27 Jan Our New Online Rights Catalog Has Arrived!
By Marleen Seegers — Article first published in January 2020
After last year’s upgrade of our main website, 2 Seas Agency’s brand new online rights catalog is now live
Sr Agent Chrys and I started working last summer on a revamp of our online catalog. It hadn’t changed since the launch of 2 Seas Agency back in 2011, so it was in need of a fresh look!
After crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s over the last couple of weeks, we are excited to see the result and hope you are, too.
This is what the rights catalog home page looked like before the make over:
This is the home page of our new rights catalog, which perfectly matches the theme of our main website:
You can even request more information about a specific title directly from the book presentation page. All book pages load much faster now, by the way:
The 2 Seas team invites you to explore this fresh new look and improved display of all the information you need about the titles we represent.
Go ahead click through the rights catalog‘s publisher, author and book pages, and request further information and/or PDFs for review. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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