taiwan (Yuan-Liou)
APRIL 2019
- Brand, Arthur, Hitler’s Horses (De paarden van Hitler): France (Dunod)
- Cannell, Sean, Travis, Benji, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer: China (Beijing Bamboo Stone), Russia (Alpina)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement), Vols. 2-3: Italy (Laterza)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Czech Republic (Jota), Poland (Andromeda), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Japan (Diamond)
- Garnier, Stéphane & Hawkes, Laurie, How to Live Like Your Cat – Exercise Book (Agir & Penser comme un chat – Cahier d’exercices): Poland (Andromeda)
- Herold, Cameron, Salamunovic, Adrian, Free PR: How to Get Chased By The Press Without Hiring a PR Firm: China (Beijing Bamboo Stone)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Turkey (Dogan, at auction), China (Guomai, at auction)
- Marquis, Serge, The Day I Truly Loved Myself(Le jour où je me suis aimé pour de vrai): Romania (Trei)
- Massimi, Fabiano, The Angel of Munich (L’Angelo di Monaco): Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Moukheiber, Dr. Albert, Your Brain Is Playing Tricks on You (Votre cerveau vous joue des tours): Korea (Hanbit Biz)
- Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard, Grand Hotel Europe (Grand Hotel Europa): Portugal (Porto Editora), France (Presses de la Cité/Feux Croisés, at auction)
- Quarles, Jack, Expensive Sentences: China (Beijing Mediatime)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Ukraine (Hemiro)
- Vuillard, Eric, The War of the Poor (La guerre des pauvres): Norway (Solum)
MARCH 2019
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, Inner Freedom (À nous la liberté): Brazil (Palas Athena)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): Korea (Hans Media), Israel (Tchelet, at auction)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Binder of Lost Stories (La rilegatrice di storie perdute): France (Presses de la Cité)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Germany (Knesebeck, at auction)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat Season 2 (Agir et penser comme un chat Saison 2): Ukraine (Vivat), Greece (Livanis)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is), Live and Let Live (Leven en laten leven): Russia (Ast/Corpus)
- Kopland, Rutger, Selection of Various Poems: France (Editions Eres)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Sweden (Sekwa)
- Lyseggen, Jørn, Outside Insight: Navigating a World Drowning in Data: Japan (Diamond)
- Marion, Rémy, The Bear. Man’s Other (L’Ours. L’autre de l’homme): World English (Greystone Books)
- Noyon, Rémi & Vion-Dury, Philippe, New Ideas to Understand the 21st Century (Les idées nouvelles pour comprendre le XXIe siècle): Korea (Mooney, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vols. 1-3(Les Cahiers d’Esther): UK (Pushkin Press, WEL, at auction)
- Scudamore, Brian, WTF?! (Willing to Fail): How Failure Can Be Your Key to Success: Korea (Konecoms)
- Strukul, Matteo, Michelangelo’s Inquisition (Inquisizione Michelangelo): the Netherlands (Boekerij)
- Terranova, Nadia, Farewell to the Ghosts (Addio fantasmi): the Netherlands (Cossee, at auction)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca,The Emotion Thesaurus, The Negative Trait Thesaurus, The Positive Trait Thesaurus, The Rural Setting Thesaurus, The Urban Setting Thesaurus and The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: Turkey (Hep Kitap)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): USA (St. Martin’s Press, WEL, at auction)
- Burensteinas, Patrick, An Alchemist Speaks (Un alchimiste raconte): Italy (Edizioni Mediterranee)
- Cannell, Sean, Travis, Benji, YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer: Korea (Bom Publishing), Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Garnier, Stéphane, Catissimo! The Cat Encyclopedia (Catissime! L’encyclopédie du chat): Poland (Andromeda)
- Groen, Hendrik, Live and Let Live (Leven en laten leven): Italy (Longanesi)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Lithuania (Eugrimas, at auction), Brazil (Faro, at auction), Bulgaria (Iztok Zapad), Russia (Eksmo), Germany (Munchner Verlagsgruppe), World English (Penguin Books, in a pre-empt), Romania (Litera, in a pre-empt)
- Marsons, Angela, Lost Girls & Play Dead: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Norty, Cohen, Join the Brand. Building Loyal Communities and the Need for Belonging: China (Beijing Standway Books)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Turkey (Epsilon)
- Vuillard, Eric, The War of the Poor (La guerre des pauvres): USA (Other Press, NA)
- Zaytoun, Hyam, Vigil (Vigile): Sweden (Sekwa)
- Berry, Thomas, The Dream of the Earth: France (Wildproject)
- Bhargava, Rohit, The Non-Obvious Guide To Small Business Marketing (Without a Big Budget): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Bonidan, Cathy, Room 128 (Chambre 128): Italy (De Agostini, in a pre-empt, two-book deal), Germany (Zsolnay/Hanser Verlag, in a pre-empt)
- Bonidan, Cathy, The Perfume of the Hellebore Rose (Le Parfum de l’hellébore): Italy (De Agostini, in a pre-empt, two-book deal)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Binder of Lost Stories (La rilegatrice di storie perdute): Finland (Impromptu)
- Chiperi, Cristina, Moonlight: France (Pocket Jeunesse)
- Driessen, Andrea, The Non-Obvious Guide To Event Planning (for Kick-Ass Gatherings That Inspire People): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement), Vols. 1-3: Portugal (Bertrand)
- Epstein, Jeremy, The Non-Obvious Guide To Understanding Blockchain (Without the Hype): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Grant, Maddie & Notter, Jamie, The Non-Obvious Guide To Employee Engagement (for Millennials, Boomers & Everyone Else): Vietnam (1980 Books)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Croatia (Planetopija), Taiwan (Chi Ming, at auction), Russia (Eksmo)
- Jean Bofane, In Koli, The Belle of Casablanca (La Belle de Casa): the Netherlands (De Geus), USA (University of Indiana Press, WEL)
- Lerner, Cliff, Explosive Growth: A Few Things I Learned While Growing My Startup To 100 Million Users & Losing $78 Million: Vietnam (MCBooks)
- Marmion, Jean-François (ed.), The Psychology of Stupidity (Psychologie de la connerie): Portugal (Saída de Emergência, in a pre-empt), Italy (Nuova Ipsa, at auction), Korea (SiGongSa, at auction), Poland (Publicat, at auction), the Netherlands (Karakter), Greece (Papadopoulos, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Croatia (Planetopija)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk : Romania (Cartea Romaneasca)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 3 (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Italy (pre-publication rights only: Linus Magazine)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 2): Russia (Boom Kniga)
- Schomburg, Zachary, Mammother: France (Editions Jacqueline Chambon/Actes Sud)
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, Freedom for All of Us (À nous la liberté): USA (Sounds True, WEL)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Weaver’s Room (La Stanza della Tessitrice): the Netherlands (Xander)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Serbia (Prometej)
- Johns, Ana, The Woman in the White Kimono: the Netherlands (De Fontein)
- Lavoie, Frédérick, Before the After. Trips to Cuba with George Orwell (Avant l’après. Voyages à Cuba avec George Orwell): English North America (TalonBooks)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 1): Japan (Kaden-Sha)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 4) : Czech Republic (Baobab)
- Vasalis, M., Selection of Various Poems: USA (Pinyon Publishing, WEL)
- Altissimo, Emanuele, Stolen Daylight (Luce Rubata al Giorno): the Netherlands (Signatuur, in a pre-empt)
- André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre; Ricard, Matthieu, Freedom for All of Us (À nous la liberté): Romania (Trei)
- Bailly, Guillaume, My Sincere Condolences (Mes sincères condoléances): Poland (Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie/Publicat, at auction)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Ukraine (Vivat)
- Blackman, Jeff, Peak your Profits! The Explosive Business-Growth System: China (Beijing Standway)
- Bradley, Joseph, Questioneering: The New Model for Innovative Leaders in the Digital Age: China (Beijing Mediatime, at auction)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Night Stalker, Dark Water, Last Breath: Sweden (Jentas A/S)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Binder of Lost Stories (La rilegatrice di storie perdute): World English (Amazon Crossing, in a pre-empt)
- Chung, Nicole, All You Can Ever Know: the Netherlands (Querido)
- Critchley, Simon, Bowie: Norway (Flamme Forlag)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Russia (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber)
- Dexter, Billy & Wilson, Melissa G., Making Your Net Work: Mastering the Art and Science of Career and Business Networking: China (Zhejiang University Press, at auction)
- Dr. Papazian, Patrick & Klein, Edouard, Prostate. Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know (Prostate. Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir): Poland (Czarna Owca)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement), Vol.3 and Vol. 4: USA (Seven Stories Press, two-book deal)
- Garnier, Stéphane, Off! Your Life Can Finally Begin (Off ! Ta vie va enfin pouvoir commencer…): Greece (Livanis)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Hungary (Park, at auction)
- Koch, Jack, Love Is (L’Amour c’est): Korea (Forest Books, at auction)
- Leone, Cinzia, I Steal Your Life (Ti rubo la vita): France (Liana Levi, in a pre-empt)
- Lerner, Cliff, Explosive Growth: A Few Things I Learned While Growing My Startup To 100 Million Users & Losing $78 Million : Taiwan (Yuan-Liou )
- Mathieu, Nicolas, The Children Who Came After Them (Leurs enfants après eux): Norway (Gyldendal Norsk, in a pre-empt), the Netherlands (Meulenhoff, at auction)
- Moreau, Christiana, Red Cashmere (Cachemire rouge): Italy (Nord, in a pre-empt)
- Reavley, Betsy, The Optician’s Wife: Sweden (Jentas, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Poland, Volume 3 (Kultura Gniewu), Finland, Volume 4 (WSOY), Norway, Volume 4 (Minuskel)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.), Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Japan (Pneumasha)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour): Denmark (Forlaget Bobo – Den Franske Bogcafés)
- Ardone, Viola, The Children’s Train (I Treni dei Bambini): Sweden (Norstedts, in a pre-empt), the Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt), Norway (Gyldendal Norsk, in a pre-empt), Portugal (Porto Editora, at auction), USA (HarperOne, WEL, in a pre-empt)
- Cognetti, Paolo, Without Ever Reaching the Summit (Senza mai arrivare in cima): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): China (Citic Press)
- Garnier, Stéphane, Off! Your Life Can Finally Begin (Off ! Ta vie va enfin pouvoir commencer): Korea (Totobook)
- Glucksmann, Raphaël, Children of the Void. Breaking Away from the Impasse of Individualism (Les enfants du vide. Sortons de l’impasse de l’individualisme): Germany (Hanser), Greece (Polis)
- Iny, Danny, Leveraged Learning. The Age Of Opportunity For Lifelong Learners, And Experts With Something To Teach: China (Citic Press)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Korea (Darun, at auction), UK (WH Allen, WEL, in a pre-empt), Spain (Grijalbo, at auction), the Netherlands (Kosmos, in a pre-empt), Italy (Solferino, at auction), Turkey (Domingo), Catalan (Angle), Greece (Dioptra, at auction)
- Lerner, Cliff, Explosive Growth: A Few Things I Learned While Growing My Startup To 100 Million Users & Losing $78 Million: China (China Youth Press, at auction), Korea (TurnAround, at auction), Poland (Galaktyka)
- Masino, Paola, Birth and Death of the Housewife (Nascita e morte della massaia): Spain (Alianza)
- Mathieu, Nicolas, The Children Who Came After Them (Leurs enfants après eux): USA (Other Press, NA, in a pre-empt)
- Moreau, Christiana, Red Cashmere (Cachemire rouge): Spain (Grijalbo, in a pre-empt)
- Picq, Pascal, The New Age For Humanity. The challenges of posthumanism explained to a high school student (Le nouvel âge de l’humanité): Spain (Libros de la Vanguardia, World Spanish)
- Rimmer, Kelly, The Secret Daughter: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Sattouf Riad, Esther’s Notebooks (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Italy, vol. 1 (Oblomov/La Nave di Teseo, at auction), Germany, vol. 3 (Reprodukt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Italy, Volume 3 (Oblomov/La Nave di Teseo, at auction), Croatia, Volumes 4+5 (Fibra)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour): Sweden (Lind & Co), Finland (Siltala)
- Ferrari, Jérôme, In Her Own Image (À son image): USA (Europa Editions, WEL)
- Garnier, Stéphane & Hawkes, Laurie, How to Live Like Your Cat – Exercise Book (Agir & Penser comme un chat – Cahier d’exercices): the Netherlands (Kosmos)
- Groen, Hendrik, Live and Let Live (Leven en laten leven): Slovakia (Albatros Media)
- Gros, Frederic, Walking, A Philosophy (Marcher, une philosophie): Norway (Heinesen)
- J. Dubois, Philippe and Rousseau, Elise, A Short Philosophy of Birds (Petite philosophie des oiseaux): Germany (Droemer Knaur, in a pre-empt)
- Kopland, Rutger, Selection of Various Poems: Bulgaria (DA Poetry)
- Masino, Paola, Birth and Death of the Housewife (Nascita e morte della massaia): Italy (Feltrinelli, at auction)
- Price, Seth and Feldman, Barry, The Road to Recognition: The A-to-Z Guide to Personal Branding for Accelerating Your Professional Success in The Age of Digital Media: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Woolf, Emma, England’s Lane: USA (Amberjack, NA)
- Combacau, Claude, Cat Calendar (Une histoire par jour Catsass le chat): USA (Andrews McMeel, WEL)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalai lama à la jeunesse): Taiwan (China Times)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Russia (Ast/Corpus)
- Hwang, Victor W. & Horowitt, Greg, The Rainforest: The Secret To Building The Next Silicon Valley: China (Economy & Business Publishing Division Beijing Huazhang Graphics & Information Co., Lt., renewal)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: China (Dook Media Group)
- Lu, Cuong, The Buddha in Jail: the Netherlands (Unieboek/Spectrum, at auction)
- Malø, Mo, Qaanaaq: Iceland (N29)
- Raymond, Jonathan, Good Authority: Vietnam (1980 Books)
- Vergely, Bertrand, Praying: A Philosophy (Prier, une philosophie): Denmark (Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag)
JULY 2018
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Portugal (Vida Self)
- Bailly, Guillaume, My Sincere Condolences (Mes sincères condoléances): Czech Republic (Omega)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Vietnam (Tre)
- Debureaux, Matthias, The Noble Art of the Quarrel (Le Noble art de la brouille): German (Nagel & Kimche)
- Destombes, Sandrine, The Twins of Piolenc (Les jumeaux de Piolenc): the Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt)
- Fioretti, Francesco, Leonardo’s Secret Painting (Il dipinto segreto di Leonardo): The Netherlands (Boekerij)
- Garnier, Stéphane, How to Live Like Your Cat (Agir & Penser comme un chat): Vietnam (Tre)
- Groen, Hendrik, Live and Let Live (Leven en laten leven): Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros), Germany (Piper), Poland (Albatros)
- Guven, Mahir Big Brother (Grand frère): USA (Europa Editions, WEL, at auction), the Netherlands (Ambo/Anthos, in a pre-empt)
- Habiburahman with Ansel, Sophie, First They Erased Our Name. A Rohingya Speaks Up (D’abord ils ont effacé notre nom. Un Rohingya témoigne): Australia/UK (Scribe, WEL)
- Lan, Yan, The Yan Family. A family at the center of one hundred years in Chinese history (Chez les Yan. Une famille au coeur d’un siècle d’histoire chinoise): USA (HarperCollins US, WEL)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence: A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Greece (Dioptra), Russia (Popuri)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure (Les vertus de l’échec) and Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie: Ukraine (Vivat, two-book deal)
- Volders, Sien, North (Noord): Germany (Residenz Verlag)
- Weber, Felix, Dust to Dust. The War is Over, But Not Yet Forgotten (Tof stof. 1949. De oorlog is voorbij, maar nog niet vergeten): Germany (Penguin Verlag)
JUNE 2018
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Negative Trait Thesaurus, The Positive Trait Thesaurus, The Rural Setting Thesaurus, The Urban Setting Thesaurusand The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: China (Ginkgo Beijing Book, 5-book deal)
- Adams, Taylor, No Exit and Eyeshot: the Netherlands (Luitingh-Sijthofft, at auction, two-book deal)
- Cardoso, Lúcio, Chronicle of the Murdered House (Crônica da casa assassinada): the Netherlands (De Arbeiderspers)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalai lama à la jeunesse): Romania (Curtea Veche)
- Lusenti, Natascha, Hold on to Your Morning Wishes (Al mattino stringi forte i desideri): France (Fleuve)
- Mailhot, Terese Marie, Heart Berries: Canada (Marchand de Feuilles)
- Musso, Guillaume, Gone in the Night (La Jeune fille et la nuit): the Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): China (Guomai), Spain (Editorial Ariel/Planeta, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure (Les vertus de l’échec) and Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie: Czech Republic (Omega, two-book deal)
- Posner, Patricia,The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: Finland (Minerva)
MAY 2018
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus (Expanded Edition): Korea (Infinity Books)
- Camurri, Roberto, On a Human Scale (A misura d’uomo): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Krauss, Kurt, Corporate Goad. Case Studies in Transformational Change: China (Beijing Times Chinese Press)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Norway (Aschehoug)
- Meester, Frank and Jensen, Stine, The Educators. What Philosophy Can Teach Muddling Parents (De Opvoeders. Wat filosofie de schipperende ouder kan leren): Korea (Saenggakui Jip, at auction)
- Patrick, Galvin, The Connector’s Way, A Story About Building Business One Relationship at a Time: China (Beijing Times Chinese Press)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Korea (Mirae Times, in a pre-empt), Germany (Carl Hanser), Brazil (Estação Liberdade), Romania (Trei), USA (Other Press, NA, at auction), UK and BC excl Canada (William Collins)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Serbia (System Comics 4-book deal)
APRIL 2018
- Benschop, Jurriaan, Salt in the Wound. Artists in Europe (Zout in de wond. Kunstenaars in Europa): World English (Garret)
- Burensteinas, Patrick, An Alchemist Speaks (Un Alchimiste raconte): Korea (Inner World Publishing)
- Cebeni, Valentina, The Secret Recipe for Love (La ricetta segreta per un sogno): France (Charleston)
- Colin, Jérôme, The Battlefield (Le Champ de bataille): Romania (Vellant), Czech Republic (Host, at auction)
- D’Yvoire, Carole, To You I Owe All My Life’s Happiness – Virginia & Leonard Woolf (Je te dois tout le bonheur de ma vie – Virginia & Leonard Woolf): Turkey (Kırmızı Kedi)
- Netto, Vladimir, CAR-WASH: Judge Sergio Moro and the Behind-The-Scenes Story of the Operation That Shook Brazil (Lava Jato: O juiz Sergio Moro e os bastidores da operação que abalou o Brasil): UK (Ebury, WEL, in a pre-empt)
- Pépin, Charles, Self-Confidence. A Philosophy (La confiance en soi, une philosophie): Italy (La Nave di Teseo, in a pre-empt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 4): The Netherlands (De Geus)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu, with Kate Karius (eds.), Power and Care. Towards Balance for our Common Future—Science, Society and Spirituality in Dialogue with the Dalai Lama: Germany (Droemer Knaur)
- Ventrella, Rosa, Story of a Decent Family (Storia di una famiglia perbene): the Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt)
MARCH 2018
- Cognetti, Paolo, The Eight Mountains (Le otto montagne): the Netherlands – audio rights (De Bezige Bij)
- Colin, Jérôme, The Battlefield (Le Champ de bataille): Italy (Stile Libero/Einaudi, in a pre-empt)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Poland (Vis-a-Vis Etiuda)
- Faggiani, Franco, Maintenance of the Senses (La manutenzione dei sensi): the Netherlands (Signatuur)
- Lenormand, Frédéric, Only Women Live Forever (Seules les femmes sont éternelles): Germany (DuMont)
- Marsons, Angela, Evil Games, Lost Girls, Play Dead, Blood Lines & Dead Souls: Denmark (Jentas A/S)
- Raymond, Jonathan, Good Authority: China (Beijing Media Time)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu, with Kate Karius (eds.), Power and Care. Towards Balance for our Common Future—Science, Society and Spirituality in Dialogue with the Dalai Lama: Korea (Gimm-Young)
- Strukul, Matteo, Casanova. The Ballad of Broken Hearts (Casanova. La sonata dei cuori infranti): the Netherlands (Boekerij)
- van Hooijdonk, Richard, The World of Tomorrow. How technology impacts the way we live and work (De wereld van morgen): Bulgaria (Kragozor)
- Berry, Wendell, Selection of Various Poems: France (Arfuyen)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Mexico (Planeta Mexicana, World Spanish)
- Cohen, Norty, The Participation Game: China (Hangzhou Blue Lion, at auction)
- Colin, Jérôme, The Battlefield (Le Champ de bataille): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij, in a pre-empt)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Vietnam (AZ Culture Co. Ltd)
- Helinski, Roman,The Waffle Factory (De wafelfabriek): Czech Republic (Plus/Albatros)
- Klos, Felix, Winston Churchill. Father of Europe (Winston Churchill. Vader van Europa): Portugal (Clube do Autor)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Japan (Bungei Shunju)
- Marsons, Angela, Blood Lines and Dead Souls: Iceland (N29, in a two-book deal)
- Rau, Thomas & Oberhuber, Sabine, Material Matters. The alternative to our society of overexploitation (Material Matters. Het alternatief voor onze roofbouwmaatschappij): Italy (Ambiente)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu, with Kate Karius (eds.), Power and Care. Towards Balance for our Common Future—Science, Society and Spirituality in Dialogue with the Dalai Lama: USA (MIT Press, WEL, in a pre-empt)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour): Norway (Solum)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: Korea (WillBooks)
- Adams, Taylor, No Exit: Sweden (Jentas A/S)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Arabic (Jarir)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Ukraine (Vivat)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Girl in the Ice: Sweden (Jentas A/S)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Binder of Lost Stories (La rilegatrice di storie perdute): the Netherlands (Xander)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia,A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Mexico (Planeta), Korea (Dasan Books), Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Gilbert, Guy, Faith (La foi): Denmark (Mediacellen)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Croatia (Mozaik Knjiga)
- Jensen, Louise, The Gift: Norway (Bladkompaniet)
- Jornet, Kilian, Summits of My Life (Summits of my life. Somnis i reptes de la muntanya): USA (Velo Press, WEL)
- Notter, Jamie and Grant, Maddie, When Millennials Take Over: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Price, Seth and Feldman, Barry, The Road to Recognition: The A-to-Z Guide to Personal Branding for Accelerating Your Professional Success in The Age of Digital Media: Arabic (Jarir)
- Quarles, Jack, Expensive Sentences: Korea (House of Thinking)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 1): Romania (Editura Art)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 3): Czech Republic (Baobab)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Cayol, Christine, Why Do the Chinese Always Have Time on Their Side? (Pourquoi les Chinois ont-ils le temps ?): the Netherlands (Ten Have)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement) vol.1 and vol. 2: Spain (Lumen, two-book deal)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There is Life. The New Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 85 Years Old (Zolang er leven is): Estonia (Eesti Raamat)
- Haralambon, Olivier, The Cyclist and His Shadow (Le Coureur et Son Ombre): Denmark (Forlaget Bobo – Den Franske Bogcafés)
- van Hooijdonk, Richard, The World of Tomorrow. How technology impacts the way we live and work (De wereld van morgen): Korea (Sejong, at auction)
- Phifer, Helen, Dark House: Norway (Bladkompaniet)
- Adams, Taylor, No Exit: Denmark (Jentas A/S)
- Assange, Julian, When Google Met Wikileaks: France (Ring)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Russia (Alpina)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Czech Republic (Omega), the Netherlands (Xander, at auction), UK (Rider/PRH UK, in a pre-empt), USA (William Morrow/ Harper Collins US, at auction)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): World English (Viking UK & Penguin Press US, at auction), Korea (Baru Books)
- Escande, Ludovic, Climbing Mont Blanc (L’ascension du Mont Blanc): China (Archipel Press)
- Frandino, Barbara, I’m Scared. How to build up your courage and handle monsters (Che paura! Guida per fabbricare coraggio e affrontare ogni mostro): Portugal (Bertrand)
- Gallay, Claudie, The Beauty of the Days (La beauté des jours): Finland (WSOY)
- Notter, Jamie and Grant, Maddie, When Millennials Take Over: Indonesia (Elex Media Komputindo)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Czech Republic (Omega, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 2 (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Italy (pre-publication rights only: Linus Magazine)
- Uras, Michaël, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning (Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): Russia (Centrepolygraph)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour) and 14th July (14 juillet): the Netherlands (Meulenhoff, at auction, two-book deal)
- Wyer, Carol, Little Girl Lost: Norway (Cappelen Damm, at auction)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Taiwan (Commonwealth, at auction)
- The Dalai Lama & Stril-Rever, Sofia, A Call for Revolution (Faites la révolution. L’appel du Dalaï-lama à la jeunesse): Italy (Garzanti, in a pre-empt), Germany (Benevento Books, at auction), Brazil (Alaúde), Russia (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, at auction)
- Damas, Jeanne & Bastide, Lauren, In Paris (À Paris): Spain (Roca, in a pre-empt)
- Escande, Ludovic, Climbing Mont Blanc (L’ascension du Mont Blanc): the Netherlands (De Arbeiderspers)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): USA (Grand Central, NA)
- Rau, Thomas & Oberhuber, Sabine, Material Matters. The alternative to our society of overexploitation (Material Matters. Het alternatief voor onze roofbouwmaatschappij): Germany (Ullstein/Econ)
- Rosner, Elizabeth, Survivor Café: The Legacy of Trauma and the Labyrinth of Memory: the Netherlands (Scriptum)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away (La femme qui fuit): Spain (Baile del Sol, World Spanish)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Always Eat Left Handed: Korea (Baru Books), China (CITIC)
- Chiperi, Cristina, Starlight: France (Pocket Jeunesse)
- Cognetti, Paolo, The Wild Boy (Il ragazzo selvatico): the Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Cornelisse, Paulien, The Office Life of a Guinea Pig (De verwarde cavia): Germany (C.H.Beck)
- Daoud, Kamel,Zabor or the Psalms (Zabor ou les psaumes): USA (Other Press, WEL), Norway (Solum)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently (Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement) vol.1 and vol. 2: USA (Seven Stories Press, WEL, two-book deal)
- Expert, Jacques, Hortense: Russia (Eksmo)
- Groen, Hendrik,As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Hungary (Libri Kiado)
- Lalaury, Cedric, It’s Always Midnight Somewhere (Il est toujours minuit quelque part): Italy (Ponte Alle Grazie, in a pre-empt)
- Notter, Jamie and Grant, Maddie, When Millennials Take Over: Taiwan (Yuan-Liou Publishing Co. Ltd)
- Posner, Patricia, The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: the Netherlands (Omniboek)
- Vuillard, Eric, The Agenda (L’ordre du jour): USA (Other Press, at auction)
- Zilahy, Mirko, The Shape of Darkness (La forma del buio): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Daoud, Kamel, Zabor or the Psalms(Zabor ou les psaumes): Sweden (Tranan)
- D’Silva, Renita, A Daughter’s Courage: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Escande, Ludovic, Climbing Mont Blanc(L’ascension du Mont Blanc): Korea (Mujintree)
- Nehls, Michael, Curing Alzheimer’s(Guérir Alzheimer): the Netherlands (Zuidnederlandse Uitgeverij)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Brazil (Alaude)
- Turner, Matthew, The Successful Mistake: Indonesia (PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama)
JULY 2017
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Rural Setting Thesaurusand The Urban Setting Thesaurus: Taiwan (Solution Publishing/Eurasian Publishing Group)
- Daoud, Kamel, Zabor or the Psalms(Zabor ou les psaumes): the Netherlands (Ambo/Anthos)
- D’Silva, Renita, A Mother’s Secret: the Netherlands (Boekerij)
- Emma, Another Look. A Bunch of Stuff to See Things Differently(Un autre regard. Trucs en vrac pour voir les choses autrement): Italy (Centauria)
- Escande, Ludovic, Climbing Mont Blanc(L’ascension du Mont Blanc): Germany (Piper/Malik, in a pre-empt)
- Glucksmann, Raphaël, Our France(Notre France. Dire et aimer ce que nous sommes) and Generation Hangover (Génération gueule de bois, Manuel de lutte contre les réacs): Greece (Polis, two-book deal)
- Morales, Agus, We Are Not Refugees(No somos refugiados): USA (Charlesbridge, WEL)
- Musso, Guillaume, An Apartment in Paris(Un appartement à Paris): the Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: the Netherlands (Milinda)
JUNE 2017
- Abdolah, Kader,The House of the Mosque (Het huis van de moskee): Albania (Fan Noli)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Rural Setting Thesaurusand The Urban Setting Thesaurus: Korea (WillBooks)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away(La femme qui fuit): the Netherlands (Querido)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Brazil (HSM Publishing)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Garden of Secret Flowers(Il giardino dei fiori segreti): France (Presses de la Cité)
- Escande, Ludovic,Climbing Mont Blanc (L’ascension du Mont Blanc): Italy (Einaudi, at auction)
- Halter, Marek, Eve(Ève): Serbia (Vulkan)
- Marquis, Serge, The Day I Truly Loved Myself(Le jour où je me suis aimé pour de vrai): Italy (Sperling & Kupfer, in a pre-empt)
- Marsons, Angela, Lost Girlsand Play Dead: Iceland (N29, in a two-book deal)
- Polman, Linda, Death Row Dollies: Living with the Death Penalty: Egypt and Gulf Countries (Dar Oktob)
- Singla, Aneesh, Why It Hurts? A Physician’s Insights on The Purpose of Pain: Spain (Kailas Editorial), Mexico (Ediciones B Mexico, Spanish Latin America), Taiwan (Aquarius)
- van Calmthout, Martijn, Sam Goudsmit. The Hunt for Hitler’s Atom Bomb(Sam Goudsmit. Zijn jacht op de atoombom van Hitler): USA (Prometheus Books, WEL)
MAY 2017
- Dickie, Tenzin (ed.),Old Demons, New Deities. Twenty-one Short Stories From Tibet: the Netherlands (De Geus)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Egypt (Al Kotob Khan, World Arabic rights)
- Stellar, James, Education that Works: Egypt (Arab Nile Group, World Arabic)
APRIL 2017
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Russia (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber)
- Barbeau-Lavalette, Anaïs, The Woman Who Ran Away(La femme qui fuit): Germany (Eichborn)
- Berry, Wendell, Selection of Various Titles: Sweden (Ariel Förlag)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Girl in the Ice and The Night Stalker: the Netherlands (Boekerij, in a two-book deal)
- Goldberg, Tod, Gangster Nation: the Netherlands (Querido, in a pre-empt)
- Grimes, Elie, Good Girls Go to Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere(Les gentilles filles vont au paradis, les autres là où elles veulent): USA (Sassy Fiction)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life(Zolang er leven is): Estonia (Eesti Raamat)
- Jassouma, Joude, I’m from Aleppo. The Itinerary of an Ordinary Refugee(Je viens d’Alep. Itinéraire d’un réfugié ordinaire): Brazil (Autêntica)
- Pieri, Lorenza, Lesser Isles(Isole Minori): France (Préludes)
- Posner, Gerald, Hitler’s Children. Sons and Daughters of Third Reich Leaders: Finland (Minerva)
- Quarles, Jack, Expensive Sentences: Taiwan (Domain Publishing, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future(L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 1): Russia (Boom Kniga)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future(L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 3): Portugal (Teorema/Leya)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 2(Les Cahiers d’Esther): Germany (Reprodukt)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.), Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Italy (EIFIS)
- Snyder, Gary, A Place in Space: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Watersheds: France (Wildproject)
- Uras, Michaël, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning(Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): Taiwan (Business Weekly)
MARCH 2017
- Barcena, Juan Gomez, The Sky over Lima(El cielo de Lima) and Kanada: The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek, two-book deal)
- Caboni, Cristina, The Garden of Secret Flowers(Il giardino dei fiori segreti): the Netherlands (Xander)
- Cornelisse, Paulien, The Office Life of a Guinea Pig(De verwarde cavia): Portugal (Guerra e Paz)
- Grimes, Elie, Good Girls Go to Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere(Les gentilles filles vont au paradis, les autres là où elles veulent): Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros), Poland (Muza)
- Jassouma, Joude, I’m from Aleppo. The Itinerary of an Ordinary Refugee(Je viens d’Alep. Itinéraire d’un réfugié ordinaire): Romania (Niculescu)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Poland (Muza)
- Piazza, Emma, The House on the Burning Island(La casa sull’isola che brucia): France (Fayard, in a pre-empt), Sweden (Forum, in a pre-empt)
- Ray, Jean, The Tales of Whiskey(Contes du Whisky), The Cruise of Shadows (Croisière des Ombres), The Great Darkness (Grand Nocturne), The Circles of Terror (Cercles de l’Epouvante): USA (Wakefield Press)
- Rousseau, François-Olivier, Becoming Christian Dior(Devenir Christian Dior): Poland (Kustra)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 1(Les Cahiers d’Esther): Portugal (Gradiva), Serbia (LOM Books)
- de Angulo, Jaime, The Lariat: And Other Writings: France (Editions Héros-Limite)
- D’Silva, Renita, A Mother’s Secret: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Grimes, Elie, Good Girls Go to Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere(Les gentilles filles vont au paradis, les autres là où elles veulent): Spain (Suma/PRH)
- Marsons, Angela, Silent Scream: Denmark (Jentas A/S)
- Onfray, Michel, Theory of Travel(Théorie du voyage): Turkey (Redingot)
- Abdolah, Kader, Salam Europe!(Salam Europa!): Italy (Iperborea)
- Cavalcanti, Klester, The Name of Death(O nome da morte): USA (Seven Stories Press, WEL)
- Cornelisse, Paulien, The Office Life of a Guinea Pig(De verwarde cavia): Poland (Muza)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Japan (Shueisha, in a three-way auction)
- Lorient, Anne & Azoulai, Minou, My Barbaric Years(Mes années barbares): Germany (Bastei Lübbe)
- Marsons, Angela, Evil Games: Iceland (N29)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup. You Don’t Learn Until You Launch: Taiwan (Flâneur Culture)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Korea (Keumdong, at auction), Spain (Editorial Ariel/Planeta), Catalan (Ara Llibres)
- Raymond, Jonathan, Good Authority:Korea (Hansmedia)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea for Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux. Vers une bienveillance pour tous): Denmark (Gyldendal)
- Rimmer, Kelly,A Mother’s Confession: Sweden (Modernista)
- Rousseau, François-Olivier, Becoming Christian Dior(Devenir Christian Dior): Taiwan (Morning Star Publishing)
- Sherif, Vamba, Land of my Fathers(Het land van de vades): Malayalam (Saikatham Books)
- Turner, Matthew, The Successful Mistake:China (China Machine Press)
- Verbeke Annelies, Sleep!(Slaap!): Japan (Shoraisha)
- Dehouck, Bram,A Sleepless Summer (Een zomer zonder slaap): France (Mirobole)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Greece (Dioptra), Portugal (Gradiva)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Korea (Sam & Parkers)
- Rousseau, François-Olivier,Becoming Christian Dior (Devenir Christian Dior): Czech Republic (Omega), Russia (Slovo)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future(L’Arabe du futur) (Volumes 1 and 2): Czech Republic (Baobab Books, 2-book deal)
- Abdolah, Kader, Salam Europe!(Salam Europa!): Bulgaria (Panorama)
- Dehouck, Bram,The White Raven (Witte Raaf): Germany (BTB)
- Del Molino, Sergio, Empty Spain(La España vacía): the Netherlands (De Blauwe Tijger)
- Gerritsen, Esther,Brother (Broer): Turkey (Paris, at auction)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life(Zolang er leven is): Lithuania (Alma Littera)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Macedonia (Tri Publishing Centre, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Brazil (Estação Liberdade, at auction)
- Pépin, Charles,Joy (La Joie): Brazil (Estação Liberdade)
- Ricard, Matthieu & Singer, Wolf, Beyond the Self. Dialogues between a Neuroscientist and a Buddhist Monk: Spain (Editorial Kairos, in a pre-empt), USA (MIT Press, WEL, in a pre-empt)
- Rousseau, François-Olivier, Becoming Christian Dior(Devenir Christian Dior): Bulgaria (Art Eternal)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future(L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 3): Norway (Minuskel)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volumes 4 and 5): USA (Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt, 2-book deal)
- Wilson, John K., Trump Unveiled:Belgium (Dutch language, WPG Publishers Belgium)
- Zamir, Ali, Flotsam and Jetsam(Anguille sous roche): The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
- Abitbol, Jean, The Power of the Voice(Le pouvoir de la voix): Taiwan (Motifpress), Greece (Enalios)
- Bériot, Louis, Coffee with Voltaire: Conversations with the Greatest Minds of His Time(Un café avec Voltaire. Conversations avec les grands esprits de son temps): Brazil (Autêntica)
- Bhargava, Rohit,Think Different. An Innovator’s Guide to the Future: China (CITIC)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Ukraine (Hemiro, at auction)
- Marsons, Angela, Silent Scream: Iceland (N29)
- Pépin, Charles, The Virtues of Failure(Les vertus de l’échec): Germany (Carl Hanser), Italy (Garzanti, in a pre-empt), Romania (Niculescu)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 3(L’Arabe du futur vol. 3): Finland (WSOY)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volumes 3 and 4): Brazil (Intrinseca, 2 book-deal)
- Thierry Noël, Pablo Escobar(Pablo Escobar. Trafiquant de cocaïne): Finland (Art House Oy)
- Abitbol, Jean, The Power of The Voice (Le pouvoir de la voix): Russia (Azbooka Atticus)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: China (Thinkingdom)
- Altucher, James,The Rich Employee: Brazil (Primavera Editorial)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Girl in the Iceand The Night Stalker: Denmark (Politikens)
- Gerritsen, Esther,Brother (Broer): France (Albin Michel)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Croatia (Mozaik Knjiga)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life(Zolang er leven is): France (Presses de la Cité)
- Marsons, Angela , Silent Scream andEvil Games: Sweden (Bokförlaget Lind & Co AB)
- Musso, Guillaume, Brooklyn Girl(La Fille de Brooklyn): The Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup. You Don’t Learn Until You Launch: Serbia (Kovačnica priča)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre, Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): USA (Sounds True, WEL)
- Sattouf, Riad,The Arab of the Future vol. 2 (L’Arabe du futur vol. 2): Poland (Kultura Gniewu)
- Uras, Michaël, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning(Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): China (Beijing Xiron Books, at auction)
- Verbeke Annelies, Thirty Days: France (Fleuve Editions, in a pre-empt)
- Abitbol, Jean, The Power of the Voice(Le pouvoir de la voix): USA (Plural Publishing, WEL)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca The Rural Setting Thesaurusand The Urban Setting Thesaurus: Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Bryndza, Robert, The Girl in the Ice:Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Cazacu, Matei, Dracula: USA (Brill, WEL)
- Jensen, Louise, The Sister: Netherlands (A.W. Bruna, in a pre-empt)
- Norris, Dan, Content Machine: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volumes 4 and 5): Germany (Knaus, 2-book deal)
- Uras, Michaël, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning (Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): Korea (Chaekpung), Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros)
JULY 2016
- Altucher, James,The Rich Employee: Mexico (Ediciones B), Poland (OSM CONSULT)
- Cardoso, Rafael, The Remnant (O remanescente): Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Debureaux, Matthias, How to Bore People with Your Travel Stories(De l’art d’ennuyer en racontant ses voyages): Korea (Purun Communication/Philiosophik)
- Groen, Hendrik,As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): UK & Commonwealth (Michael Joseph/Penguin Random House UK), Egypt (Al Kotob Khan, World Arabic rights), Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros, at auction, in a two-book deal), Slovakia (Albatros Media, at auction, in a two-book deal)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Czech Republic (XYZ-Albatros, at auction, in a two-book deal), Slovakia (Albatros Media, at auction, in a two-book deal)
- Rimmer, Kelly, When I Lost You:Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Ziegler, Jessica & Dworkin-McDaniel, Norine, The Science of Parenthood. Thoroughly Unscientific Explanations for Utterly Baffling Parenting Situations: Vietnam (Tre Publishing House), Taiwan (Heliopolis Culture Group)
JUNE 2016
- Berry, Wendell,The Art of the Commonplace: France (Wildproject)
- Debureaux, Matthias, How to Bore People with Your Travel Stories(De l’art d’ennuyer en racontant ses voyages): Germany (Nagel & Kimche)
- Gerritsen, Esther, Brother(Broer): Germany (Aufbau, at auction)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life(Zolang er leven is): Poland (Albatros)
- Polman, Linda, Death Row Dollies: Living with the Death Penalty: Turkey (Paloma)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre, Three Friends in Search of Wisdom (Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Thailand (Suan Nguen Mee Ma)
- Robben, Jaap, Birk(You Have Me to Love): Czech Republic (Vyšehrad)
- Sarr, Felwine, Afrotopia: USA (Univocal,WEL)
- Uras, Michael, Take Two Chapters and Call Me in the Morning (Aux petits mots les grands remèdes): Italy (Editrice Nord, in a pre-empt)
MAY 2016
- Abdolah, Kader, Parrot Flew Over the IJssel (Papegaai vloog over de IJssel): Bosnia (Buybooks)
- Bériot, Louis, Coffee with Voltaire: Conversations with the Greatest Minds of His Time (Un café avec Voltaire. Conversations avec les grands esprits de son temps): Spain (Arpa Editores)
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Rest of Their Lives (Le reste de leur vie): Sweden (Norstedts)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Bosnia (Šahinpasic)
- Massat, Gabrielle, The Butterfly Child (L’enfant papillon): Colombia (Panamericana, Spanish for Latin-America only)
- Piketty, Thomas, Why Save the Bankers? And Other Essays on Our Economic & Political Crisis (Peut-on sauver l’Europe?): Finland (Minerva)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre, Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Romania (Trei, at auction)
- Sattouf Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 1, 2 and 3 (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Spain (Sapristi/Roca)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 2 (L’Arabe du futur vol. 2): Italy (Rizzoli-Lizard)
APRIL 2016
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Rest of Their Lives (Le reste de leur vie): UK & BC excl. Canada (Mantle/Macmillan)
- Groen, Hendrik, As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Slovenia (Mladinska Knjiga), Germany (Piper)
- Meliss, Gods in Crisis (Nom de Zeus): Turkey (Gurer Yayinlari)
- Polman, Linda,Death Row Dollies: Poland (Czarne)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 1 (Les Cahiers d’Esther): Korea (Kugil Publishing)
- Tremblay, Lisa, Chemin Saint-Paul: Sweden (Ramus)
MARCH 2016
- Abdolah, Kader, The Journey of the Empty Bottles(De Reis van de lege flessen): Colombia (Arango; Spanish for Latin-America only)
- Batalha, Martha, The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao(A Invisível Vida de Euridice Gusmão): UK (Oneworld, WEL)
- Charlier, Philippe, Investigating the Living-Dead(Zombis. Enquête sur les morts-vivants): USA (University Press of Florida)
- Charlier, Philippe; Alliot, David, When Science Sheds Light on History(Quand la science explore l’histoire): USA (University Press of Florida)
- Fernandez, Marc, Mala Vida: Italy (Sellerio)
- Groen, Hendrik,As Long As There Is Life (Zolang er leven is): Italy (Longanesi)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Romania (Art, at auction), Taiwan (Commonwealth Publishing Co.)
- Harnisch, Kristen, The Vintner’s Daughter:Germany (Amazon Publishing)
- Montes, Raphael, Perfect Days(Dias Perfeitos): Denmark (Gyldendal, in a pre-empt), Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Norris, Dan, Content Machine:China (Guangdong Economic Press)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea For Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux. Vers une bienveillance pour tous): Taiwan (Good Morning Press)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre, Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Finland (Basam Books), Poland (Czarna Owca, at auction), Taiwan (Athena Press/Eurasian Publishing Group, at auction), Turkey (Kuraldisi)
- Ziegler, Jessica & Dworkin-McDaniel, Norine, The Science of Parenthood. Thoroughly Unscientific Explanations for Utterly Baffling Parenting Situations: China (Wuhan University Press)
- Butler, Caron, Tuff Juice. My Journey from the Streets to the NBA:Finland (Minerva)
- Critchley, Simon, Bowie: Finland (Aula & Co.)
- Fernandez, Marc, Mala Vida: USA (Arcade, WEL)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): USA (Grand Central, at auction, NA)
- Maisons, Dominique, The Predators’ Ball(Le festin des fauves): Bulgaria (Millenium Publishers)
- Nassif, Philippe, Final Words(Ultimes): Brazil (Autêntica), China (Wuhan University Press)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup: Japan (Asahi Shimbun Publications)
- Peeters, Elvis, Hunt (Jacht): Mexico (Tusquets Mexico, Spanish language for Latin America)
- Polman, Linda, Death Row Dollies: Hungary (Athenaeum, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, Esther’s Notebooks vol. 1(Les Cahiers d’Esther): Greece (Potamos), Germany (Reprodukt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future vol. 2(L’Arabe du futur vol. 2): Portugal (Asa/Leya)
- Tevelow, Jesse, The Connection Algorithm:China (Sunnbook Culture & Art)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca The Positive Trait Thesaurusand The Negative Trait Thesaurus: Japan (Film Art Sha) and Korea (Erum Book)
- Batalha, Martha, The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmão: The Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Critchley, Simon, Bowie: Denmark (Klim, at auction)
- Fernandez, Marc,Mala Vida: Spain (Salamandra, at auction)
- Fottorino, Eric (ed.), Who Are Daesh?(Qui est Daech?): Sweden (Vaktel Forlag)
- Geni, Abby, The Lightkeepers: France (Actes Sud, in a pre-empt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future 1 (L’Arabe du futur): Slovenia (Literatura)
- Slee, Tom, What’s Yours Is Mine:Canada (Lux Editeur, French world rights)
- Tremblay, Larry, The Orange Grove(L’orangeraie): Sweden (Vaktel)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch, books 3 and 4: Hungary (Maxim)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Bulgaria (Bard, at auction) and Egypt (Al Kotob Khan, World Arabic rights, in a pre-empt)
- Jackson, Sophie, An Ounce of Hope (book 2 in the A Pound Of Fleshtrilogy): The Netherlands (Zomer & Keuning)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future 1-3 (L’Arabe du futur) : Croatia (Fibra)
- Abdolah, Kader, Parrot Flew Over the IJssel(Papegaai vloog over de IJssel): Colombia (Arango Editores, Spanish for Latin America)
- Altucher, James,The Rich Employee: Vietnam (Alpha Books)
- Azula Altucher, Claudia, Become an Idea Machine: Vietnam (Alpha Books)
- Batalha, Martha, The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmão(A Invisível Vida de Euridice Gusmão): Norway (Pax)
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Reader on the 6:27(Le liseur du 6h27): Denmark (Politikens)
- Nassif, Philippe,Final Words (Ultimes): Korea (KPI Publishing, at auction)
- Norris, Dan,Content Machine: Taiwan (Business Weekly Publications)
- Pardo Lazo, Orlando Luis (ed.),Cuba in Splinters: France (Editions Hoëbeke)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre: Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Brazil (Alaùde/Tordesilhas)
- Schilperoord, Inge, Tench(Muidhond): Italy (Fazi)
- Sherif, Vamba, The Land of my Fathers(Het land van de vaders): UK (HopeRoad Publishing, WEL)
- Brasseur, Diane, Fidelities(Les fidélités): Romania (Nemira)
- Champclos, Antoinette,Foolproof Method for Successful Studies (La méthode infaillible pour réussir vos études): Korea (The Reader Press)
- Gerritsen, Esther,Roxy: Colombia (Panamericana Editorial, Spanish language in Latin America)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Denmark (People’s Press, in a pre-empt)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Romania (Trei), Finland (Minerva)
- Ricard, Matthieu; André, Christophe; Jollien, Alexandre: Three Friends in Search of Wisdom(Trois amis en quête de sagesse): Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur) (Volume 2): Norway (Minuskel)
- Sips, Maaike, Monica, My Father(Monica, mijn vader): Germany (Droemer Knaur, in a pre-empt)
- Thijssen, Jeroen , Solitude: Colombia (Arango Editores, Spanish language for Latin America)
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: Japan (Film Art Sha)
- Altucher, James, The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth: China (Sunnbook Culture & Art)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Spain (Planeta)
- Brasseur, Diane, I Don’t Want Passion(Je ne veux pas d’une passion): Estonia (Eesti Raamat)
- Feret-Fleury, Christine, Chasing Sleeping Beauty(Au Bois Dormant): Thailand (Pran)
- Kader, Slimane, With a View Below the Sea(Avec vue sous la mer): Taiwan (China Times Publishing Company)
- Lowell, Nathan, Quarter Share: Korea (Gu-Fic)
- Marsons, Angela , Silent Screamand Evil Games: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Schilperoord, Inge, Tench(Muidhond): Turkey (Pinhan)
- Coburn, Derek, Networking Is Not Working: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): China (Thinkingdom)
- Pearson, Taylor, The End of Jobs: Korea (Bookie Publishing House, at auction)
- Schilperoord, Inge, Tench(Muidhond): UK (Pushkin Press, WEL)
JULY 2015
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself:Vietnam (Alpha Books)
- Altucher, James, The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth: Taiwan (Good Publishing)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Russia (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber), Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Brasseur, Diane, I Don’t Want Passion(Je ne veux pas d’une passion): Germany (DTV)
- Daull, Sophie,Camille, I’ll Come Fly With You (Camille mon envolée): The Netherlands (Xander, in a pre-empt)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Turkey (Can, at auction)
- Knight, Michael Muhammad, The Taqwacores: The Netherlands (Bananafish)
- Musso, Guillaume, This Very Moment(L’instant présent): Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch: Czech Republic (Blue Vision), China (China Machine Press, at auction)
- Onfray, Michel, Théorie du voyage: Spain (Taurus)
- Pépin, Charles, Joy(Joie): Korea (Nike Books)
- Rimmer, Kelly, Me Without You: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur)(Volume 2): Korea (Humanist)
- Schilperoord, Inge, Tench (Muidhond): France (Belfond)
JUNE 2015
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Korea (Moonyelim), China (Renmin University Press)
- Colin, Jérôme, Avoiding Tolls(Eviter les péages): Germany (Hoffmann und Campe)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Hungary (Libri Kiado, at auction)
- Harnisch, Kristen, The California Wife: Hungary (Lazi)
- Lewis, Jason Lewis, The Expedition – Book 3:China (Sunnbook Culture and Art)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea for Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux. Vers une bienveillance pour tous): Brazil (Palas Athena)
- Zeller, Guillaume, The Priest Barracks of Dachau(La baraque des prêtres): USA (Ignatius Press, WEL)
MAY 2015
- Ackerman, Angela & Becca Puglisi,The Emotion Thesaurus, Romania (Paralela 45)
- Bhargava, Rohit, Non-Obvious: Arabic (Jarir)
- Carpenter, Sam, Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less: Arabic (ElArab Group For Training, Publishing & Printing)
- Coburn, Derek, Networking Is Not Working: Arabic (ElArab Group For Training, Publishing & Printing)
- Groen, Hendrik,Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Slovenia (Mladinska Knjiga, at auction), Norway (Vigmostad & Bjørke, at auction), Iceland (Bjartur, at auction)
- Herfkens, Annette, Turbulence(Turbulentie): France (Payot-Rivages), Germany (Lübbe), Portugal (Quinta Essência/Leya, in a pre-empt)
- Norris, Dan, The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch: Vietnam (Thai Ha)
- Peeters, Elvis, The Uncountables (De Ontelbaren): Turkey (Tekin)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur)(Volumes 2 and 3): Germany (Knaus)
APRIL 2015
- Dickner, Nicholas, Six Degrees of Freedom (Six degrés de liberté): The Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Groen, Hendrik, Attempts to Make Something of Life(Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Finland (Gummerus), Brazil (Planeta), Portugal (Jacaranda, at auction), Serbia (Dereta), Poland (Albatros), Lithuania (Alma Littera)
- Norris, Dan,The 7 Day Startup: Thailand (Superposition)
- Rimmer, Kelly, Me Without You:The Netherlands (Luitingh Sijthoff), Sweden (Modernista)
- Robben, Jaap, Birk:Turkey (Kahve)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur)(Volumes 2 and 3): The Netherlands (De Geus)
- Lemaître, Pierre, Rosy & John: The Netherlands (Xander)
MARCH 2015
- Abdolah, Kader, Parrot Flew Over the IJssel (Papegaai vloog over de IJssel): Italy (Iperborea)
- Groen, Hendrik,Attempts to Make Something of Life (Pogingen iets van het leven te maken): Italy (Longanesi, pre-empt), Germany (Piper, pre-empt), Spain (Roca, pre-empt), France (Presses de la Cité, pre-empt), Catalan (Amsterdam), Greece (Patakis), UK & Commonwealth (Michael Joseph/Penguin Randomhouse UK, at auction), Sweden (Wahlström & Widstrand, at auction), Korea (Moonhak Soochup, at auction)
- Lemaître, Pierre,Rosy & John: Catalan (Bromera)
- Piketty, Thomas Can We Save Europe?(Peut-on sauver l’Europe ?): Sweden (Volante)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea for Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux. Vers une bienveillance pour tous): Italy (Sperling & Kupfer)
- Rimmer, Kelly, Me Without You: Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof)
- Thuram, Lilian, My Black Stars(Mes étoiles noires): Sweden (Vaktel Forlag)
- Althusser, Louis, Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences(Psychanalyse et les sciences humaines): USA (Columbia University Press, WEL)
- Jaffe, Noemi, What are the Blind Men Dreaming? (O que os cegos estão sonhando?): USA (Deep Vellum, WEL)
- Lemaître, Pierre, Rosy & John: Spain (Alfaguara)
- Pengelley, Nick, Ryder: American Treasure: Belgium (Dutch rights, WPG-Manteau)
- Piketty, Thomas Can We Save Europe?(Peut-on sauver l’Europe ?): The Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
- Bensoussan Georges, Jews in Arabic Countries(Juifs en pays arabes): USA (Indiana University Press, WEL)
- Coburn, Derek, Networking is not Working:Korea (Raonbook)
- Gerritsen, Esther,Craving (Dorst): Arabic (Sefsafa Publishing House)
- Piketty, Thomas, Can We Save Europe?(Peut-on sauver l’Europe?): USA (North American rights, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Portugal (LeYa)
- Silveira, Maria José, The Mother of Mothers(A mãe da mãe de sua mãe e suas filhas): USA (Open Letter Books, WEL)
- De Buysser, Pieter, The Stonecutters(De keisnijders): Czech Republic (Argo)
- Feret-Fleury, Christine, Chasing Sleeping Beauty (Au bois dormant): Korea (Nike Books)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof)
- Musso, Guillaume, Central Park: the Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea For Animals(Plaidoyer pour les animaux): Korea (Namu’s Mind/Munhakdongne)
- Chirovici, Eugen, Gods, Weapons and Money. The Puzzle of Power: Korea (Thenan Contents Group, at auction)
- Coburn, Derek, Networking is not Working: China (China Financial & Economic Publishing House)
- Hayat, Philippe, Momo of Les Halles (Momo des Halles): Germany (Thiele Verlag)
- Jackson, Sophie,A Pound of Flesh: The Netherlands (VBK Media)
- Lewis, Jason, The Expedition: Germany (Piper/Malik, 3-book deal)
- Llobregat, Jordi, Vesalius’ Secret(El Secreto de Vesalio): The Netherlands (Meridiaan, at auction)
- Norris, Dan,The 7 Day Startup: Poland (Helion)
- Peeters, Elvis, Tuesday(Dinsdag): Japan (Shoraisha)
- Robben, Jaap, Birk: Germany (Ars Vivendi)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Norway (Minuskel), Poland (Kultura Gniewu, at auction)
- Wurge, B.B., The Last Notebook of Leonardo: Turkey (Dogan Egmont)
- Cockburn, Patrick, The Jihadis Return. Isis and the New Sunni Uprising: Sweden (Celanders Forlag)
- Feret-Fleury, Christine, Chasing Sleeping Beauty(Au bois dormant): Germany (Ravensburger)
- Goldberg, Tod,Gangsterland: The Netherlands (Querido)
- Hemmerechts, Kristien, The Woman Who Fed the Dogs(De vrouw die de honden te eten gaf): Sweden (Ramus)
- Ricard, Matthieu, A Plea for Animals (Plaidoyer pour les animaux): Spain (Kairos)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Finland (WSOY, 2-book deal, at auction)
- Barcena, Juan Gomez, The Sky over Lima (El cielo de Lima): USA (US rights, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
- Causse, Jean-Gabriel, The Astonishing Power of Colors (L’Etonnant pouvoir des couleurs): The Netherlands (Kosmos, at auction)
- Cockburn, Patrick, The Jihadis Return. Isis and the New Sunni Uprising: France (Les Editions des Equateurs), The Netherlands (Amsterdam University Press)
- Freeman, John (ed), Tales of Two Cities. The Best and Worst of Times in Today’s New York: France (Actes Sud)
- Ricard, Matthieu,A Plea for Animals (Plaidoyer pour les animaux): USA (WEL, Shambhala), Germany (LangenMueller)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Denmark (Cobolt, 3-book deal), Sweden (Cobolt, 3 book deal, at auction)
- Tremblay, Larry, The Orange Grove(L’orangeraie): The Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Veiga, Jose J., The Three Trials of Manirema(A Hora dos Ruminantes) & Sombras de Reis Barbudos: The Netherlands (Athenaeum, at auction)
- Barreau, Nicolas, Paris Is Always a Good Idea(Paris ist immer eine gute Idee): USA (WEL, Saint Martin’s Press)
- Carpenter, Don, Fridays at Enrico’s: The Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
- Lafani, Florian & Renault, Gautier, Trouble[s]: Russia (Centrepolygraph)
- Ricard, Matthieu,A Plea for Animals (Plaidoyer pour les animaux): The Netherlands (Ten Have)
JULY 2014
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Lithuania (UAB Media Incognito)
- Gros, Frederic, Walking, A Philosophy(Marcher, une philosophie): Denmark (Kristeligt Dagblads Forlag)
- Hwang, Victor W. and Horowitt, Greg, The Rainforest: The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley: Vietnam (DT Books)
- Lewis, Jason, The Expedition: Taiwan (Sunflower Media, 3-book deal)
- Montasser, Thomas: A Very Special Year (Ein ganz besonderes Jahr): UK (Oneworld, WEL) –
JUNE 2014
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself & The Choose Yourself Stories: Romania (Act si Politon)
- Gros, Frederic, Walking, A Philosophy (Marcher, une philosophie): Sweden (Alhambra Forlag)
- Krohnen, Michael, The Kitchen Chronicles: Korea (Yolimwon, at auction)
- Pengelley, Nicholas, The Ayesha Ryder,book 1: Belgium (Dutch language, WPG-Manteau)
- Repila, Ivan, The Well (El nino que robo el caballo de Atila): The Netherlands (De Bezige Bij, at auction)
- Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future (L’Arabe du futur): Brazil (Intrinseca, at auction, 2-book deal), Germany (Knaus/Randomhouse, at auction), Italy (Rizzoli Lizard, at auction), Korea (Humanist, at auction), The Netherlands (De Geus, at auction), Spain (Salamandra, at auction, 3-book deal)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks Fruit): USA (NA, Tin House)
MAY 2014
- Critchley, Simon, Bowie: France (Editions La Decouverte)
- Dambre, Roxane, Animae vol. 1: USA (WEL, AmazonCrossing)
- Kader, Slimane, With a View Below the Sea (Avec vue sous la mer): Germany (Droemer-Knaur)
- Osho, Destiny, Freedom and the Soul: The Netherlands (BBNC)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.),Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Taiwan (Ye-Ren)
APRIL 2014
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Thailand (Amarin)
- Brasseur, Diane, Fidelities (Les fidélités): Brazil (Lazuli), Estonia (Eesti Raamat)
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Reader of the 6:27 (Le liseur du 6h27): Norway (Schibsted)
- Hayat, Philippe, Momo of Les Halles (Momo des Halles): Spain (Duomo Ediciones)
- Kader, Slimane, With a View Below the Sea (Avec vue sous la mer): Korea (Nike Books)
- Krohnen, Michael, The Kitchen Chronicles: Japan (Kosmos Library)
- Montes, Raphael, Perfect Days (Dias perfeitos): The Netherlands (Cargo/De Bezige Bij, pre-empt)
- Valpy, Fiona, The French for Love & The French for Always: Norway (Cappelen Damm)
MARCH 2014
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Bulgaria (Obsidian Publishers), Taiwan (Good Publishing)
- Brasseur, Diane, Fidelities (Les fidélités): Germany (DTV), Italy (Sonzogno), Poland (PWN)
- Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul, The Reader of the 6:27 (Le liseur du 6h27): UK (MacMillan UK, WEL, pre-empt), Finland (Tammi), Sweden (Norstedts, pre-empt), the Netherlands (Xander, pre-empt)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Poland (Helion, 2-book deal)
- Obama Ndesandjo, Mark, An Obama’s Journey: My Odyssey of Self-Discovery Across Three Cultures: USA (Lyons Press, WEL)
- Simon, Coen, Waiting for Happiness. A Philosophy of Desire (Wachten op geluk): Germany (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.), Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Spain (Kairos)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks Fruit): Greece (Potamos)
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Poland (MT Bizens)
- Brasseur, Diane, Fidelities (Les fidélités): Spain (Salamandra, at auction), Catalan (Edicions 62, at auction)
- Diop, Boubacar Boris, The Knight and His Shadow (Le cavalier et son ombre): USA (Michigan University Press, NA)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Estonia (Ajakirjade Kirjastus)
- Hayat, Philippe, Momo of Les Halles (Momo des Halles): Italy (Neri Pozza, at auction)
- Musso, Guillaume, 7 Years Later (7 ans après): The Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
- Singer, Tania & Ricard, Matthieu (eds.), Caring Economics: A Conversation Between the Dalai Lama, Economists, Social Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: USA (Picador/MacMillan, WEL, at auction), Germany (Knaus/Randomhouse, at auction), Korea (Munhakdongne, at auction)
- Boyd, Andrew & Mitchell, Dave (eds), Beautiful Trouble, A Toolbox for Revolution: France (Editions Les Liens Qui Libèrent)
- Hyperink, e-book rights in 10 of their titles: China (Beijing Douwang Technology)
- Osho, Mindfulness in the Modern World and Living on Your Own Terms: the Netherlands (BBNC)
- Vermalle, Caroline, Sixtine vol.1: Spain (Hachette-Bruño)
- Wolkers, Jan, Turkish Delight (Turks Fruit): Korea (Hyundae Munhak)
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Korea (Seguroo)
- Dr Kouffman Sherman, Paulette, When Mars Women Date: China (Hachette-Phoenix)
- Hyperink, e-book rights in 25 titles of their biography series: China (Citic Press)
- Maio, Juliana, City of the Sun: Serbia (Vulkan)
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Czech Republic (Synergie)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Hungary (Maxim, 2-book deal)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Korea (Dasan Books)
- Miller, J. Steve, Near Death Experiences As Evidence for the Existence of God and Heaven: Croatia (Znanje)
- Tremblay, Larry, The Orange Grove (L’orangeraie): USA (Milkweed)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Russia (Eksmo, 3-book deal)
- Gessen, Masha & Huff-Hannon, Joseph (eds.), Gay Propaganda. Russian Love Stories: The Netherlands (Dutch Media)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Brazil (Autentica)
- Lowell, Nathan, Quarter Share: Japan (Hayakawa)
- Miller, J. Steve, Near Death Experiences As Evidence for the Existence of God and Heaven: Russia (Centrepolygraph)
- Mussa, Alberto, The Master of the Left Side: Ethiopia (Ho He Publisher)
- Gros, Frederic, Walking, A Philosophy (Marcher, une philosophie): Finland (Basam Books)
- Lewis, Jason, The Expedition: China (Sunnbook Culture & Art Co. Ltd., 2-book deal)
- Geary, Debora,A Modern Witch: China (ChongQing Green Culture, 3-book deal)
- Hwang, Victor W. and Horowitt, Greg, The Rainforest: The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley: China (Economy & Business Publishing Division Beijing Huazhang Graphics & Information Co., Lt)
- Lowell, Nathan, Quarter Share: Korea (NaeAppeSeoda)
JULY 2013
- Althusser, Louis, Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences (Psychanalyse et sciences humaines): Turkey (Alfa Basim Yayim)
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Turkey (Pegasus)
- Bubenzer, Anne, The Incredible Story of Henry N. Brown (Die Unglaubliche Geschichte des Henry N. Brown): USA (Nortia, NA)
- Hwang, Victor W. and Horowitt, Greg, The Rainforest: The Secret to Building the Next Silicon Valley: Korea (EtNews)
- Lemaitre, Pierre,Rosy & John: UK (MacLehose Press, WEL)
- Ono, Yoko, Acorn: France (Flammarion)
- Wrobel, Ronaldo, Translating Hannah (Traduzindo Hannah): The Netherlands (De Geus)
JUNE 2013
- Altucher, James, Choose Yourself: Brazil (Tordesilhas/Alaúde), China (Sunnbook Culture & Art Co. Ltd.)
- Altucher, James, I Was Blind but Now I See: China (Sunnbook Culture & Art Co. Ltd.)
- Emmerik, Gerard van, The Chicken Boy (De Kippenjongen): Hungary (Taurandus)
- Sayres, Meghan, Anahita’s Woven Riddle: India (Scholastic)
MAY 2013
- Ackerman, Angela & Puglisi, Becca, The Emotion Thesaurus: Korea (Infinity Books)
- Campbell, Anna M., Honeycomb Kids: Turkey (Kuraldisi Yayinlari)
- Dr Kouffman Sherman, Paulette, When Mars Women Date: Czech Republic (Synergie), Korea (Daewon)
- Gruda, Joanna, The Boy Who Could Speak the Language of Dogs (L’enfant qui savait parler la langue des chiens): USA (Europa Editions, WEL)
- Hadot, Pierre, The Handbook of Epictetus (Manuel d’Epictete): Spain (Errata Naturae)
- Lemaitre, Pierre, Rosy & John: Italy (Mondadori)
MARCH 2013
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Korea (Greenfish Publishing, at auction, 7-book deal), Spain (Principal de los Libros)
- Althusser, Louis, Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences (Psychanalyse et sciences humaines): Argentina (Nueva Vision)
- Geary, Debora, A Modern Witch: Brazil (Novo Conceito, pre-empt for first three books)
- Gruda, Joanna, The Boy Who Could Speak the Language of Dogs (L’enfant qui savait parler la langue des chiens): The Netherlands (Cargo)
- Barreau, Nicolas, One evening in Paris (Eines Abends in Paris): USA (WEL, Saint Martin’s Press)
- De Saint-Cheron, Michael,Conversations with Emmanuel Levinas, 1992-1994 (Entretiens avec Emmanuel Levinas, 1992-1994): Turkey (Alfa Basim Yayim)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise,Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Italy (Vallardi)
- Wurge, B.B., The Last Notebook of Leonardo: Korea (Younglim Cardinal Inc)
- Rabineau, Isabelle, Double Dior. The Multiple Lives of Christian Dior (Double Dior. Les vies multiples de Christian Dior): China (Shanghai VI Horae)
- Assange, Julian, Cypherpunks: France (Editions Robert Laffont)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Brazil (LPM)
- Herder, Paul, Revolutionary Minds: Taiwan (Bright Culture)
- Japrisot, Sebastien, Three Titles: China (Hunan Literature and Arts Publishing House)
- Khara, David, The Bleiberg Project (Le projet Bleiberg): USA (WEL, Le French Book)
- Valente, Luize: The Secret of the Shrine (O Segredo do Oratorio): The Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam)
- Bullen, Daniel,The Love Lives of the Artists: Korea (Korea Price Information, Corp.)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Lithuania (Alma Littera)
- Azevedo, Francisco, Palma’s Rice (O arroz de Palma): The Netherlands (Signatuur)
- Sayres, Meghan, Anahita’s Woven Riddle: Spain (WSR – Roca Editorial)
JUNE 2012
- Dudek, Arnaud, Being Good (Rester sage): The Netherlands (Nobelman)
- Mirolla, Michael, Berlin: Latvia (Diena Publishing)
MAY 2012
- Gros, Frédéric, Walking, A Philosophy (Marcher, une philosophie): The Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
APRIL 2012
- Musso, Guillaume, Call From an Angel (L’appel de l’ange): The Netherlands (A.W. Bruna)
MARCH 2012
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): France (Fleuve Noir/Univers Poche)
- Kruse, Max, The Silver Unicorn (Das Silberne Einhorn): China (Shanghai 99)
- Stroink, Michiel: As If I’m Crazy (Of ik gek ben): Russia (Text)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Germany (Blanvalet/Randomhouse, at auction)
- Altucher, James,I Was Blind But Now I See: Taiwan (Business Weekly)
- Fokkens, Martine & Louise, Meet The Fokkens (Ouwehoeren): Finland (Minerva)
- Werth, Léon, Saint-Exupery As I Knew Him (Saint-Exupéry tel que je l’ai connu): China (Modern Press)
- Krohnen, Michael, The Kitchen Chronicles: Taiwan (Bright Culture)
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